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Search Results

AIDS Definition Protest in Atlanta AIDS Definition Protest in Atlanta
Date: 12/3/1990Call Number: JG/ 111AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberProgram: Pacifica NewsCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
The final segment in a world news radio show - Women protested outside of the CDC to change the definition of AIDS as the now outdated one excluded many women from technically being able to receive aid such as social security.
Judy Gerber's Report on El Salvador Judy Gerber's Report on El Salvador
Date: 3/29/1992Call Number: JG/ 112Format: Cass A & BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: slide show presentationCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Audio recording of a slide show presentation. Gerber describes the country two months after the Feb. 1st cease-fire, particularly in terms of women's conditions and rights. Issues of health care, land ownership, sexual and domestic abuse, single female heads of households, illiteracy, and women-as-property are addressed amid discussion of El Salvador's path to reconstruction.
Operation Rescue Operation Rescue
Date: 1/1/1992Call Number: JG/ 113Format: Cass A & BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
This radio show discusses Operation Rescue and other antiabortion movements that utilize sometimes violent intimidation and harassment of abortion clinic workers and women coming into the clinics. It analyzes the shifting the argument focus from preserving the rights and well being of the woman to a moral issue of murdering a fetus. Includes interviews with religious activists who previously had abortions and concludes that the movement is really a way for white males to regain control over women.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 4/20/1974Call Number: CD 557Format: CDProducers: Claude Marks, Nancy Barrett, Mark Schwartz, Susan MatrossProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Updates on a number of trials, including NY 5, Tombs attempted escape, California prisons, women's section of program.
Women Political Prisoners Panel Women Political Prisoners Panel
Call Number: PM 275Format: Cass A & BCollection: Political Prisoners- General Info
A panel features several women who served time as political prisoners. Main issues discussed include Puerto Rican political prisoners and the effect prison has on families as the women share their experiences. Speakers include a former member of the Weather Underground arrested for planning to bomb the offices of California State Senator John Briggs.
Sparks Fly & Women Political Prisoners Sparks Fly & Women Political Prisoners
Date: 1/1/1111Call Number: PM 281Format: Cass A & BProducers: Prison Activist Resource CenterProgram: On the OutsideCollection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
Features a taped segment of Sparks Fly, an event to raise awareness about women political prisoners. Also includes interviews with an attorney for Norma Jean Croy, with Corcoran prisoner Ezra Davis on medical neglect, and with Jose Lopez of the National Committee to Free Puerto Rican POWs.
Not in Our Name Not in Our Name
Call Number: KP 272AFormat: Cass AProducers: Susan RivoCollection: Palestine
Partial air check of program about Jewish women expressing support for Palestine and the Intifada. Includes interviews with Miranda Bergman, Marsha Friedman, Penny Rosenwasser, Naomi Seidman, Barbara Lubin and Bracha Serri. Hosted by Susan Rivo.
Legal Services for Prisoners with Children Rally Legal Services for Prisoners with Children Rally
Date: 5/9/1997Call Number: PM 287Format: Cass A & BCollection: Prisons - Women
Rally held by Legal Services for Prisoners with Children consisting of speeches by prisoners and prison activists concerning women in prison.
Global Climate Change Global Climate Change
Date: 10/1/1988Call Number: KP 273Format: Cass A & BProducers: KPFACollection: Eco-justice
Live debate with Climate experts, Dr. Peter Glick of The Pacific Institute for Development Environment and Security and Dr. Ken Watt of U.C. Davis. Brief interview with Appolo Astonaught Russel L. Schweickart and lengthy interview with Biologist Dr. Lynn Margulis who codeveloped of modern version of Gaia Hypothesis.
James Baldwin on Angela Davis James Baldwin on Angela Davis
Call Number: CD 582Format: CDProgram: Pacific of Program ServicesCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Interview with James Baldwin on the issues surrounding Angela Davis' case. Baldwin explains Europeans' views on this case and the connection between the Civil Rights Movement to the larger international human struggle against colonialism. He shares his own opinions on America and its relationship to the world. The interview ends with Baldwin reading "An Open Letter to My Sister, Angela Y. Davis."