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Search Results

Children of Fire Children of Fire
Date: 1/1/1990Call Number: V 119Format: VHSProducers: Mai MasriCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
When filmmaker Mai Masri returned to her hometown of Nablus after a 14 year absence, she discovered a new generation of Palestinians fighting for their freedom: the children of the Intifada. A 50 minute documentary, made in 1990 of the lives of the Palestianian kids, who shout and throw stones at Israeli soliders, play war games together, and create childish paintings that are filled with the violent images that surround them - of their young friends and relatives who have lost their lives in the fight for their homeland. "Dramatic, bravely filmed stuff...if you closed your eyes you could have been witnessing the Nazi occupation of the Warsaw Ghetto." [Daily Express] In Arabic with English subtitles.
People and the Land People and the Land
Date: 1/1/1997Call Number: V 120Format: VHSProducers: Tom Hayes, Raid BahhurCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Ahlan w'Sahlan (Our People and Our Lands)is a Palestinian expression of greeting offering everything between earth and sky for the comfort of a guest. It also sums up the dual responsibilities placed on an occupying power by the Geneva Accords; administration of the occupied territory and responsibility for the well-being of the people on it. People and the Land airdrops viewers into the universe of an occupied people, unreeling images of a new form of apartheid based on ethnicity. Challenging U.S. foreign policy and the conventions of the documentary form itself, People and the Land examines the concrete realities of Israel's conduct in the West Bank and Gaza, the level of U.S. support for that conduct through foreign aid, and the human cost of that aid in Palestine and the U.S.
W.I.N.G.S- Women’s International News Gathering Service Report W.I.N.G.S- Women’s International News Gathering Service Report
Date: 11/11/1989Call Number: JG/ 038BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
WFRG Judy Gerber talks with CISPES alert editor Mike Silinsky about El Salvador’s FMLN “peace talks” and the insistence that the US government stop aid to their military. He outlines some of the demands of the FMLN, including, removing all officers from the military involved in the death squads.
Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. “It’s time to stop US aid to Israel” Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. “It’s time to stop US aid to Israel”
Date: 7/17/1991Call Number: JG/ 083BFormat: Cass BProgram: Focus on the AmericasCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Bonpane calls for need to coerce Israel to change its policy. We as US citizens must call upon our government to stop giving aid of $3.5 billion USD per year. Prominent Israeli Jews (military and nonmilitary) have also called for a stop of US aid in order to change Israeli policy. Discusses George Bush, Sr.'s crime bill that calls for secret trials, secret charges and secret evidence for non-US citizens labeled terrorists. Terrorists are defined as those giving financial assistance and support to international resistance movements including FMLN, PLO, and ANC. Material supporters would receive 10 years in prison (both US and non-US citizens). It allows youth records to be treated as adult and expands the death penalty to include Native Americans living in Indian Territories. It also permits the use of illegally seized evidence.
Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. Interview with Michael Job on recent trip to Iraq. Focus on the Americas with Blase Bonpane, Ph.D. Interview with Michael Job on recent trip to Iraq.
Call Number: JG/ 081BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Michael Job who served as the Chair of the Veteran's Peace Action Teams and is a Vietnam combat veteran discusses reason behind military action in Iraq. Job and Bonpane discuss the conflicting and confusing multitude of reasons for war with Iraq given by President George Bush (Sr.). They discuss the contradictions and hypocrisy in Bush's arguments, call for more critical thinking by citizens and military personnel. Discuss the similarities between a draft and indentured servitude (slavery), the class issues involved in the war, and the exploitation of the poor by military recruiters. They put the military buildup in the Middle East in perspective by linking it to Regan's Iran Contra affair and attacks on Nicaragua. Call for equality in treatment of countries - foreign military response to US invasion of Panama and Israeli invasion of Syria. They reject double standards and liken Bush's action to starting a global conflict.
Norman Finkelstein - An Issue of Justice: Origins of the Israel/Palestine Conflict Norman Finkelstein - An Issue of Justice: Origins of the Israel/Palestine Conflict
Date: 1/1/2005Call Number: CD 406Format: CDProducers: AK PressCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Finkelstein lays out the history of the Israel/Palestine conflict with clarity and passion, arguing that any other similar conflict would be perfectly understood, yet this one exists beneath a blanket of ideological fog. He cuts through the fog with indisputable historical facts, optimistic that the struggle is winnable, and that it is simply an issue of justice.
Lee O’Brien: Lebanon/West Bank Lee O’Brien: Lebanon/West Bank
Call Number: KP 179AFormat: Cass ACollection: Palestine
Interview with Lee O’Brien on her experiences in Lebanon and the West Bank. O’Brien has observed many changes during the past year and a half and she explains the current situation. Since the signing of the Israeli-Egyptian treaty, O’Brien describes war and suffering being forced onto Southern Lebanon and the West Bank. After signing the treaty, O’Brein explains Israel’s policies toward Southern Lebanon and its change since 1978. Previously, limited retaliatory raids and occasional massive invasions were used. After the treaty, preemptive strikes to crush Palestinian resistance and Lebanese citizenship have been facilitated by Major Hadad a renegade fascist Lebanese official. As the autonomy talks approached on May 26, Israel is using massive amounts of force to weaken anti-Zionist resistance. Due to murders, bombings, indiscriminate shelling, and house raids, the Autonomy talks are also affecting the West Bank as well. Similar to Lebanon, the west bank is receiving an intense amount of violence.
Mayor of Hebron Lecture on Palestine Mayor of Hebron Lecture on Palestine
Date: 6/10/1980Call Number: KP 197Format: CassetteCollection: Palestine
The Mayor of Hebron, Palestine, speaks in the US to explain the situation in which his city was shut down by the Israeli army for 27 days. Under this lock down, families were confined to their homes, denied access to their day to day needs, telephones were disconnected, and anyone attempting to enter Hebron from Jerusalem were denied entry. The lock down was part of an occupation that saw people pushed off their land, as well as the rise of 92 settlements.
Promises Promises
Call Number: V 264Format: VHSProducers: Justine Shapiro, B.Z. GoldbergCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
PROMISES offers touching and surprisingly fresh insight into the Middle East conflict when filmmaker B.Z. Goldberg returns to his hometown to see what seven children — Palestinian and Israeli — think about war, peace and just growing up. Living within 20 minutes of each other, these children are nevertheless locked in separate worlds. Through candid interviews, the film explores a legacy of distrust and bitterness, but signs of hope emerge when some of the children dare to cross the checkpoints to meet one another.
Middle East Q&A Middle East Q&A
Date: 2/2/1991Call Number: KP 385AFormat: Cass ACollection: General materials
Q&A on the Gulf War and situation in the Middle East.