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Search Results

Health Care, Police Brutality, Karen Silkwood Health Care, Police Brutality, Karen Silkwood
Date: 5/5/1979Call Number: FI 107Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Picket line actuality of 1600 lowest-paid hospital workers on strike in East Bay with SEIU. Crisis in health care system in Detroit and New York City. Case of Terrence Johnson, Black youth who defended himself against two policemen who were beating him. Report on anti-nuclear protest and report on suit by Karen Silkwood's family.
Zimbabwe and Love Canal Zimbabwe and Love Canal
Date: 9/29/1979Call Number: FI 108Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara LubinskiProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Vulnerability of ruling class commentary by representative of Zimbabwe African National Union on US and British efforts to divide revolutionary forces. Section on pollution with detail on Love Canal from Workers World newspaper.
Child Abuse and Prison Consitions Child Abuse and Prison Consitions
Date: 1/6/1979Call Number: FI 109Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara LubinskiProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Hearings on treatment of children in institutions, foster children, child abuse prevention. Court case in Texas on horrific prison conditions and treatment, detailed, excellent report including about a multiracial prisoner's strike bloodily repressed and a class action suit by prisoners.
From Iran to Greensboro From Iran to Greensboro
Date: 11/10/1979Call Number: FI 110Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Rise of anti-Iranian racism with reports on Iranian students in LA march for extradition of the Shah, with racist spectator comment, and anti-Iranian demonstrators in Houston. Opposing demonstrations in Washington, DC. Roundup of rising Klan activity. including Greensboro, NC assassination of five anti-Klan demonstrators with moving detailed phone interview.
International Roundup International Roundup
Date: 6/16/1979Call Number: FI 113Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Heber Dreher, Barbara LubinskiProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Soweto anniversary, Nicaragua: major Sandinista offensive and general strike; Zimbabwe solidarity rally in San Francisco, detailed information on situation in southern Africa.
Eritrea Report Eritrea Report
Date: 6/2/1979Call Number: FI 115Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Rally in San Francisco on the Weber case on affirmative action; report on Eritrean struggle with Dan Connell, journalist who has covered the liberation movement.
Benefit Concert for Yvonne Wanrow Benefit Concert for Yvonne Wanrow
Date: 1/1/1979Call Number: KP 477AFormat: Cass ACollection: General materials
Introduction given by Wanrow. Singer-Songwriters, Holly Near and Cris Williamson, play an extensive set of politically charged songs. Concert interspersed with comments. Benefit for Wanrow's appeal in 1979.
Raiz Viva : Los Folkloristas Raiz Viva : Los Folkloristas
Date: 1/1/1979Call Number: Vin 059Format: VinylProducers: Discos PuebloCollection: General materials
Composed of 7 members, this folklore group uses traditional pre-Colombian central and south American instruments in an effort to keep alive their native cultures. Lyrics in some songs talk about unjust social reality of Latin America.
Vamos Haciendo La Historia: Grupo Pancasan Vamos Haciendo La Historia: Grupo Pancasan
Date: 1/1/1979Call Number: Vin 060Format: VinylProducers: EnigracCollection: General materials
Revolutionary songs for the Nicaraguan revolution in the 1970's. Theme include martyrs and heroes of the revolution, social injustice and liberation of the people. The artists talk about the power of song in Nicaragua's revolution and how a song can educate the young on the past.
El Derecho de Vivir en Paz Volume 2: Victor Jara El Derecho de Vivir en Paz Volume 2: Victor Jara
Date: 1/1/1979Call Number: Vin 093Format: VinylProducers: Monitor RecordsCollection: General materials
Victor Jara's most famous album, known for its strong anti-imperialist convictions and its rejection of United States backed Latin American governments. The songs talk about injustices perpetrated on the working class, the need for revolution throughout South America, racism, and the right to peace.