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Independent Collections

These collections were produced by independent journalists. Many of these recordings make up the bulk of the original collection of the Freedom Archives.



Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 4/21/1973Call Number: RD 039Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln Bergman. Claude Marks, Mary MackeyProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Program opens with Wounded Knee, Gibson Justice verdict, Dr. Howard Levy conviction overturned, Watergate “when the watergates are opened, the real criminals will fly out.” Bombings in Athens, Melina Mercouri and Jules Dassin named; Basque struggle
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 5/5/1973Call Number: RD 041Producers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude MarksProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Real Dragon celebrating Cinco de Mayo, Pinocchio spoof on Nixon and Watergate, range of international news, Indochina, Wounded Knee and related Native American news.
Chief Red Fox Remembers Chief Red Fox Remembers
Date: 7/19/1975Call Number: NI 057Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Pacifica ArchivesProgram: Nothing is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
The author of “Memoirs of Chief Red Fox” is a Sioux 101 years of age who remembers the Battle of Little Big Horn and life on the North Dakota plains. Born June 11, 1870, Chief Red Fox is a rich guide through the oral history of the Sioux nation as he speaks of his youth, his uncle Chief Crazy Horse, his father Black Eagle, and about the Sioux way of life. This interview, with Bill Schechner, was conducted in 1971, a few years before the U. S. attacks on the American Indian Movement and the people of the Pine Ridge Reservation had intensified. Chief Red Fox speaks at length about the battle of Little Big Horn, known in the U.S. history books a Custer’s Last Stand. The last twenty minutes of this tape are unbearably squeaky so it may need to be baked.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 9/23/1971Call Number: RD 005Producers: Lincoln BergmanProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Richard Oakes shot and killed by Michael Morgan. He was active in the native American Resistance whereby the "Proclamation of Alcatraz" reads that the Indians will purchase Alcatraz for $24- the same price whites paid when they bought Manhattan. A poet from Laos draws parallels between Indians in America and those in Indochina. A Vietnam resolution is yet to be approved by the Senate. North Vietnam ministry reports U.S. bombing of 11 provinces; 33, 000 Saigon troops are deserted in provinces. President Marcos of the Phillippenes imposes Martial law to save the country from a communist revolution. Israel invades Lebanon.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 10/7/1971Call Number: RD 006Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln BergmanProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
One-on-one interview with Ernesto "Che" Guevara from 1964. During the interview, Che speaks about some necessary elements for the seizure of power for revolution. He reveals that each movement depends on the people and cannot be an imitation of another movement such as the one that took place in Cuba. He uses the case of Puerto Rico as an example and also feels that in order for a revolution of the people to happen in the U.S- the considerations would be much more complex and need to take on a character of its own.
Nothing is More Precious Than (8/16/75) Nothing is More Precious Than (8/16/75)
Date: 8/16/1975Call Number: NI 077Producers: Claude Marks, Lincoln BergmanProgram: NIMPTCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Program begins with report on Joan Little's acquittal, featuring actuality of Little describing her case and its relevance to the movements of women, prisoners, and oppressed people everywhere. Reports on San Quentin 6 trial; police violence in Riverside, CA; Eldridge Cleaver's latest break with radical politics; and antiracist struggles in Boston. There is a lengthy report on the American Indian Movement occupation of the Department of the Interior in Portland to draw attention to the ongoing violence at Pine Ridge, with a recording from inside the building occupation, followed by additional reports of repression against AIM. Program ends with international news from Reports from Vietnam, Korea, Angola, and the effect of African liberation movements on Portugal society and politics (with actuality of Philip Agee comparing Portugal to Chile).
PFLP Interviews PFLP Interviews
Date: 11/1/1969Call Number: CE 400Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Interviews from members of the PFLP. Leila Khaled explains the PFLP strategy to target US imperialism by preventing tourism and weapons from entering occupied Palestine. An unidentified PFLP member talks about the differences in ideology between the PDFLP and the PFLP.
Lee Stradel and Fateh Lee Stradel and Fateh
Call Number: CE 402Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Lee Stradel is the first Western journalist to interview the leadership of Fateh. Fateh distinguishes between Jews and Zionists, and explains that British imperialists began the aggression. The force of Fateh is growing since their victory in Karama, and Fateh joined forces with other guerilla movements for Palestinian liberation. Fateh expressed their support for other liberation movements in Latin America, Cuba, Vietnam and identify as part of the worldwide struggle against imperialism.
Fateh Ideology and Interview Fateh Ideology and Interview
Call Number: CE 403Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Speech about Fateh’s strategies after the victory at the Battle of Karama. Talks about the way to move forward in the revolution after this battle, and about Israeli mentality as motivation to continue making progress. Interview with an unidentified American student who talks about Fateh’s coalitions with other guerilla movements. Fateh has specific spokespeople to talk with westerners.
Lee Stradel Interview Lee Stradel Interview
Call Number: CE 432Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Lee Stradel is the first Western journalist to interview the leadership of Fateh. Focuses on recruitment and training as well as ideology.