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Search Results

Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 9/13/1975Call Number: NI 036Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude Marks, Lincoln BergmanProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Program that is centered on the second anniversary of the coup in Chile and the fourth anniversary of the Attica prison rebellion. Chile section features actuality of Salvador Allende speech at UN, Pete Seeger on Victor Jara. Attica section features actuality of Frank Smith, William Kunstler, Amiri Baraka and several unnamed prisoners on Attica conditions, the rebellion, and the state's brutal response. Program also includes updates on repression at Wounded Knee and against the American Indian Movement, and an update on the San Quentin 6 trial. Bruce Solloway reports on Attica trials and solidarity events (including Amiri Baraka talk in Buffalo), then Claude Marks/Lincoln Bergman mix of Attica actuality. Note: Some of the Attica actuality used on Freedom Archives “Prisons on Fire” CD.
Nothing is More Precious Than Nothing is More Precious Than
Date: 10/25/1974Call Number: PM 262Format: Cass A & BProducers: KPFAProgram: Nothing is More Precious ThanCollection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
The radio show begins with a description of five bombings that recently exploded in Manhattan. To commemorate the October 30th 1950 Puerto Rican uprising, the organization of Armed Forces of Puerto Rican National Liberation (FALN) has bombed five imperialist banks. In order to get five Puerto Rican political prisoners released, the organization bombed Banko de Pons, Chemical Branch Office (Exxon building), Union Carbide Building, Leaver House, and Marine Midland Bank (Wall Street). Other related prison movement news is about Ray Ray Spark's "so called" suicide in jail. After being beaten and drugged by guards in both Folsom and Tracy prisons, Ray Ray was found hung in his Folsom jail. Because of his political affiliation (SL, BLA), Ray Ray was believed assassinated. The show ends with other prison related info and civil rights news.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 4/20/1974Call Number: CD 557Format: CDProducers: Claude Marks, Nancy Barrett, Mark Schwartz, Susan MatrossProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Updates on a number of trials, including NY 5, Tombs attempted escape, California prisons, women's section of program.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 2/7/1976Call Number: NI 099Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude Marks, with Mark Schwartz, Andres Alegra, Molly Frankel, Peggy BerryhillProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Opens with poetic refelection on huge earthquake in Guatemala, then roundup of Latin America news, Puerto Rico solodaity demonstration in San Francisco, then local demonstrations re Angola and the Phillipines. Next segments on prison ruling in Massachusetts, and San Quentin Six, and arrest of Dennis Banks and other Native American resistance developments.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 1/11/1975Call Number: NI 053Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude Marks, Nancy Barrett, Lincoln BergmanProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Detailed news stories on Vietnam situation two years after signing of Paris peace accords and other international news. Followed by trial of Bob Hood with Hood speaking, Black Liberation Army, including charges in connection with Ingleside police station attack in SF, the New York 5. Then San Quentin report with statement by prisoner Jeffrey Khatari Galton, Inez Garcia, detailed story on CIA history
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 11/6/1973Call Number: CD 889Format: CDProducers: Claude Marks, Nancy BarrettProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: Vietnam
Union of Vietnamese Report: focus on political prisoners and failures of the Saigon government. Lolita Lebron song and report on Puerto Rican independence, message from Lolita Lebron read by Nina Serrano. Puerto Rican nationalist Carlos Feliciano sentenced. Mark Schwartz report on prisoner strike at Folsom and trial of San Quentin 6, Hugo Pinell motion for dismissal of charges, Schwartz is refused permission to interview them, as he is a “freelancer.” Karl Armstrong case, pled guilty to reduced charges of second degree murder for 23 years—actuality of William Kunstler. Chicago contempt retrial. Popeye Jackson of United Prisoners Union to go to trial, report by Frances Emley. Rosemary McFadden sentenced.
Nothing is More Precious Than Nothing is More Precious Than
Date: 11/10/1973Call Number: CD 890Format: CDProducers: Claude Marks, Nancy BarrettProgram: Nothing is More Precious ThanCollection: Vietnam
Reading of SLA communiqué on assassination of Oakland School superintendent Marcus Foster. Mark Schwartz report on San Quentin 6, Black Liberation Army, the New York 5, Marilyn Buck and Rosemary McFadden, actuality of Bernice Jones speaking about the BLA—Bill Schechner on Popeye Jackson of United Prisoners Union and a police informant. Andy Truskier on Chicago conspiracy case. Ramsay Clark, Roy Wilkins call for renewed investigation of Fred Hampton/Mark Clark murders. Donald Hickerson case—ruled he could not be fired from Department of Agriculture for being gay. Protest against Casper Weinberger by Medical Committee for Human Rights. Marc Cooper in Beirut on Palestinian movement, amidst attempts by Kissinger for Mideast peace. Chile, junta attempts to gain recognition internationally, demonstration planned against junta representatives. Union of Vietnamese report. Discusses violations of the Paris peace agreement, refusal of Saigon to recognize Provisional Revolutionary government (PRG). Con Son prison island. Reading of letter from Howie Machtinger of Weather Underground explaining why he went back underground after capture in NY, then not appearing for trial.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 8/30/1975Call Number: CD 893Format: CDProducers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude Marks, with Mark Schwartz, Molly FrankelProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: Vietnam
Program celebrates Vietnamese independence, with music, poetry, interviews. Includes Ho Chi Minh speaking in English, a poem by Janice Mirikitani, a speech by Dow of the Union of Vietnamese, and comments by Donna Futterman, a recent visitor to Vietnam at the time. Also report on trial of the San Quentin 6.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 11/6/1973Call Number: NI 005 R1Format: Reel 1Producers: Claude Marks, Nancy BarrettProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Union of Vietnamese Report: focus on political prisoners and failures of the Saigon government. Lolita Lebron song and report on Puerto Rican independence, message from Lolita Lebron read by Nina Serrano. Puerto Rican nationalist Carlos Feliciano sentenced. Mark Schwartz report on prisoner strike at Folsom and trial of San Quentin 6, Hugo Pinell motion for dismissal of charges, Schwartz is refused permission to interview them, as he is a “freelancer.” Karl Armstrong case, pled guilty to reduced charges of second degree murder for 23 years—actuality of William Kunstler. Chicago contempt retrial. Popeye Jackson of United Prisoners Union to go to trial, report by Frances Emley. Rosemary McFadden sentenced.
Nothing is More Precious Than Nothing is More Precious Than
Date: 11/10/1973Call Number: NI 006Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude Marks, Nancy BarrettProgram: Nothing is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Reading of SLA communiqué on assassination of Oakland School superintendent Marcus Foster. Mark Schwartz report on San Quentin 6, Black Liberation Army, the New York 5, Marilyn Buck and Rosemary McFadden, actuality of Bernice Jones speaking about the BLA—Bill Schechner on Popeye Jackson of United Prisoners Union and a police informant. Andy Truskier on Chicago conspiracy case. Ramsay Clark, Roy Wilkins call for renewed investigation of Fred Hampton/Mark Clark murders. Donald Hickerson case—ruled he could not be fired from Department of Agriculture for being gay. Protest against Casper Weinberger by Medical Committee for Human Rights. Marc Cooper in Beirut on Palestinian movement, amidst attempts by Kissinger for Mideast peace. Chile, junta attempts to gain recognition internationally, demonstration planned against junta representatives. Union of Vietnamese report. Discusses violations of the Paris peace agreement, refusal of Saigon to recognize Provisional Revolutionary government (PRG). Con Son prison island. Reading of letter from Howie Machtinger of Weather Underground explaining why he went back underground after capture in NY, then not appearing for trial.