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Search Results

Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 11/19/1992Call Number: JH 387BFormat: Cass BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Intervencion en la entrevista de Laura Balverde sobre el amor
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 11/19/1992Call Number: JH 388AFormat: Cass AProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Ultima parte, el amor con Gonzalo Gonzalez, Laura Balverde; Explicaciones de las convivencias; Brigada a Cuba; Mercedes Sosa; musica africana
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 11/19/1992Call Number: JH 388BFormat: Cass BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Musica Africana
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 11/26/1992Call Number: JH 389AFormat: Cass AProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Laura Belverde; Musica Oaxaqueña; Poemas de la antologia de poesia India y comentario acerca de el Cesar Vallejo
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 11/26/1992Call Number: JH 389BFormat: Cass BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Platica acerca del cuidado a la naturaleza
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/17/1992Call Number: JH 390AFormat: Cass AProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Gonzalo Gonzalez; Catherine Murphy & Karen Wald, periodista residente en Cuba por 10 años sobre el consumismo en Cuba
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/17/1992Call Number: JH 390BFormat: Cass BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Catherine Murphy & Karen Wald, periodista residente en Cuba por 10 años sobre el consumismo en Cuba; Panama
Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War
Date: 1/10/1992Call Number: LA 050Format: Cass A & BProducers: Noelle Hanrahan (in assoc. with Gloria Alonzo), Jane Segal, J. Mullins, Bo (Rita D.) BrownProgram: You Can’t Jail the Spirit: Political Prisoners in the USCollection: Puerto Rico
Part of a thirteen part series (You Can’t Jail the Spirit). Interviews with PR PPs/POWs over prison phones and Puerto Rican Independentista activists and academics. Intro by Gloria Alonzo, Interviews by Avotcha. Recorded voices of Felix Mata, then Umberto Pagan (recorded at 1989 Grito de Lares Event in San Francisco). Interviews with Rafael Cancel Miranda, Dylcia Pagan (POW talking from prison), Jose Lopez (re: MLN today), Adolfo Matos (POW talking from Lompock Penintentiary). Music. Interview with Margarita Mengal (professor, talking on Ofensive ‘92). (duplicated on LA 070)
John Henrik Clarke on the change and challenge of history for the African person John Henrik Clarke on the change and challenge of history for the African person
Date: 2/10/1992Call Number: AFR 074Format: Cass A & BProducers: Wahat productions, New York Urban LeagueProgram: Black History Month Lecture: The Change & Challenge of History in the 20th CenturyCollection: Africa- General Resources
Lecture by Dr. John Henrik Clarke about the change and challenge of history for the African person. He speaks about how it is more difficult to understand the changes and challenges of history if we do not read the basic history of our people. History tells a people where and what they are and have been, what they still must be. He comments on how most people simply look at the history of the world as a whole, but overlook the histories of each people. He talks about the differences between men and women, blacks, and whites. Lastly, he speaks about placing black relationships on a new level based on tradition and a common history. Quote: “You don’t beg for something that belongs to you, you take back what belongs to you.”
Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War Puerto Rican Politcal Prisoners and Prisoners of War
Date: 1/10/1992Call Number: LA 067AFormat: Cass AProducers: Noel Hanrahan (in assoc. with Gloria Alonzo), Jane Segal, J. Mullins, Bo (Rita D.) BrownProgram: You Can’t Jail the Spirit #9: Political Prisoners in the USCollection: Puerto Rico
(Incomplete Duplicate of LA 050). Part of a thirteen part series (You Can’t Jail the Spirit). Interviews with PR PPs/POWs over prison phones and Puerto Rican Independentista activists and academics. (Missing LA050’s Intro by Gloria Alonzo, interviews with Felix Mata, Umberto Pagan (recorded at 1989 Grito de Lares Event in San Francisco), and Rafael Cancel Miranda). Does include interviews by Avotja with Dylcia Pagan (POW talking from prison), Jose Lopez (re: MLN today), Adolfo Matos (POW talking from Lompock Penintentiary). Music. Interview with Margarita Mengal (professor, talking on Ofensive ‘92).