Freedom Archives on KPFA

October 27, 2014 Greetings, Yesterday, the Freedom Archives was featured on KPFA’s The Sunday Show guest hosted by Julieta Kusnir. I was… Read More

Celebrating 15 Years of the Freedom Archives

October 20, 2014
Freedom Archives founders — (Left to right) Lincoln Bergman, Heber Dreher, Emiliano Echeverria, Kiilu Nyasha, Nina Serrano,
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Emory Douglas Donates Print to Support 15th Anniversary

October 13, 2014 Exciting news! Emory Douglas has donated an original print entitled Mother, Child, Peace for the Freedom Archives’ 15th… Read More

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Ronald Elder Freeman

October 10, 2014 Ronald “Elder” Freeman was a life long Freedom Fighter in the Black Liberation Struggle and Field Secretary and… Read More

Anniversary and Anarchy

October 01, 2014 My name is Katie Hanks and I am currently an intern here at the Archives. My most recent task has been diligently working on the Black… Read More

Fifty Years of Free Speech on Campus

September 29, 2014 Greetings, As we move into October, we are proud to announce the debut of our Free Speech Movement (FSM) collection. Often immortalized… Read More

All Power to the People

September 18, 2014 Six months ago we announced that a project to catalog and at least partially digitize our collection of Black Panther Party Newspapers… Read More

The Value of Unlearning

September 04, 2014 Hi, I’m Kathryne, a student at Johns Hopkins who interned at the Freedom Archives this summer. For the past couple of months, I’ve… Read More