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Search Results

Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/7/2000Call Number: JH 625Format: CassetteProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
No info
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/21/2000Call Number: JH 626AFormat: Cass AProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Musica A. Zepeda "Brujas del Aguatierra", "mensaje" poema de Thich Nhat Hanh; "Tempestad" poema de pablo neruda; Popocatepetl/Chelis
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/21/2000Call Number: JH 626BFormat: Cass BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Poema del Popo "Viejo Lucusbi"; Musica Zapoteca; Reporte; Indigenas/CIA en latinoAmerica
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/28/2000Call Number: JH 627AFormat: Cass AProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
Musica de mujeres de latinoAmerica; machu-Pichu/Pablo neruda; Gracias/Epilogo de Jose Saramago; comunidado EZLN del 22 de diciembre
Pajaro Latino Pajaro Latino
Date: 12/28/2000Call Number: JH 627BFormat: Cass BProducers: Jorge HerreraCollection: “Pajaro Latino” Programs produced by Jorge Herrera
LatinAmerica y las bases militares de los Estados Unidos en Bolivia, Guatemala, Colombia, El Salvador
Nuh Washington Interview Nuh Washington Interview
Date: 2/24/2000Call Number: PM 203AFormat: Cass ACollection: Political Prisoners- General Info
In this interview, Nuh speaks with WBAI where we live radio station on the highly political profiled case of the New York 3. Washington passed away on 4/28/00 but not before elaborating on an on going thing he called struggle. Since spending the last 28 years in prison for being convicted of killing two New York police men along with two other brothers, errors has been discovered in the case. Although solid perjury evidence had been detected from a witness of the DA, Nuh had lost the last chance of an appeal. The errors in the case were considered serious, but not serious enough to overturn the decision. In his last recorded interview, Washington stated that “the potential of the Black Panther Party scared it’s enemies.”
Seeds of Wisdom: the Power of Truth Burnin’ Down the System Seeds of Wisdom: the Power of Truth Burnin’ Down the System
Date: 1/1/2000Call Number: CD 194Format: CDProducers: MOVECollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Seeds of Wisdom are the revolutionary youth of the MOVE Organization, ages 9 to 22, and they're coming with the profound wisdom of John Africa, MOVE's founder. Their latest work, "Power of Truth Burning Down the System" is strong, forceful, and full of uncompromising truth. 13 tracks
President Fidel Castro in Harlem President Fidel Castro in Harlem
Date: 9/8/2000Call Number: V 151Format: VHSProducers: Patrice Lumumba CoalitionCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Fidel Castro speaks at Abyssinian Baptist Church in Harlem September 8, 2000
Victory Gardens Project Victory Gardens Project
Date: 1/1/2000Call Number: V 213Format: VHSProducers: Victory Gardens ProjectCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
The Victory Gardens project is an urban community gardening and food production project which grows and distributes food to raise awareness about economic justice, ecological sustainability, and social change. The Athens. Maine project was organized by Herman Bell, a US political prisoner and two Maine farmers, Carol Dove and Michael Vernon, with the purpose of simultaneously providing healthy food and political education. Video of Herman Bell, Nuh Washington and Jalil Muntaqim is integrated into material about the project.
The Death of Ben Linder The Death of Ben Linder
Date: 1/19/2000Call Number: KP 162Format: CassetteProgram: Veteran’s Voice - KBOOCollection: Nicaragua
A Veteran for Peace discusses “The Death of Ben Linder” with its author, Joan Kruckewitt, and Elizabeth Linder (mother of Ben Linder). Ben Linder’s personal life and his work as a juggler and engineer are covered. The situation in Nicaragua and the CIA’s role in Linder’s death are also discussed.