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Search Results

El Salvador: FMLN and ARENA negotiations in Mexico City El Salvador: FMLN and ARENA negotiations in Mexico City
Date: 9/15/1989Call Number: JG/ 033BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
El Salvador: FMLN and ARENA negotiations in Mexico City. FMLN demanding purification of the army to rid it of the death squads responsible for the assassination of Arch Bishop Romero. Interview of FMLN member. Colombia- Drug War article written in the "Guardian" including its effects on peasants, Bush administration military aid and the emergence of the far right paramilitary forces which enjoys the complicity of the Colombian military.
El Salvador: Guadalupe Gonzales from the FMLN/ FDR  speaks El Salvador: Guadalupe Gonzales from the FMLN/ FDR speaks
Date: 9/8/1989Call Number: JG/ 036AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Guadalupe Gonzales from the FMLN/ FDR speaks on the 9/7/'89 announcement that the FMLN wants to sit down with ARENA Pres. Cristiani for peace negotiations. Judy Gerber reads a NACLA interview w/ ARENA Colonel Juan Zapata, Zapata in ARENA's vice minister of defense, he defines the FMLN as terrorists.
El Salvador: ARENA/ FMLN negotiations in Costa Rica El Salvador: ARENA/ FMLN negotiations in Costa Rica
Date: 10/13/1989Call Number: JG/ 036BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Covers the ARENA/ FMLN negotiations in Costa Rica. 15,000 march in El Salvador to support the negotiations, 40 of the demonstrators arrested by police and considered disappeared. Trade unionists and health workers targeted by ARENA and US Congress writes Cristiani government a check.
Robert White on El Salvador Robert White on El Salvador
Date: 11/17/1989Call Number: JG/ 037AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Pacifica Radio clip of an interview with Robert White (from the Center for International Development and former ambassador to El Salvador. Under Jimmy Carter). Interview covers conditions of poverty, agriculture, health, labor, education, economy and employment/ human rights stats. Also the murders of 6 Jesuit priests on 11/16/89 by paramilitary forces and the FMLN offensive launched after the FENASTRAS and COMADRES offices were attacked 2 weeks earlier. FMLN releases a communiqué denouncing US involvement.
Robin Singer discusses Nicaragua elections Robin Singer discusses Nicaragua elections
Date: 2/16/1990Call Number: JG/ 037BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Robin Singer from ACLA discusses the upcoming elections. Describes the different political parties vying for power and US involvement in the elections.
Joan Jara interview Joan Jara interview
Date: 1/1/1975Call Number: LA 001Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Nina SerranoCollection: Chile
Interview by Nina Serrano with Joan Jara, the wife of Victor Jara, discussing his life. Joan reads a poem entitled, "Estadio Chile - Message of hope in spite of the horror.” She describes how this poem was smuggled out.
We Will Go Together-United by Blood/There was Never Torture in My Country We Will Go Together-United by Blood/There was Never Torture in My Country
Date: 1/1/1974Call Number: LA 002Format: DATProducers: Frances EmleyCollection: Chile
Two programs on the 1973 coup in Chile, produced by Frances Emley. The first is a long interview with Joan Jara on her husband Victor Jara’s life and death. The second program documents torture in Chile, and is framed by the Junta’s ambassador claiming that “there is no torture in my country.” At end a 4-minute poem/song. Hum on cut one.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 10/6/1973Call Number: NI 001Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
This is the first "Nothing Is More Precious Than" (Freedom and Independence) program. Begins with a report from the Union of Vietnamese, commentary on political prisoners. States that under the Thieu regime, huge numbers of people in concentration camps and prisons—more prisons have been built than schools and churches combined. The Union demands that all political prisoners be released, all US aid cut off, and implementation of the agreement take place. Update on Chile, actions against the fascist coup, reports on bomb explosions at ITT and ATT. Weather Underground communiqué read in full. News roundup of events and protests throughout Latin America, October 8th, the Day of the Heroic Guerrilla--international week of solidarity with Chile.
Nothing is More Precious Than... Nothing is More Precious Than...
Date: 10/20/1973Call Number: NI 003Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude Marks, Nancy BarrettProgram: Nothing is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Stories on political prisoners, Chile, Native American, Weather Underground, Joanne Chesimard, Mark Lane, Pedro Bissonette
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 10/27/1973Call Number: NI 004Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude MarksProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Wide ranging program--including report from Pine Ridge and many other inserts (separately described).