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Search Results

Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle - Malcolm X Conference - Black Liberation and Social Revolution: World
Day Three (tape 2 of 2) Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle - Malcolm X Conference - Black Liberation and Social Revolution: World Day Three (tape 2 of 2)
Date: 11/3/1990Call Number: KP 131Format: CassetteProducers: Manhattan Community CollegeProgram: Radical Tradition and a Legacy of StruggleCollection: Malcolm X
“Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle,” held at Manhattan Community College in NYC with more than 100 speakers led 24 sessions during November 1-4, 1990. The conference was meant to commemorate and honor Malcolm X and his contributions, as well as see what we have to learn from him. The speakers are interested in adapting and promoting their understanding of Malcolm X’s teachings. This recording is the second tape from the third day of the conference. The focus of this panel is Black Liberation and Social Revolution: World. On this tape the speakers include: Gus John, Black Parents Movement, (London), Edwin Madunagu, Guardian Newspaper (Nigeria), Erroll McCleod, Oufields Workers Trade Union (Trinidad-Tobago), Abdul Rahman Muhammad Babu, author of African Socialism or A Socialist Africa For more information please visit the website:
Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle - Malcolm X Conference - Black Liberation and Social Revolution: U.S.A. 
Day Two (tape 1 of 2) Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle - Malcolm X Conference - Black Liberation and Social Revolution: U.S.A. Day Two (tape 1 of 2)
Date: 11/2/1990Call Number: KP 132Format: CassetteProducers: Manhattan Community CollegeProgram: Radical Tradition and a Legacy of StruggleCollection: Malcolm X
“Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle,” held at Manhattan Community College in NYC with more than 100 speakers led 24 sessions during November 1-4, 1990. The conference was meant to commemorate and honor Malcolm X and his contributions, as well as see what we have to learn from him. The speakers are interested in adapting and promoting their understanding of Malcolm X’s teachings. This recording is the first tape from the second day of the conference. The focus of this panel is Black Liberation and Social Revolution: World. On this tape the speakers include: Chokwe Lumumba, New African Peoples Organization, By Any Means Necessary Newspaper, Linda Burnham, Frontline Political Organization, Crossroards Magazine, Bill Fletcher, Freedom Road Organization, Forward Motion Journal, Nelson Peery, Communist Labor Party, Peoples Tribune Newspaper. For more information please visit the website:
Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle - Malcolm X Conference - Black Liberation and Social Revolution: U.S.A. 
Day Two (tape 2 of 2) Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle - Malcolm X Conference - Black Liberation and Social Revolution: U.S.A. Day Two (tape 2 of 2)
Date: 11/2/1990Call Number: KP 133Format: CassetteProducers: Manhattan Community CollegeProgram: Radical Tradition and a Legacy of StruggleCollection: Malcolm X
“Radical Tradition and a Legacy of Struggle,” held at Manhattan Community College in NYC with more than 100 speakers led 24 sessions during November 1-4, 1990. The conference was meant to commemorate and honor Malcolm X and his contributions, as well as see what we have to learn from him. The speakers are interested in adapting and promoting their understanding of Malcolm X’s teachings. This recording is the second tape from the second day of the conference. The focus of this panel is Black Liberation and Social Revolution: World. On this tape the speakers include: Chokwe Lumumba, New African Peoples Organization, By Any Means Necessary Newspaper, Linda Burnham, Frontline Political Organization, Crossroards Magazine, Bill Fletcher, Freedom Road Organization, Forward Motion Journal, Nelson Peery, Communist Labor Party, Peoples Tribune Newspaper. For more information please visit the website:
FMLN and Christiani regime negotiate under auspices of UN FMLN and Christiani regime negotiate under auspices of UN
Date: 4/8/1990Call Number: LA 087Format: CassetteProgram: El Salvador in FocusCollection: El Salvador
The FMLN and the Christiani government of El Salvador enter negotiations mediated directly by the secretary general of the United Nations. Interviews with FMLN political diplomat, Francisco Altchul, and Associate Professor of Latin American Studies at Agnes College in Georgia, Tommy Sue Montgomery, offer commentary on the significance of the event. It marks a major shift in the stance of the Christiani government possibly influenced by serious congressional debates threatening to significantly reduce U.S. military and financial aid to El Salvador.
El Salvador in Focus considers negotiations between the FMLN and Christiani regime El Salvador in Focus considers negotiations between the FMLN and Christiani regime
Date: 4/15/1990Call Number: LA 090AFormat: Cass AProgram: El Salvador in FocusCollection: El Salvador
The Christiani Government and the FMLN signed an initial agreement in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations. To some this is a hopeful sign of change towards democratization and the protection of human rights in El Salvador. Others are skeptical, claiming true authority resides in the military and not with Christiani. This broadcast includes an interview with Larry Burns, Executive Director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs. He doubts the military will relinquish their overwhelming control of the country or root out corruption within their ranks, regardless of treaties signed in Geneva.
El Salvador in Focus El Salvador in Focus
Date: 2/19/1990Call Number: LA 098Format: CassetteCollection: El Salvador
The government of El Salvador votes to continue a “state of siege” despite internal opposition. The state suspends constitutional rights and expands the power of the military. Unions in El Salvador call for a political solution and the integration of FMLN into a new democratic government. Meanwhile, in the U.S. opposition to U.S. military assistance and financial aid grows, perhaps catalyzed by the recent murder of 6 Jesuit priests. Bills to end aid have been introduced to Congress, one sponsored by John Kerry and Edward Kennedy. Don White, an organizer for the Los Angeles chapter of the Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), comments on the developments in Congress and on the work that CISPES is doing.
El Salvador In Focus El Salvador In Focus
Date: 3/3/1990Call Number: LA 099Format: CassetteCollection: El Salvador
This tape includes a statement from the FMLN on the recent election in Nicaragua placing the UNO party in power. Military choppers bomb civilians and refuse to prosecute the pilots. Labor movement repression worsens. CDHES, the non-governmental Human Rights Commission of El Salvador, issue its statistics on civilian deaths for 1989. Miguel Ramirez, U.S. representative of the Union of Independent Unions and Associations of El Salvador, speaks about attempts to organize under the current state of siege.
El Salvador In Focus El Salvador In Focus
Date: 3/11/1990Call Number: LA 101Format: CassetteCollection: El Salvador
Around 8000 refugees return from Honduras to El Salvador and suffer violent abuses from the military. People ask the Christiani government to intervene. Christiani introduces legislation to nullify the land reform decrees of 1980. If passed critics say this will hurt cooperatives and further consolidate land into the hands of the few. FMLN sees a positive side to the elections in Nicaragua. U.S. critics call it the victory of violence and intimidation. The report turns to Panama and the U.S. occupation post invasion, citing yet more human rights violations by the U.S. and cover up attempts.
El Salvador in Focus El Salvador in Focus
Date: 2/4/1990Call Number: LA 102Format: CassetteCollection: El Salvador
Headlines on current events in Christiani government including political dismissals, international image, UN visit, and refusal to participate in mediation with FMLN. Interview of Oscar Chacon, the Central America Program Coordinator of Oxfam America on the government’s unjustified attacks on civilian organizations labeled “fronts for the FMLN”.
El Salvador in Focus El Salvador in Focus
Date: 1/5/1990Call Number: LA 015BFormat: Cass BProgram: El Salvador in FocusCollection: El Salvador
Christiani Regime under pressure from the US admits military involvement in the execution of six Jesuit priests executed on Nov. 16th 1989. Human rights abuses continue throughout El Salvador. Interview with Larry Burns executive director of the council of Hemispheric affairs.