If you choose to go to college and major in history, there is one question that will come up a lot, especially when your four years are coming to a close: “so, what are you going to do with history?… Details
We have traveled to the Southwest twice in the past year to work on an exciting project focusing on the Chican@ movement, the student martyrs and Aztlan land struggles. In May, we were… Details
Our internship program attracts talented young folks from around the Bay Area – including students from the University of San Francisco, San Francisco State University, and Mission… Details
Hello everyone, my name is Katie Hanks and I am a senior history major at University of San Francisco and an intern at the Freedom Archives. My concentration is in United States history… Details
As we move into October, we are proud to announce the debut of our Free Speech Movement (FSM) collection. Often immortalized as one of the quintessential events of the 1960s,… Details
Hi, I’m Kathryne, a student at Johns Hopkins who interned at the Freedom Archives this summer. For the past couple of months, I’ve watched documentaries, read papers, and listened to… Details
Over the weekend, we were featured on KQED’s The California Report. We’re really happy that our student internship program and two of our wonderful former interns got… Details
Hello there! My name is Guayo and I am a high school intern here at the Freedom Archives. This past week has been a very exciting week for me due to the project I have been working on!… Details