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Search Results

Mao and Vietnam Mao and Vietnam
Date: 9/11/1976Call Number: FI 029Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Poems by Mao and poem by Lincoln Bergman on Mao's death. 31st anniversary of Vietnam Declaration of Independence event in San Francisco. Commemoration of Chilean fascist coup and of the Attica rebellion.
Abortion Issues Abortion Issues
Date: 11/13/1976Call Number: FI 030Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Lead story on US government actions to make abortion more difficult. Readings of statements from Susan Saxe for her trial on political bank appropriation charges.
I-Hotel and Housing Nationwide I-Hotel and Housing Nationwide
Date: 7/10/1976Call Number: FI 031Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Heber Dreher, Barbara LubinskiProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Issue of housing and tenant's rights nationwide and at the I-Hotel in San Francisco. Roundup of labor strikes nationwide. Attacks on welfare in Georgia. Mattie Shepherd speech, mother of Tyrone Guyton, young man (14 year old) killed by police in Emeryville. PSA on march to support Gary Tyler in Louisiana.
Native-American and Labor News Native-American and Labor News
Date: 10/30/1976Call Number: FI 032Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Heber Dreher. Barbara LubinskiProgram: Freedom is a Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Carter Camp, Native American leader's statement from prison - report on Leonard Peletier and Puyallup occupation. Economic & labor roundup, charges against two UE leaders - suit in Oakland by Rosalie Jones. Police brutality in Houston, Atlanta, Richmond. Rally to free Puerto Rican Nationalists held in Springfield Missouri. PSA for Palestine Night.
South Africa Update South Africa Update
Date: 12/4/1976Call Number: FI 035Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Heber Dreher, Lincoln BergmanProgram: Freedom is a Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
General update on situation in South Africa, possible invasion of Namibia, and liberation struggle in Zimbabwe. Includes information on horrific conditions for miners in the gold mines in South Africa. Interview with ZANU representative to UN.
International News and LA Jail Repression International News and LA Jail Repression
Date: 12/11/1976Call Number: FI 037Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln Bergman, Heber Dreher, Kathy StreemProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
International news from Basque struggle in Spain, South Korea protests. Then extensive interview by Kathy Streem of James "Doc" Holiday in LA jail on repression and political prisoners. Report on children with mothers in prison and the Inez Garcia appeal. Bergman recites poem by Otto Rene Castillo; Red Star Singers "Struggle"
Pre-Christmas Show - Lolita Lebron Message Pre-Christmas Show - Lolita Lebron Message
Date: 12/18/1976Call Number: FI 038Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Lolita Lebron Christmas message from prison. Story on Christmas tree lot owner in Oakland shooting at African-American kids, Ku JKlux Klan activities at Camp Pendleton and Black marine resistance, INS atatcks on undocumented workers and case of Jose Medina. Song by Lucita.
On Christmas On Christmas
Date: 12/25/1976Call Number: FI 039Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Christmas program, dedicated to people of Azania, Soweto struggle. Srike in Zimbabwe, resistance in Palestine, commentary on Christmas from different perspectives, "the biggest capitalist holiday of them all." Frederick Douglass Kirkpatrick song on rich and poor.
Native American Struggle - 4 Native American Struggle - 4
Date: 6/26/1976Call Number: FI 075Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Heber Dreher, Barbara LubinskiProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Native American movement update including Leonard Peltier fighting extradition from Canada, Joanna LeDoux refusing to testify at Grand Jury. Reports on welfare issues in San Francisco and nationally, and a walk for disarmament for social justice tear gassed in Louisiana.
American Society and Politics post Vietnam American Society and Politics post Vietnam
Date: 1/1/1976Call Number: KP 384Format: Cass A & BCollection: General materials
A Discussion about the US political climate and the 1976 elections.