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Search Results

War in Vietnam programs War in Vietnam programs
Date: 1/1/1970Call Number: CD 154Format: MP3 CDProducers: PacificaCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Anti-war movement broadcasts; testimony about US war crimes; GI testimony - programs largely from WBAI in 1970-1971. Includes Winter Soldier Investigation in Detroit, Dewey Canyon III & Mayday Demonstrations in Washington, DC.
Beyond the Dream: MLK and the Anti-War Movement Beyond the Dream: MLK and the Anti-War Movement
Date: 1/8/2003Call Number: CD 157Format: CDProducers: National Radio ProjectProgram: Making ContactCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
An exploration of Martin Luther King, Jr and the evolution of his politics against the war in Vietnam.
BBC on Weathermen BBC on Weathermen
Call Number: CD 175Format: DVDProducers: BBCCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
A BBC documentary on the Weathermen. Actually fairly balanced given the American media frensy during this era. Good interviews with Linda Evans, Bernardine Dohrn, Jennifer Dohrn & Jonah Raskin. This is a DVD!
The Gulf War and El Salvador The Gulf War and El Salvador
Call Number: JG/ 076Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
January 1991. News on the outbreak of the Gulf War on January 16, 1991 and El Salvador. Report on the trials against FMLN generals who executed American pilots. President Bush released $42.5 million in aide to El Salvador despite protests of the FMLN. 'El Salvador Online' (January 28) reported a brutal army massacre of 15 people in El Zapote. Report on the upcoming March 10 Salvadoran presidential election: 10 registered parties including a "Democratic Opposition" coalition. The ruling Salvadoran ARENA party supports the U.S. war effort but sees bad economic consequences. The FMLN, Salvadoran peasants and labor groups protest the war. The President of El Salvador sent food to the Persian Gulf while 500 peasants marched the U.S. embassy protesting that while the U.S. is waging a "war on humanity" Salvadorans are starving. The Salvadoran Catholic church is concerned about the diversion of American attention to the Gulf and the adverse impact it may have upon insurgency/government negotiations. Report on antiwar protests in the United States.
Criticisms of Desert Storm and News from El Salvador Criticisms of Desert Storm and News from El Salvador
Date: 2/15/1991Call Number: JG/ 079AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Criticisms of CNN radio broadcast on Desert Storm. Outcry against racism against and the demonization of Arabs. Reports and announcements on antiwar activities and organizing, including vigils and protests. Analysis of real costs of Desert Storm, 1 to 2 billion dollars a day, in terms of American social services and agencies. Reading of Daniel Ellsberg's "Word of Mouth" article in 'The Nation' on the complacency of liberal congress people with the war. Holly Near's anti-Vietnam war song. Reports from 'El Salvador Online' of the arson of the opposition party newspaper's headquarters, suggesting complicity of government sponsored death squads and/or army. Also, reports of the decay of Salvadoran peace talks with nearing elections. Announcement of the Pastors for Peace caravan to Nicaragua.
Sandinista View on the Middle East Sandinista View on the Middle East
Date: 2/22/1991Call Number: JG/ 079BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Reading of a 'Barricada' International Editorial, from February 2, 1991 on the war on the Middle East. The FSLN was involved in diplomatic efforts before the outbreak of war. They call US actions a "genocide in the name of peace." They argue that the military- industrial complex is all the U.S. has going for it so it is logical that we resort to force. They question who can stop the U.S. from punishing competitors. Also from 'Barricada,' a discussion of the controversy that Sandinista officers sold missiles to El Salvador's FMLN. They argue that while the FSLN has a moral commitment to El Salvador, the sale of arms attacks political institutions.
Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. Interview with Michael Job on recent trip to Iraq. Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. Interview with Michael Job on recent trip to Iraq.
Call Number: JG/ 081BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Michael Job who served as the Chair of the Veteran's Peace Action Teams and is a Vietnam combat veteran discusses reason behind military action in Iraq. Job and Bonpane discuss the conflicting and confusing multitude of reasons for war with Iraq given by President George Bush (Sr.). They discuss the contradictions and hypocrisy in Bush's arguments, call for more critical thinking by citizens and military personnel. Discuss the similarities between a draft and indentured servitude (slavery), the class issues involved in the war, and the exploitation of the poor by military recruiters. They put the military buildup in the Middle East in perspective by linking it to Regan's Iran Contra affair and attacks on Nicaragua. Call for equality in treatment of countries - foreign military response to US invasion of Panama and Israeli invasion of Syria. They reject double standards and liken Bush's action to starting a global conflict.
The Weather Underground: the Explosive Story of America’s Most Notorious Revolutionaries The Weather Underground: the Explosive Story of America’s Most Notorious Revolutionaries
Date: 7/1/2004Call Number: CD 192Format: DVDProducers: Sam Green, Bill SiegelCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
The Weather Underground is a feature-length documentary that explores the rise and fall of this radical movement, as former members speak candidly about the idealistic passion that drove them to "bring the war home" and the trajectory that placed them on the FBI's most wanted list. Thirty years ago, with those words, a group of young American radicals announced their intention to overthrow the U.S. government. In THE WEATHER UNDERGROUND, former Underground members, including Bernardine Dohrn, Bill Ayers, Mark Rudd, David Gilbert and Brian Flanagan, speak publicly about the idealistic passion that drove them to "bring the war home" and the trajectory that placed them on the FBI's most wanted list. Fueled by outrage over racism and the Vietnam War, the Weather Underground waged a low-level war against the U.S. government through much of the 1970s--bombing targets across the country that they considered emblematic of the real violence that the U.S. was wreaking throughout the world. Ultimately, the group's carefully organized clandestine network managed to successfully evade one of the largest manhunts in FBI history, yet the group's members would reemerge to life in a country that was dramatically different than the one they had hoped their efforts would inspire. Extensive archival material, including, photographs, film footage and FBI documents are interwoven with modern-day interviews to trace the group's path, from its pitched battles with police on Chicago's streets, to its bombing of the U.S. Capitol, to its successful endeavor breaking acid-guru Timothy Leary out of prison. The film explores the Weathermen in the context of other social movements of the time and features interviews with former members of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Black Panthers. It also examines the U.S. government's suppression of dissent in the 1960s and 1970s. Looking back at their years underground, the former members paint a compelling portrait of troubled times, revolutionary times, and the forces that drove their resistance.
The Fourth World War The Fourth World War
Date: 1/1/2004Call Number: CD 302Format: DVDProducers: Big Noise FilmsCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
From the front-lines of conflicts in Mexico, Argentina, South Africa, Palestine, Korea, 'the North' from Seattle to Genova, and the 'War on Terror' in New York, Afghanistan, and Iraq. It is the story of men and women around the world who resist being annihilated in this war. While our airwaves are crowded with talk of a new world war, narrated by generals and filmed from the noses of bombs, the human story of this global conflict remains untold. "The Fourth World War" brings together the images and voices of the war on the ground. It is a story of a war without end and of those who resist. The product of over two years of filming on the inside of movements on five continents, "The Fourth World War" is a film that would have been unimaginable at any other moment in history. Directed by the makers of "This Is What Democracy Looks Like" and "Zapatista", produced through a global network of independent media and activist groups, it is a truly global film from our global movement.
Corky Gonzales Speeches Corky Gonzales Speeches
TRACK 1 3/16/1968 Location unknown (579 - 4 of 14) recorded at 1 7/8 ips, ¼ track mono, 17:38 - quality fair. TRACK 2 11/5/1967 Miramar Hotel, Santa Monica (310 - 2 of 2) recorded at 1 7/8 ips, ¼ track mono, 27:10 - quality poor, tape is highly deteriorated showing signs of print through, emulsion decomposition and shedding. Sound gap is due to major portions that are un-intelligible due to missing or partial emulsion. TRACK 3 6/19/1968 Poor People's March on Washington (CBS Commentary and likely originator) (513 - 1 of 1) recorded at 3 ¾ ips, ¼ track mono, 4:35 - quality good. TRACK 4 10/15/1967 East Los Angeles College Stadium "End the War - End the Draft" (303 - 2 of 3) recorded at 3 ¾ ips, ¼ track mono, 24:16 - quality good.