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Search Results

(Students for a Democratic Society, The Weather Underground, and Black Panther Party) - (WUO/Celebrities Against Vietnam War) - (Anti-Vietnam War Protests) - (International Efforts to end Vietnam War/Occupation of Wounded Knee/PFLP Hijackings/Puerto Rican Nationalist Party) (Students for a Democratic Society, The Weather Underground, and Black Panther Party) - (WUO/Celebrities Against Vietnam War) - (Anti-Vietnam War Protests) - (International Efforts to end Vietnam War/Occupation of Wounded Knee/PFLP Hijackings/Puerto Rican Nationalist Party)
Call Number: C 10 063Format: DVDCollection: COINTELPRO 101 Raw Materials
Students for a Democratic Society, The Weather Underground, and Black Panther Party: The arrest of LA 5; Robert Russ Franck, special FBI agent; unknown black activist, probably BPP speech; Jeff Jones and Mark Rudd, of SDS and Weathermen, announce Chicago demonstration later known as “Days of Rage”; Reverend Jesse Jackson; Jonathan Lerner, SDS, heckled while speaking on US imperialism; raw footage of Fred Hampton distancing BPP from SDS and Weathermen; Judy Gumbo of WITCH, WUO was responsible for bombing of US Capitol; NYPD press conference on murder of patrolmen Gregory Foster and Rocco Laurie, citing as suspects Ronald Anderson and Andrew Jackson, alleged members of Black Liberation Army; arrest of Timothy Leary; unknown BPP members and David Gilbert of SDS/WUO speak at Columbia University Bernardine Dohrn, of SDS/WUO, speech at Columbia (not audible); SDS rally, Mark Rudd and others speak (not audible); Mark Rudd speaks to reporters WUO/Celebrities Against Vietnam War: Interview with founder of Save the River - speaks about CANT; footage of destruction after WUO bombing of US Capitol; news report on Kathy Boudin and Judith Clark, WUO members turning themselves in; Jane Fonda supporting anti-Vietnam war movement; interview with Bob Dylan about impact of his music (cut off); President Reagan and Nancy Reagan with children in front of White House; aerial view of protest against hunger and homelessness. Anti-Vietnam War Protests: Aftermath of one of the WUO bombings; candidate Jimmy Carter in Seattle addresses American Legion; Muhammad Ali announces his refusal to go to Vietnam; protest against anti-war protestors; J. Edgar Hoover presents President Nixon with award - Nixon speaks about respect for officers; scenes of peaceful protests turned violent due to police; speech on US economics. International Efforts to end Vietnam War/Occupation of Wounded Knee/PFLP Hijackings/Puerto Rican Nationalist Party: Press conference with Jane Fonda and Tom Hayden about international efforts to end Vietnam war; interviews with Native Americans and Senator about the occupation of Wounded Knee by AIM; press conference with BBP member speaking about time in solitary confinement; speech about oil and resources; President Nixon speaks about energy; hijacking of plane by PFLP. News report on September 6, 1970 hijacking of 5 commerical planes by PFLP. Passengers escorted off the planes in Amman, Jorda, planes blown-up. Interview with Leila Khaled and other leaders of the PFLP. Interviews with passangers and responses of Israeli citizens. (Sound in/out) Clips of gas stations out of gas. Long line ups of cars. FBI press conference on the FALN bombings of October 27, 1975. Press conference with group of activists returning from North Vietnam (cut off); clips of Kathleen Cleaver; interview with Black Panther credited saying, “the only good pig is a dead pig”; news report on Puerto Rican Nationalist Party open fire on House of Representatives.
US Officials' Statements on Vietnam US Officials' Statements on Vietnam
Date: 4/1/1967Call Number: CE 487Collection: Colin Edwards Collection
A compilation of US Officials' statements on Vietnam. Speakers include: Dean Rusk, Henry Cabot Hodge, Curtis LeMay, David Lilienthal, President Lyndon B. Johnson, Henry Jackson, John Tower, George McGovern, Eugene McCarthy, John Srennis, Earl M. Wheeler, and others. Topics also include: Communism, Soviet Union.
Carl Oglesby Speech, "Let Us Shape the Future" Carl Oglesby Speech, "Let Us Shape the Future"
Date: 11/27/1965Call Number: CE 488Collection: Colin Edwards Collection
Carl Oglesby, President of Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), delivers speech, after his return from Vietnam, at anti-war rally, considered to be "a landmark of American political rhetoric." He condemns the “corporate liberalism," American economic interests disguised as anti-Communist benevolence, that, he argued, underpins the Vietnam War. He says, "Don't blame me for sounding Anti-American. It's mowed my liberal values and broke my American heart." 7th Speed
La Guerra: Ya Basta! La Guerra: Ya Basta!
Date: 11/13/1971Call Number: CD 835 R1Format: Reel 1Producers: Raul Torres, Hal Levin, Emiliano EcheverriaProgram: Reflecciones de la RazaCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Chicano contingent in the November 6, 1971 peace march in San Francisco. Chicano attitudes towards the war in Vietnam and the Chicano movement. Dolores Huerta gives speech.
Berrigan Raps: Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J. Berrigan Raps: Father Daniel Berrigan, S.J.
Date: 1/1/1971Call Number: Vin 074Format: VinylProducers: CaedmonCollection: Chuy Varela Collection
Father Berrigan is recorded giving a sermon from the underground, talks about America political and social issues, and reads his poetry. Included also is a interview with Marc Weiss at Cornell in April 1, 1970. Topics include the Vietnam war, drugs, poverty and US government.
American Deserter Committee: An Interview with Three American Deserters of War - Lou Simon, Mike Powers, and Jerry Condon American Deserter Committee: An Interview with Three American Deserters of War - Lou Simon, Mike Powers, and Jerry Condon
Date: 9/27/1971Call Number: CE 490Format: Cass A & BProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Lou Simon, Mike Powers, and Jerry Condon, members of the American Deserter Committee (ADC), each discuss their decision to flee from serving in Vietnam War, how they came to make the decision, and how they feel about the decision based on their present life in Sweden. Before deserting, Simon went through basic training, Condon went to university for a year, studying to be a special forces medic, and Powers was socially active, and never registered for the draft. Each gives their philosophy and moral viewpoint and how it’s developed. Topics discussed: The effects of Communism, the Japanese antiwar movement, Sweden’s policies on deserters, the Springfield 3, political persecution in the US, international law, and housing programs for deserters. Cuts out (only seconds of time) not particularly bothersome or detrimental to the coherence of the material.
Interview with Steven Wentworth; An Interview with Three American Deserters of War - Lou Simon, Mike Powers, and Jerry Condon PART II Interview with Steven Wentworth; An Interview with Three American Deserters of War - Lou Simon, Mike Powers, and Jerry Condon PART II
Date: 9/27/1971Call Number: CE 491Format: Cass A & BProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Side A: Steve Wentworth refused induction and deserted to Sweden. Discusses how and why, and what it was like once he arrived. Topics include: distinction between draft resistors and those who left the armed forces, language barriers, aid to deserters, Swedish student anti-war demonstrations, Sweden’s recognition of NLF, drugs linked to American deserters, and how deserters are perceived as a strain on Swedish/American business relations. Cuts in/out a bit. Side B: Continuation of CE 490: American Deserter Committee: An Interview with Three American Deserters of War - Lou Simon, Mike Powers, and Jerry Condon. Topics include: US isolated due to Vietnam, popularity of George Jackson, European sympathies to deserters, how deserters are treated in various countries, relationships with family after desertion, history of American Deserters Committee, which represents a refusal to take part in atrocity.
Interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam Interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Call Number: CE 519Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Hoang Minh Hao, of the National Liberation Front of South Viet Nam, discusses the parties policies and positions for a western audience. Hao addresses the various other parties within North and South Vietnam, as well as explains the general desires of the Vietnamese people in terms of the American presence in the country and foreign involvement with the war and involvement in South Vietnams political reconstruction
Out takes part 1 - Interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam Out takes part 1 - Interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Call Number: CE 520Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Out takes from and interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Out takes part 2 - Interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam Out takes part 2 - Interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam
Call Number: CE 521Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Out takes from and interview with Hoang Minh Hao of the National Liberation Front of South Vietnam