Cointelpro at the Tenth Annual Tri-Continental Film Festival

July 13, 2012 The Freedom Archives was recently invited to show Cointelpro 101 at the 10th Annual Tri-Continental Film Festival in September.… Read More

Notes on a UK Journey

July 05, 2012 Thanks to all of you who have responded to our recent fund request letter. Those of you who have not, please know that only your supportRead More

Furman University Students Visit the Archives

June 06, 2012 During the last week of May, a group of approximately ten students from Furman University visited the archives. Furman University… Read More

My Internship by Doraius Lacy

March 24, 2011 My name is Doraius Lacy and I am a senior at Metwest high school. I am also an intern at The Freedom Archives. I wanted to intern at… Read More
I learned about social movements and struggles for justice and human rights.

My Internship Experience – Javier Adame

June 09, 2010 At the Freedom Archives I experienced history from another viewpoint. I learned about the Black Panthers and how they were persecuted… Read More

Every day that I spend here helps me to demystify this history that has been kept from me

April 12, 2010 I have been coming to the Freedom Archives two to three times a week ever since I was pointed in the right direction. Over the past… Read More

A History of Poor Support for Immigrants

December 17, 2009 (This post was written by Guadalupe Cruz, a Sophomore at June Jordan School for Equity and an intern here at the Freedom Archives.)Read More

Preserving a Radical Past: Ten Years of the Freedom Archives

November 09, 2009 Our friend, Dan Berger, wrote up a great article about us for War Resisters. Check it out:
Tucked in San Francisco’s Mission District
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