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Search Results

Who’s Who in Asia America: The I-Hotel Tenants (EH) Who’s Who in Asia America: The I-Hotel Tenants (EH)
Date: 8/13/1978Call Number: CD 442Format: CDProducers: KFRCProgram: Who’s Who in Asia AmericaCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Edited radio retrospective of the 1977 International Hotel Eviction in San Francisco. Three former tenants, Fred Dela Cruz, Mary Lai, and Mr. Yip reflect on their eviction night experiences and speak of their continuing affordable housing struggle, now in its 10th year. Ends with a male, accompanied by music, reading a poem about the I-Hotel Eviction.
The Manilatown Series (CC) The Manilatown Series (CC)
Call Number: IH 035Format: DVDProducers: Chonk MoonhunterCollection: The International Hotel struggle and the Filipino community
A compilation of documentary vignettes of life and history of the I-Hotel spanning from 1972 to 2003. Titles in the compilation are: "Tino's Barbershop Quartet in Action" (1972); "Manongs" (1979); "Manilatown Lives!" (1985); "The Rise of the I-Hotel" (2003). DVD format.
I Hotel 2nd edit 30 files (ED) I Hotel 2nd edit 30 files (ED)
Call Number: IH 032Format: CDCollection: The International Hotel struggle and the Filipino community
Thirty digitized photograph files in jpg format of photographs taken during and after the August 4, 1977 eviction of the tenants of the International Hotel. CD format.
SF [San Francisco] City Hall Protest Hearing Rev. Cecil Williams Legislative Chambers (ED) SF [San Francisco] City Hall Protest Hearing Rev. Cecil Williams Legislative Chambers (ED)
Call Number: IH 033Format: CDCollection: The International Hotel struggle and the Filipino community
Twenty-one digitized photograph files in jpg format of photographs taken during a San Francisco City Hall protest concerning the I-Hotel eviction. Photographs include the Reverend Cecil Williams speaking at a hearing held in the legislative chambers. Photographs taken during the late 1970s. CD format.
Rise of the I-Hotel (CC) Rise of the I-Hotel (CC)
Call Number: IH 039Format: DVDProducers: Malaya productionsCollection: The International Hotel struggle and the Filipino community
The short documentary chronicles the struggle to rebuild the New International Senior Housing complex. It documents several series of new footage since the eviction of 1970s, filling in the gap where Curtis Choy's Fall of the I-Hotel ended.
Bruce Occena Interview [part 2] Bruce Occena Interview [part 2]
Call Number: IH 026Format: CassetteCollection: The International Hotel struggle and the Filipino community
Continuation of an informal discussion between Estella Habal and Bruce Occena. They talk about the political climate and its influence on the I-Hotel struggle. At first, the students helping the I-Hotel were not "more left" than other members in the community. When the KDP joined the struggle, the organization began being looked at as anti-capitalist. Attracting the attention of other progressive young people, the political meaning rose to a revolutionary level. The political climate at that time was described as "urban populism". With a mixture of urban decay, white flight, civil rights movements, and 3rd world movements created a revolutionary consciousness for people of color in urban areas
International Hotel KPFA Broadcast (EH) International Hotel KPFA Broadcast (EH)
April 1977 pre-eviction broadcast of the International Hotel struggle (KPFA). Program contains narration, music, interviews and recorded speeches with detailed chronological account of the events leading to the eviction. Discusses the involvement of the Milton Meyer Company, Walter Shorenstein, Sheriff Richard Hongisto, Mayor George Moscone, The Four Seas Investment Corporation, and Judge Ira Brown. Audio documentation of tenants Emil de Guzman, Nita Rader, Wahat Tampao, Felix Ayson, and city officials Moscone and Hongisto. Topics of the affordable housing struggle are explained, such as the "Buy-Back" plan that was proposed to the tenants, the Power of Eminent Domain to prevent eviction, Hongisto's contempt of court, and the progressive community joining to created a human barricade around the building. Program ends asking listeners to support the struggle of the I-Hotel tenants. Discusses the affordable housing struggle, the "Buy-Back" plan that was proposed to the tenants, how the power of Eminent Domain was used for the first time to try and prevent an eviction, Hongisto's contempt of court, and how the greater progressive community joined by the thousands to support the tenants by creating human chains around the building. Program ends asking listeners to support the struggle of the I-Hotel tenants. On the night of the 1977 International Hotel eviction, a reporter following Sheriff Richard Hongisto made recordings documenting the breaking down of doors. As a sledgehammer is used to break doors down, the reporter comments on the sheriff's refusal to warn tenants to vacate their rooms. Field recording includes verbal exchanges between the sheriff, the reporter, and Estella Habal.
Art Sato Jazz International Hotel Announcement EH Week (EH), Manilatown Heritage: Ben, Fred, Estella Habal. 1930s-1940s, and Who’s Who in Asia America: The I-Hotel Tenants (EH). Art Sato Jazz International Hotel Announcement EH Week (EH), Manilatown Heritage: Ben, Fred, Estella Habal. 1930s-1940s, and Who’s Who in Asia America: The I-Hotel Tenants (EH).
Call Number: CD 496Format: CDProducers: UnknownCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
A recording of Estella Habal's radio announcement of events that commemorate the 20th anniversary celebration. As she commemorates the 1977 International Hotel eviction, Estella Habal provides historical background of the International Hotel eviction. Panel discussion on issues pertaining to Manilatown and the Filipino Community during the 1977 International Hotel Eviction. As Emil deGuzman moderates the Manilatown Heritage Foundation, Estella Habal, and Manilatown residents Fred Basconcillio & Ben Abarca speak. Ben Abarca explains I Hotel's 10-block Kearny Street area and past lives of the many family oriented Filipinos living in the district (1930s to present). Next, Fred Basconcillio explains his childhood as being the son of the New Luneta Café owner. Living amongst severe discrimination, Fred witnessed the exploitation of runaway farm workers. Abarca adds that he witnessed a Filipino lynching incident in San Francisco that was a result of a Filipino man dating a white woman. In result of discrimination, Filipinos got involved in creating the Agricultural Workers Union of America (Larry Itliong) . Next, Estella Habal explains the I-Hotel Eviction era's youth and compares them to past and present generations. For the first generation Manongs it was a crime to be Filipino, the second generation was extremely conservative, the third generation was radical and today's fourth generation is still looking for their identity. Fred Basconcillio ends with recalling personal discrimination in the Ironworkers Union. Eventually, he became the first Filipino President of the Ironworkers Union. Edited radio retrospective of the 1977 International Hotel Eviction in San Francisco. Three former tenants, Fred Dela Cruz, Mary Lai, and Mr. Yip reflect on their eviction night experiences and speak of their continuing affordable housing struggle, now in its 10th year. Ends with a male, accompanied by music, reading a poem about the I-Hotel Eviction.
I-Hotel Commemoration [at] CHS-SF [cosponsored by Chinese Historical Society and Manilatown Heritage Foundation] (EH) I-Hotel Commemoration [at] CHS-SF [cosponsored by Chinese Historical Society and Manilatown Heritage Foundation] (EH)
Date: 7/18/1997Call Number: CD 498Format: Cass A & BCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Recording of a symposium of the following speakers Etta Chung, Estella Habal, and Harvey Dong (40 min of speakers; 50 min of open discussion). Speakers delve into the basic struggle formed from the I-Hotel: private property over human rights. The struggle was to prove that dignity and decency takes higher precedence. The Vietnam War, Anti-colonial struggle, and the strong movement to search for one's identity were touched upon as influences for the large community support. The open discussion has several comments from the audience about the I-Hotel's legacy, as a true story that has changed reality, merged generations to fight for one cause, and the need to push this information into schools for the youth to know of the events in history from their own communities.
I-Hotel Commemoration [at] CHS-SF [cosponsored by Chinese Historical Society and Manilatown Heritage Foundation] (EH), Estella one (EH), WILD 94.9 Aug.03 1997 EH [Estella Habal] interview IH week (EH), I-Hotel Commemoration [at] CHS-SF [cosponsored by Chinese Historical Society and Manilatown Heritage Foundation] (EH), Estella one (EH), WILD 94.9 Aug.03 1997 EH [Estella Habal] interview IH week (EH),
Date: 7/18/1997Call Number: CD 499Format: Cass A & BCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Recording of a symposium of the following speakers Etta Chung, Estella Habal, and Harvey Dong (40 min of speakers; 50 min of open discussion). Speakers delve into the basic struggle formed from the I-Hotel: private property over human rights. The struggle was to prove that dignity and decency takes higher precedence. The Vietnam War, Anti-colonial struggle, and the strong movement to search for one's identity were touched upon as influences for the large community support. The open discussion has several comments from the audience about the I-Hotel's legacy, as a true story that has changed reality, merged generations to fight for one cause, and the need to push this information into schools for the youth to know of the events in history from their own communities. Recording of a KNBR radiobroadcast interview of Estella Habal, then vice president of the Manilatown Heritage foundation, and Linda Wang, then chair of the International Hotel Citizens Advisory Committee and president of the Kearny Street Housing Corporation. Radio host Kimmy Park Lai interviews both Estella and Linda Wang on past and present issues relating to the International Hotel. Emphasized in the interview are the experiences of Estella during the night of the eviction, the effect the International Hotel incident had on issues such as low income housing or housing for the elderly, community versus private development and the change of views on urban planning from the 1970s to the late 1990s. Both Estella and Linda also discuss the development plans of the I-Hotel site such as the inclusion Manilatown museum and cultural center, the low income housing units for the elderly and an elementary school. Estella also announces the upcoming events for that week as part of the 20th commemoration of the International Hotel eviction. Side B of tape has no recording.