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Basic Searching
You can always type what you’re looking for into the search bar. Certain searches may generate hundreds of results, so sometimes it will help to use quotation marks to help narrow down your results. For instance, searching for the phrase Black Liberation will generate all of our holdings that contain the words Black and Liberation, while searching for “Black Liberation” (in quotation marks) will only generate our records that have those two words next to each other.
Advanced Searching
The Freedom Archives search site also understands Boolean search logic. Click on this link for a brief tutorial on how to use Boolean search logic. Our search function also understands “fuzzy searches.” Fuzzy searches utilize the (*) and will find matches even when users misspell words or enter in only partial words for the search. For example, searching for liber* will produce results for liberation/liberate/liberates/etc.
Keyword Searches
You’ll notice that under the heading KEYWORDS, there are a number of words, phrases or names that describe content. Sometimes these are also called “tags.” Clicking on these words is essentially the same as conducting a basic search.


The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is an American civil rights organization founded in 1957. SCLC was closely associated with its first president, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and played a large role in the American Civil Rights Movement.


SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-12 SepFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: 250,000 Make History in Huge Washington March; What JFK Said About March; Dr. King's Address; photos by SCLC E.D. Wyatt Tee Walker
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-7 JunFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: SCLC Scores Victory in St. Augustine Against Klan, Violence; Photos of St. Augustine protests and assaults; 400 Years of Bigotry and Hate by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-6 MarFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: SCLC Maps Voter Drive, All-Out Assault on Alabama Segregation; Photo of CORE protest at Lucky's in San Francisco; The Past and Future: Of the Civil Rights Bill, by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-5 FebFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: SCLC Sets Up New Washington Bureau; Names Walter E. Fauntroy as Director; The Danger of a Little Progress by Dr. King; Dr. King Nominated for Nobel Prize
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-4 JanFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: Time Magazine Names Dr. King 'Man of Year'; The Negro Revolution in 1964 by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 2-3 Nov-DecFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Cover article by Dr. King re: JFK assassination - Epitaph and Challenge; Independence Comes to Africa's Kenya; Photo of Bernard Blan, first Black bus driver of Petersburg, VA; From Burned Ruins by Jackie Robinson
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 2-1 OctFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Birmingham Bombing Points Up a City with a Sick Soul
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-9 MarFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Solid Wall of Segregation Cracks at Albany by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-11 AugFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: Begin Rebuilding Bombed Churches; Expect 100,000 to Participate in March on Washington Aug. 28
SCLC Newsletter SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-10 JulFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: Birmingham