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Search Results

National Guardian, an independent radical newsweekly National Guardian, an independent radical newsweekly
Publisher: Weekly Guardian Associates, Inc., NYCYear: 1967Volume Number: Vol. 19-44 Aug 5Format: PeriodicalCollection: Urban Rebellions
Includes: Black rebellion in 56 U.S. cities; Cuba: Exclusive reports; A Puerto Rican novelist [Piri Thomas] speaks of his people
NY Times Interviews Harrison Salisbury NY Times Interviews Harrison Salisbury
Date: 1/18/1967Call Number: CE 554Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: NY Times, National Education NetworkProgram: News In PersepctiveCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
A New York Times and National Education Network interview with Harrison Salisbury. Salisbury was the first American journalist to report from Hanoi, North Vietnam in 1966 after the US bombing of Vietnam. His accounts, detailing the damage of the bombing in North Vietnam, US military presence in Vietnam and the resistance of the Vietnamese people, was met with criticism by US officials, who called Salisbury’s report “careless, erratic and without meaning.”
Lyndon B Johnson at US Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention Lyndon B Johnson at US Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention
Date: 6/27/1967Call Number: CE 601Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
President Lyndon B. Johnson speech at the US Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.
NBC Broadcast: “Laos: The Forgotten War” NBC Broadcast: “Laos: The Forgotten War”
Date: 1/5/1967Call Number: CE 609Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: NBCCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Ted Yates broadcasts “Laos: The Forgotten War”. Investigation into US military training of Laotian soldiers and how Laos is central to the war in Vietnam. Exposes that $300 million of US government since 1953 has gone into funding the war in Laos.
Interviews and News Segments- June 7, 1967 Interviews and News Segments- June 7, 1967
Date: 6/7/1967Call Number: CE 616Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Tape begins with an interview with Alexi Kosygin, Russian Premier, who recently arrived in New York City to speak in front of the UN. An interview with the Egyptian ambassador follows (responses are muffled and difficult to hear.) News commentaries on how the Great Powers will respond to the Middle East Crisis. Tape concludes with President Lyndon B. Johnson speaking at a national foreign policy conference in which he summarizes American foreign policy and goals in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and specifically a focus on Vietnam and the Middle East.
News Reports (Urban Rebellions and The 1967 Middle East Crisis)
News Reports (Urban Rebellions and The 1967 Middle East Crisis)
Date: 6/12/1967Call Number: CE 618Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
The first two news reports on this reel discuss urban rebellions in Black communities in Tampa, Florida (1/4 million dollars in damage) and Cincinnati, Ohio. The reports then move to the Middle East Crisis, news from Algeria, Cairo and Jerusalem including information on Arab military losses and casualties. It is reported that the UN is unable to accurately monitor the conflict because of Israeli restrictions. Reports from the armistice line in Syria, UN moves for an emergency session, Nasser resigns and then returns to presidency, site of the Wailing Wall recaptured by Israel. More news reports from Israel, interview with General Rabin, commentary on the “misery of Egypt.” Reel and represented news reports are pro-Israel.
News Reports (Racial Warfare in US and the 1967 Middle East Crisis) News Reports (Racial Warfare in US and the 1967 Middle East Crisis)
Date: 6/12/1967Call Number: CE 619Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Reports on racial warfare in the Southern United States specifically Negroes fighting the police in Tampa and Stokely Carmichael being arrested by police in Prattsville, Alabama. From Virginia, a recent court case declares the prohibition of mixed racial marriages unconstitutional. The following topics from the Middle East Crisis are covered: Israel says it will keep some of the land its captured; Anglo-American oil interests in Cairo nationalized; Israel will negotiate with Arabs but will not give back land; captured Arab military equipment; Israeli pilots; Arab League conference; analysis of Nasser; will USSR still support the Arab world. The final segment on the reel is the USSR calling for a full scale General Assembly meeting at the UN to discuss the crisis.
UN Security Council Debate on the Restoration of Communication with UN Observers- June 9, 1967 UN Security Council Debate on the Restoration of Communication with UN Observers- June 9, 1967
Date: 6/9/1967Call Number: CE 627Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
The primary topic of debate is the need for the UN to reestablish communication with its observers on the ground. USSR and other “third-world” countries claim Israel is impeding the restoration of contact with the observers. At the end of the session the Syrian delegates reports that he has just been in contact with Syrian generals and that Israel has not halted its aggression. Following the adjournment of the council, there are reports on the events of the council. The tape also features the voice of Gamal Abdel Nasser who is offering his resignation to the Egyptian radio.
UN Security Council Debate (called at the request of Syria)
UN Security Council Debate (called at the request of Syria)
Date: 6/10/1967Call Number: CE 628Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
June 10th ceasefire violations Delegate from Bulgaria: council reconvened because of request by Soviet Union. Israel is still occupying Syria. Security Council has decided to not yet condemn Israeli aggression. Israel is lying and these are proven to be lies. Arrogance of Israel. Council is about to adjourn. 2 reports of bombings by Israeli aircraft near Damascus. Israeli troops within 40 miles of Damascus. UN observers in Syria. Hans Tabor of Denmark adjourns meeting. Bulgaria and USSR have sharp words towards Israeli delegate. Brief Break in Reel Ceasefire seems to be holding. News flashes- global fallout from conflict: Oil in America, the Pope at the Vatican, US evacuates embassy in Jordan. Vietnam; Egyptian changes in government, Moscow breaks off diplomatic relations with Israel. News from China. Syria- George Tomeh; Israel- Gideon Rafael
Julius Lester and H. Rap Brown speak on the Vietnam war and race relations in America Julius Lester and H. Rap Brown speak on the Vietnam war and race relations in America
Date: 8/29/1967Call Number: KP 532Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Black Liberation
Julius Lester and H. Rap Brown speak at an Anti - Vietnam rally. Julius Lester, the former director of the Newport Folk Festival, SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) photographer, and host of WBAI radio station, speaks about war in Vietnam. He speaks about his recent visit to Vietnam, the weapons used by the US and how they connect to the protests and riots in the US. Next, H. Rap Brown, SNCC National Director, member of the Black Panther Party, speaks about black and white race relations in America, saying that blacks have to the right to defend themselves. Side B. H. Rap Brown continues speaking about how black society suffers from an inferiority complex and are constantly in danger of being overwhelmed. Brown also speaks about the Vietnam War, how black soldiers are used to further US imperialism and used primarily on the front lines. Lastly, he speaks about American's true political motives in Indochina and the rest of the world.