The Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) is an American civil rights organization founded in 1957. SCLC was closely associated with its first president, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and played a large role in the American Civil Rights Movement.
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-12 SepFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: 250,000 Make History in Huge Washington March; What JFK Said About March; Dr. King's Address; photos by SCLC E.D. Wyatt Tee Walker
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-7 JunFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: SCLC Scores Victory in St. Augustine Against Klan, Violence; Photos of St. Augustine protests and assaults; 400 Years of Bigotry and Hate by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-6 MarFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: SCLC Maps Voter Drive, All-Out Assault on Alabama Segregation; Photo of CORE protest at Lucky's in San Francisco; The Past and Future: Of the Civil Rights Bill, by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-5 FebFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: SCLC Sets Up New Washington Bureau; Names Walter E. Fauntroy as Director; The Danger of a Little Progress by Dr. King; Dr. King Nominated for Nobel Prize
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1964Volume Number: Vol. II-4 JanFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: Time Magazine Names Dr. King 'Man of Year'; The Negro Revolution in 1964 by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 2-3 Nov-DecFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Cover article by Dr. King re: JFK assassination - Epitaph and Challenge; Independence Comes to Africa's Kenya; Photo of Bernard Blan, first Black bus driver of Petersburg, VA; From Burned Ruins by Jackie Robinson
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 2-1 OctFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Birmingham Bombing Points Up a City with a Sick Soul
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-9 MarFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Solid Wall of Segregation Cracks at Albany by Dr. King
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-11 AugFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: Begin Rebuilding Bombed Churches; Expect 100,000 to Participate in March on Washington Aug. 28
SCLC Newsletter
Publisher: Southern Christian Leadership Conference ("SCLC"), AtlantaYear: 1963Volume Number: Vol. 1-10 JulFormat: PeriodicalCollection: SCLC
Includes: Birmingham