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Keyword Searches
You’ll notice that under the heading KEYWORDS, there are a number of words, phrases or names that describe content. Sometimes these are also called “tags.” Clicking on these words is essentially the same as conducting a basic search.

Search Results

IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1978Volume Number: No. 10 DecemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: The National Question in Azania; The Relationship between Racialism and National Oppression in Azania; The Youth in Azania; African Revolutionary Intellectuals and the Social Transformation of Africa; ZANU and the Zimbabwean Revolution; Kampuchea; more
Southern Africa- South Africa\'s Squatter Camps: Defying Apartheid Southern Africa- South Africa\'s Squatter Camps: Defying Apartheid
Publisher: Southern Africa CommitteeYear: 1978Volume Number: Vol. IX No. 7 OctoberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: South Africa
Inside this Issue: South Africa\'s Squatter Camps- Defying Apartheid; Bishop Muzorewa Goes to Washington
Southern Africa- Guns for Hire: US Mercs in Rhodesia Southern Africa- Guns for Hire: US Mercs in Rhodesia
Publisher: Southern Africa CommitteeYear: 1978Volume Number: Vol. XI No. 8 NovemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: South Africa
Inside this Issue: Guns for Hire- US Mercs in Rhodesia; Busting Arms and Oils Sanctions- Western Lifeline for white rule
"Justice" amerikkkan style in the DESSIE WOODS CASE "Justice" amerikkkan style in the DESSIE WOODS CASE
Publisher: Bay Area Dessie Woods Support CoalitionDate: 2/1978Volume Number: FebruaryFormat: MonographCollection: Dessie Woods
Defense lawyers on behalf of Dessie Woods have filed a writ of habeas corpus with the middle District Federal Court in Macon, GA. The writ of habeas corpus documents that many state and federal violations of Dessie Woods' rights, and asks the court to show cause as to why in light of these violations, Dessie Woods is still being held in prison. The writ is reprinted here in its entirety.
"American Foreign Policy: We See Africa As An Open Field For Maneuver!" "American Foreign Policy: We See Africa As An Open Field For Maneuver!"
Author: T. LockwoodPublisher: Zimbabwe NewsDate: 6/1978Volume Number: JuneFormat: ArticleCollection: Zimbabwe
Reproduction. In "National Enemies" edition
Letter from a ZANU Supporter Letter from a ZANU Supporter
Publisher: Zimbabwe SolidarityYear: 1978Format: PeriodicalCollection: Zimbabwe
Reproduction of the original. "This letter was written by a comrade who spent three weeks in Zimbabwe over Christmas (77-78). She herself is a Zimbabwean. The letter reached the desk of the ZANU representative on January 23, 1978.
The Quest for a True Humanity The Quest for a True Humanity
Publisher: Black Liberation PressDate: 1/1978Volume Number: JanuaryFormat: MonographCollection: South Africa
Contains A Tribute to Steve Biko by Sipho Buthelezi; Historical Background of the Black Peoples Convention (BPC) by Sipho Buthalezi; Black Consciouness and a Quest for a True Humanity by Steve Biko; and Projection: Future State by the BPC Programme
Salute the 2nd Consultative Conference of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania! Salute the 2nd Consultative Conference of the Pan Africanist Congress of Azania!
Publisher: Pan Africanist Congress of AzaniaYear: 1978Format: MonographCollection: South Africa
4th in the PAC in Perspective Series. This issue on the 2nd Consultative Conference of the Pan-Africanist Congress of Azania, held in Arusha, Tanzania, from June 27-July 2, 1978. Contains political report, speeches, other conference documents, and conference and other action pictures.
Africa and World News Africa and World News
Publisher: Africa and World NewsYear: 1978Volume Number: Vol. 2-40Format: PeriodicalCollection: Africa- General Resources
Cover Story: Black Solidarity Guinea. Paper contains a number of articles about topics pertaining to the African diaspora and other Third world issues.
Chilean Resistance Courier Chilean Resistance Courier
Publisher: MIRYear: 1978Volume Number: No. 10Format: PeriodicalCollection: Chile
Contents include an editorial on the reactivation of the masses and the tasks of revolutionaries, an evaluation of the Chilean political situation in 1978, a lack of unity on the left, the economy of counter-revolution, an analysis of the PDC, the emergence of "new communists", international solidarity with Nicaragua, an inteview with the FPL, El Salvador's armed struggle, an an interivew with the Venezuelan MIR, and an interview with the Interior Secretariat: Popular democracy is the only path to revolutionary victory.