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Search Results

Soffiyah Elijah speaks about Torture and Repression against Black Liberation Veterans Soffiyah Elijah speaks about Torture and Repression against Black Liberation Veterans
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: CD 522Format: CDProducers: National Radio ProjectCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Speaking to the national Network of Grantmakers about the recent Grand Jury targeting former Black Activists, torture in New Orleans in 1973, and the lasting effects of COINTELPRO. Part 1
Soffiyah Elijah speaks about Torture and Repression against Black Liberation Veterans Soffiyah Elijah speaks about Torture and Repression against Black Liberation Veterans
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: CD 523Format: CDProducers: National Radio ProjectCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Speaking to the national Network of Grantmakers about the recent Grand Jury targeting former Black Activists, torture in New Orleans in 1973, and the lasting effects of COINTELPRO. Part 2 - Q&A
When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: V 233Format: DVDProducers: Spike LeeCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
As the world watched in horror, Hurricane Katrina hit New Orleans on August 29, 2005. Like many who watched the unfolding drama on television news, director Spike Lee was shocked not only by the scale of the disaster, but by the slow, inept and disorganized response of the emergency and recovery effort. Lee was moved to document this modern American tragedy, a morality play witnessed by people all around the world. The result is WHEN THE LEVEES BROKE: A REQUIEM IN FOUR ACTS. The film is structured in four acts, each dealing with a different aspect of the events that preceded and followed Katrina's catastrophic passage through New Orleans.
Finding Common Ground In New Orleans Finding Common Ground In New Orleans
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: V 256Format: DVDProducers: Walidah ImarishaCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Addresses the social injustice that took place during and after the Hurricane Katrina disaster through the lens of poet and activist Walidah Imarisha. Through compelling and often heart wrenching interviews with residents, survivors, activists, volunteers and officials, the landscape of a city devastated and trying to rebuild comes to light. Finding Common Ground In New Orleans interrogates the changing realities of the city, the way that the physical space and realities of New Orleans and the surrounding bayou are forever altered because of both the natural disaster and the government’s criminal negligence. This film includes exclusive footage shot in the makeshift bus station jail known as “Camp Amtrak” and interviews with officials at the jail about the city’s criminal justice system, or lack thereof. The short documentary is able, through the lens of personal accounts that speak to broader issues and concerns, to capture the pain, the loss and the hope of New Orleans.
July '64 July '64
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: V 270Format: DVDProducers: Calvin EisonCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
JULY ’64 tells the story of a historic three-day race riot that erupted in two African American neighborhoods in the northern, mid-sized city of Rochester, New York. On the night of July 24, 1964, frustration and resentment brought on by institutional racism, overcrowding, lack of job opportunity and police dog attacks exploded in racial violence that brought Rochester to its knees. Combines historic archival footage, news reports and interviews with witnesses and participants to dig deeply into the causes and effects of the historic disturbance. In the 1950s, millions of African Americans from the Deep South packed their belongings and headed north in search of a better life. The city of Rochester, New York, with a progressive social justice history and a reputation for manufacturing jobs, drew people like a magnet. Between 1950 and 1960, Rochester’s black population swelled by 300 percent. The city—dubbed “Smugtown USA” by a local journalist—groaned under the weight of unprecedented growth. City fathers ignored newcomers’ housing and education needs. The only openings for blacks at companies like Kodak and Bauch and Lomb, were “behind a broom.” On the night of July 24, 1964, what community leader and minister Franklin Florence calls the African American community’s “quiet rage” exploded into violence. What began as a routine arrest at a street dance in a predominantly black neighborhood in downtown Rochester ended with the National Guard being called to a northern city for the first time during the era of the Civil Rights Movement. The uprising, which later came to be known as the Rochester Riot, sparked a series of summertime riots in small and mid-sized northern cities. As in many of those cities, the three days of unrest and civil disobedience in Rochester provoked actions and sentiments that reverberate to this day.
What We Want, What We Believe: The Black Panther Party Library What We Want, What We Believe: The Black Panther Party Library
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: V 284Format: DVDProducers: Roz Payne, Newsreel FilmsCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
For the first time on DVD, AK Press is proud to present three acclaimed Newsreel Films on the Black Panther Party: Off the Pig; Mayday; and Repression. Formed in 1967, the Newsreel film collective was dedicated to chronicling and analyzing current events. In their time, they produced more than three dozen films throughout the US and abroad. By working directly with the Black Panthers, Newsreel was able to explore realities often ignored by traditional media outlets, while producing documents that the Panthers and other activists could use in organizing their own communities. The results speak for themselves and stand as true testimonials to the spirit of community self-defense and political savvy the Panthers are celebrated—and were targeted—for. Accompanying the Newsreel films is a massive quantity of rare and exclusive materials culled from Roz Payne's extensive collection of FBI documents, correspondence, and interviews with Black Panthers and their supporters. It's all here, the government-sponsored repression, the trials, exile, triumph, and reunion. What We Want, What We Believe is not a straight-forward documentary—the additional materials are like Roz Payne's home movies—but more like a tapestry woven from fragments of cloth. As a whole, these fragments present a rich and provocative history, straight from the mouths of Panthers, their supporters, and even the agents charged with neutralizing them. These materials—over 12 hours—are crucial to our continuing understanding of the Black Panther Party and their legacy. Any student of American History, Black Studies, Political Science & Law, Film Studies, or Civil Rights struggles will find a wealth of valuable information in the Library. This 12-hour DVD features three films on the Black Panther Party and additional footage on their history and legacy. Special bonus features: Documents from the Roz Payne Archives chronicling the movement and repression against it. Disc One: Three Newsreel Films, Interviews with Field Marshall Donald Cox, Footage from 35th Anniversary Reunion Disc Two: Interviews with Former FBI Agents discussing COINTELPRO tactics, Footage from the Wheelock Academic Conference on the BPP Disc Three: Interviews with various movement lawyers discussing Panther cases Disc Four: Interviews with Newsreel members, DVD-Rom extras from the Roz Payne Archives
Welcome to New Orleans Welcome to New Orleans
Date: 1/1/2006Call Number: CD 613Format: DVDProducers: Rasmus HolmCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
A film about violence, racism and hope. The first year after the hurricane Katrina. Malik Rahim, a 58 year old Black Panther, became a local hero in the days after the flooding and is now running a big grassroots organization.
Legacy of Torture - DVD Master Legacy of Torture - DVD Master
Date: 11/18/2006Call Number: M 030Format: DVDCollection: Materials shot and gathered for the making of “Legacy of Torture”
Events that led to the San Francisco 8 Case - Grand Jury Resistance and the legacy of the Black Panther Party.
Legacy of Torture - Audio Only Legacy of Torture - Audio Only
Date: 11/18/2006Call Number: M 031Format: CDCollection: Materials shot and gathered for the making of “Legacy of Torture”
Events that led to the San Francisco 8 Case - Grand Jury Resistance and the legacy of the Black Panther Party.
Legacy of Torture - PAL Master Legacy of Torture - PAL Master
Date: 11/18/2006Call Number: M 032Format: DVDCollection: Materials shot and gathered for the making of “Legacy of Torture”
Events that led to the San Francisco 8 Case - Grand Jury Resistance and the legacy of the Black Panther Party.