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Search Results

Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 1/16/1991Call Number: JH 319Format: CassetteProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Edwin de CARECEN, la Guerra y El Salvador
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 5/9/1991Call Number: JH 330BFormat: Cass BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Francisco Rico Martinez: Ideologia, Sociedad en El Salvador
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/19/1991Call Number: JH 341Format: CassetteProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Raul Guerrero Guerrero; Rosita Peñate of MASPS, is a Salvadoran solidarity group
Criticisms of Desert Storm and News from El Salvador Criticisms of Desert Storm and News from El Salvador
Date: 2/15/1991Call Number: JG/ 079AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Criticisms of CNN radio broadcast on Desert Storm. Outcry against racism against and the demonization of Arabs. Reports and announcements on antiwar activities and organizing, including vigils and protests. Analysis of real costs of Desert Storm, 1 to 2 billion dollars a day, in terms of American social services and agencies. Reading of Daniel Ellsberg's "Word of Mouth" article in 'The Nation' on the complacency of liberal congress people with the war. Holly Near's anti-Vietnam war song. Reports from 'El Salvador Online' of the arson of the opposition party newspaper's headquarters, suggesting complicity of government sponsored death squads and/or army. Also, reports of the decay of Salvadoran peace talks with nearing elections. Announcement of the Pastors for Peace caravan to Nicaragua.
La Guerra En El Golfo Persico La Guerra En El Golfo Persico
Date: 3/5/1991Call Number: CV 215Format: Cass A & BCollection: Chuy Varela Collection
Panel at Modern Times on the Persian Gulf War and Latin American perspectives. The panel is led by Argentinian economist Enrique Mario Asis and includes Edwin Rodriguez, director of the Centro para Refugiados Centroamericanos (CARECEN), Mexican author Sara Levi Calderon, and Guatemalan prfessor and novelist Arturo Arias. The panel discusses the US military-industrial complex and the impetus for war. Edwin Rodriquez discusses how war in the middle east impacts El Salvador. Levi Calderon discusses the role of the left and the mass media. Arias talks about the historical and political impact of US intervention role in undermining the regional sovereignty and the stability of Latin America.
El Salvadorian National Debate 1988 El Salvadorian National Debate 1988
Date: 1/1/1991Call Number: JG/ 124AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
An overview of the El Salvadorian National Debate of 1988, organized by the Catholic Church. 72 grassroots and social organizations joined forces to form the Committee for the National Debate, discuss peace and produce a consensus document with a socioeconomic platform to be addressed by both sides of the debate. Committee members also discuss obstacles to peace negotiations, such as the presence of armed forces, the corruption of the judicial system and the structural problems created by foreign loans.
Healthcare in Zonas de Control, El Salvador
Healthcare in Zonas de Control, El Salvador
Date: 10/5/1991Call Number: LA 203Format: Cass A & BCollection: Struggles in Latin America
Clara Mendez and translator Rene Vallez are guest speakers at a discussion in Georgia; Mendez, a nurse in the “Zonas de Control” of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMNL), discusses the challenges of providing access to health care, preventative and curative methods of care, and health education to rural communities despite government repression.