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Search Results

Dean Rusk on Cease Fire in Viet Nam Dean Rusk on Cease Fire in Viet Nam
Call Number: CE 596Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Dean Rusk speaks on halting the bombing of Vietnam. Answers questions at a press conference on the implementation of a cease fire order and future talks between the US and South Vietnam.
US News Reports: Battles in Viet Nam US News Reports: Battles in Viet Nam
Call Number: CE 597Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
News reports record battles in Vietnam. Reports on napalm dropped on US soldiers, the murder of an 18 year old Vietnamese man, attacks on US soldiers, and interviews of injured soldiers.
Original: Re-education Camps in Vietnam. Interview with Prisoner of War Pierre Schoendoerffer. Original: Re-education Camps in Vietnam. Interview with Prisoner of War Pierre Schoendoerffer.
Call Number: CE 598Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Complete raw footage from interview with cameraman Pierre Schoendoerffer who was captured by the Viet Minh on March 18, 1954 in Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam. He was held prisoner in an “indoctrination” or “re-education” camp for four months where he underwent daily lectures meant to teach French prisoners how the war negatively affects both Vietnam and France. No one was killed in the camp but treatment to the soldiers depended on their reception to the “indoctrination.”
Excerpt: Viet Nam War Will Lead to World War III Excerpt: Viet Nam War Will Lead to World War III
Call Number: CE 599Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
1967 speech speculating that the continuation of US presence in Viet Nam will lead to World War III.
US Dissent Against Viet Nam War US Dissent Against Viet Nam War
Call Number: CE 600Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
The prosecution of 24 year old Malcolm Douglas, Oakland resident who was sentenced to 18 months in prison for refusing to report to the US Army.
Lyndon B Johnson at US Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention Lyndon B Johnson at US Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention
Date: 6/27/1967Call Number: CE 601Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
President Lyndon B. Johnson speech at the US Junior Chamber of Commerce Convention in Baltimore, Maryland.
US Atrocities in Viet Nam US Atrocities in Viet Nam
Call Number: CE 602Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
1. Talk show interviews US soldier on electrical shock torture of Vietnamese used as a method of interrogation. The soldier “beat people senseless” in order to receive information. 2. NBC and CBS news reports on US rockets destroy Vietnamese villages, capturing and imprisoning of Vietnamese soldiers, murder of children, destruction of rice fields and Vietnamese homes.
Nguyen Cao Ky Speech Nguyen Cao Ky Speech
Call Number: CE 603Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Nguyen Cao Ky, chief of the Vietnamese air force, speaks after Guam conference in 1967.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 1/25/1975Call Number: NI 055Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Show dedicated to the anniversary of the Paris Peace Agreements. Connecting it to the struggles of Vietnam, Amilcar Cabral, and his success in helping Guinea Bissau gain its sovereignty. Show closes off with updates on Latin America focusing on Cuba and Puerto Rico.
Julius Lester and H. Rap Brown speak on the Vietnam war and race relations in America Julius Lester and H. Rap Brown speak on the Vietnam war and race relations in America
Date: 8/29/1967Call Number: KP 532Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Black Liberation
Julius Lester and H. Rap Brown speak at an Anti - Vietnam rally. Julius Lester, the former director of the Newport Folk Festival, SNCC (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee) photographer, and host of WBAI radio station, speaks about war in Vietnam. He speaks about his recent visit to Vietnam, the weapons used by the US and how they connect to the protests and riots in the US. Next, H. Rap Brown, SNCC National Director, member of the Black Panther Party, speaks about black and white race relations in America, saying that blacks have to the right to defend themselves. Side B. H. Rap Brown continues speaking about how black society suffers from an inferiority complex and are constantly in danger of being overwhelmed. Brown also speaks about the Vietnam War, how black soldiers are used to further US imperialism and used primarily on the front lines. Lastly, he speaks about American's true political motives in Indochina and the rest of the world.