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Search Results

Algo de mi Vida - Pablo Neruda Algo de mi Vida - Pablo Neruda
Date: 1/1/1991Call Number: CD 162Format: CDProducers: Alerce ProduccionesCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
1 Barrios sin luz - - 2 Maestranza de noche - - 3 Explico algunas cosas - - 4 El empalado - - 5 Lautaro - - 6 Oda a los poetas populares - - 7 Oda a la manzana - - 8 Las aves del Caribe - - 9 Américas - -
Behind the Burning Cross, Racism USA Behind the Burning Cross, Racism USA
Date: 1/1/1991Call Number: V 130Format: VHSProducers: John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, George LippmanCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
This brief history of the most notorious hate groups in the U.S. not only provides some interesting background on the Ku Klux Klan and its origins as a tool for rolling back the African-Americans' gains of the reconstruction period but also portrays its widespread activities today and its links with Nazi and nativist skinheads. Examines the violence being used by these hate groups in the 1990's to further racism, anti-semitism, gay-bashing, nativism and pushing back the womens movement. Footage of interviews with David Duke and Tom Metzger reveals their efforts to repackage hate within the bosom of so-called "All American Values." Examines the phenomenon of "white" rock'n roll and the right-wing media establishment to mobilize whites against blacks, gays, foreigners and Jews. Quickly examines the relationships between the FBI and the Klan. Also shows that many skinheads condemn the fascist skinhead movement.
Freedom Now Prison Event Freedom Now Prison Event
Date: 9/13/1991Call Number: PM 223Format: CassetteCollection: Geronimo Pratt
Note: Tape at 0331. Muhjah Shakir hosts a Freedom Now event in commemoration of the Attica Uprising, the murder of George Jackson and the 21st year of Geronimo Ji-Jaga's imprisonment. The commemorative event is related to the ongoing conditions of the U.S. prison system and includes; updates on the lawsuit in behalf of Attica prisoners tortured after the uprising by Dennis Cunningham; recording of Leonard Peltier speaking on the Attica uprising, presented by Bobby Castillo; and an update on the conditions in the Special Housing Unit in Pelican Bay Prison by Corey Weinstein.
Paul Robeson Marathon Special: Part 1 of 2 Paul Robeson Marathon Special: Part 1 of 2
Date: 2/15/1991Call Number: PR 031Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Emiliano EcheverriaProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Paul Robeson recordings
Songs and commentary link Robeson’s political activism to the struggle against the U.S. war in the Persian Gulf. Same as CD 269, Track 1,
Paul Robeson Marathon Special: Part  2 of 2 Paul Robeson Marathon Special: Part 2 of 2
Date: 2/15/1991Call Number: PR 032Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Emiliano EcheverriaProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Paul Robeson recordings
Includes Robeson songs, commentary by host, linking Robeson’s political activism to the current struggles for peace and justice. Extensive excerpts from Robeson speech on his experiences in campaigning in the deep South for the Progressive Party’s Henry Wallace candidacy in 1948. Robeson reads “Dr. Butts,” from Simple Speaks His Mind, by Langston Hughes. Same as CD 269, Track 2
Paul Robeson Show Paul Robeson Show
Date: 7/27/1991Call Number: PR 040Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Emiliano EcheverriaProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Paul Robeson recordings
Tribute to Earl Robinson one week after his death - discusses his relationship with Paul Robeson. Includes taped greeting by Robeson to “my friends in the Bay Area,” Robeson singing “Ballad For Americans “ and “Joe Hill,” written by Robinson, and Robinson singing “The House I Live In,” written by Lewis Allen. Same as CD 278, Track 1
Criticisms of Desert Storm and News from El Salvador Criticisms of Desert Storm and News from El Salvador
Date: 2/15/1991Call Number: JG/ 079AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Criticisms of CNN radio broadcast on Desert Storm. Outcry against racism against and the demonization of Arabs. Reports and announcements on antiwar activities and organizing, including vigils and protests. Analysis of real costs of Desert Storm, 1 to 2 billion dollars a day, in terms of American social services and agencies. Reading of Daniel Ellsberg's "Word of Mouth" article in 'The Nation' on the complacency of liberal congress people with the war. Holly Near's anti-Vietnam war song. Reports from 'El Salvador Online' of the arson of the opposition party newspaper's headquarters, suggesting complicity of government sponsored death squads and/or army. Also, reports of the decay of Salvadoran peace talks with nearing elections. Announcement of the Pastors for Peace caravan to Nicaragua.
Sandinista View on the Middle East Sandinista View on the Middle East
Date: 2/22/1991Call Number: JG/ 079BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Reading of a 'Barricada' International Editorial, from February 2, 1991 on the war on the Middle East. The FSLN was involved in diplomatic efforts before the outbreak of war. They call US actions a "genocide in the name of peace." They argue that the military- industrial complex is all the U.S. has going for it so it is logical that we resort to force. They question who can stop the U.S. from punishing competitors. Also from 'Barricada,' a discussion of the controversy that Sandinista officers sold missiles to El Salvador's FMLN. They argue that while the FSLN has a moral commitment to El Salvador, the sale of arms attacks political institutions.
Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. Building Communities of Resistance Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. Building Communities of Resistance
Date: 7/10/1991Call Number: JG/ 083AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Bonpane discusses a need to build communities of resistance. Speaks about the population's general acceptance of hearsay excuses to invade countries (e.g. nuclear potential) and to invade homes on the domestic front (e.g. drugs), the criminalization of poverty, support for the Gulf War, and sanctions (i.e. starvation and torture of the civilian population) against Iraq and other countries. Discusses downfalls of US foreign policy noting Nicaragua and El Salvador as examples and argues against defending an institution or a nation "as if it were an idol and can do no wrong." Calls for citizens to seek knowledge as collaborative effort in order to thwart the depression of facing these issues alone. Instead to celebrate life, community, struggle and knowledge. To use as resources the media, government, education and mass mobilization to bring about change.
Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. “It’s time to stop US aid to Israel” Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. “It’s time to stop US aid to Israel”
Date: 7/17/1991Call Number: JG/ 083BFormat: Cass BProgram: Focus on the AmericasCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Bonpane calls for need to coerce Israel to change its policy. We as US citizens must call upon our government to stop giving aid of $3.5 billion USD per year. Prominent Israeli Jews (military and nonmilitary) have also called for a stop of US aid in order to change Israeli policy. Discusses George Bush, Sr.'s crime bill that calls for secret trials, secret charges and secret evidence for non-US citizens labeled terrorists. Terrorists are defined as those giving financial assistance and support to international resistance movements including FMLN, PLO, and ANC. Material supporters would receive 10 years in prison (both US and non-US citizens). It allows youth records to be treated as adult and expands the death penalty to include Native Americans living in Indian Territories. It also permits the use of illegally seized evidence.