We Will Shoot Back- Armed Resistance in the Mississippi Freedom Movement (Nov 8, 10)

October 28, 2013 Dr. Akinyele Umoja will be in the Bay Area over the weekend of November 8-10 to talk about his new book, We Will Shoot Back- Armed… Read More

Black Panther Party- Celebrating 47 Years of Struggle

October 17, 2013 October 17th begins the three day celebration of the Black Panther Party’s 47th anniversary. Held at the Arlene Francis… Read More

Radical Archivists Unite

September 27, 2013 A vibrant and enthusiastic crowd converged on 518 Valencia Wednesday evening for Shaping San Francisco’s public talk… Read More

Isabel Allende on the 40th Anniversary of the Chilean Coup

September 16, 2013 Greetings, Thanks to everyone who was able to join us last Wednesday at La Pena to commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Chilean… Read More

Chile: The Other 9/11

August 23, 2013 Since 2001, September 11th has become solely represented by the destruction of the twin towers in New York City and the beginning… Read More

Chile: the Other September 11th

August 14, 2013   Join La Pena and the Freedom Archives
Commemorate the 40th Anniversary of the Coup in Chile September 11, 7-10 pm Featuring… Read More

Updates from the Hunger Strike

July 24, 2013 Today is the 17th day of the 2013 California prison hunger strike. According to official CDCR (California Department of Corrections… Read More

Hands Off Assata: August 8th at 7PM

July 16, 2013 Please join us on Thursday August 8th at 7pm at 518 Valencia in San Francisco for a special showing of Eyes of the Rainbow.
PoetryRead More