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Search Results

Food Not Bombs Violent Arrest Food Not Bombs Violent Arrest
SAME AS V193 This short video, used as an exhibit in a legal case, contains footage of a violent arrest of a Food Not Bombs activist.
22/8: The Jeffrey Luers Story 22/8: The Jeffrey Luers Story
Date: 3/1/2005Call Number: CD 490Format: DVDProducers: Cascadia Media CollectiveCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Documentary features the background of Jeff Luers case and the motives for his actions from his perspective. "Free" is an environmental activist and political prisoner. The film explains how the state has attempted to portray Jeff as an eco-terrorist leader, and the effects this has had on both the length of the sentence and his life behind bars.
Personal Reflections on Anarchism, Zapatismo & the Black Panthers Personal Reflections on Anarchism, Zapatismo & the Black Panthers
Date: 2/14/2006Call Number: CD 515Format: CDProducers: Penninsula Anarchist CollectiveCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
A talk by former political prisoner & anarchist, Ashanti Alston.
Crimethink, Guerilla Fil Series, Volume 1 Crimethink, Guerilla Fil Series, Volume 1
Date: 1/1/2008Call Number: V 283Format: DVDProducers: CrimethinkCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Our first DVD release features two discs loaded with some of the best films in modern anarchist filmmaking: three feature-length documentaries (Pickaxe, Breaking the Spell, and The Miami Model) and five short films (three documenting various thinktank experiments and two CrimethInc. essays brought to life by SubMedia). New commentary tracks recorded by the filmmakers are included for the films Pickaxe, Breaking the Spell, and Auto-Revision. All films are in English. All three features have subtitles in Spanish and English, additionally The Miami Model has Portuguese subtitles. Disc Two features computer-accessible DVD-ROM content including MP3s, PDFs, and other assorted documentation & reading materials. PICKAXE An eclectic mix of activists take a stand to protect an old growth forest from logging at Warner Creek in the Willamette National Forest of Oregon, blockading the logging road and repelling the State Police. Over months a community builds around the illegal blockade as it develops into the Cascadia Free State and similar actions spread across the region. Years after its release, Pickaxe has become a classic document of the potential for grassroots direct action to achieve victory against the forces of both government and big business. Lovingly crafted by the participants themselves, the film expertly presents every moment, from confrontation to celebration. Includes new commentary track by filmmakers Tim Lewis and Tim Ream. [94 min.] BREAKING THE SPELL An hour-long look at the 1999 Seattle WTO protests and the anarchists who traveled there to set a new precedent for militant confrontation, this documentary picks up where Pickaxe left off. Filmed in the thick of the action, including footage that aired nationally on 60 Minutes, it captures a moment when world history was up for grabs. Includes new commentary track by filmmakers Tim Lewis, Tim Ream & Sir Chuck A. Rock. [63 min.] THE MIAMI MODEL Against the prescribed template of paramilitary oppression, information warfare, and profit above all values, activists converge in Miami to demonstrate grassroots resistance, creative action, and international solidarity—a clash between competing visions of globalization, soon to be known as the Miami Model. Indymedia activists shot hundreds of hours documenting the 2003 FTAA protests in Miami and shaped it into a documentary that cuts through the mass media blackout to reveal the brutal repression and assault on civil liberties that took place, as well as the inspiring alternatives to capitalist globalization that were also in full effect in Miami. [91 min.] FIVE SHORT FILMS An hour of shorts with three documented thinktank experiments and two CrimethInc. essays recreated for the screen by SubMedia. Thinktank: Safetybike [3 min.] How to Turn a Bicycle into a Record Player (includes original version and new 21st century version) [13 min.] Auto Re-Vision (includes new commentary track by participants Mark, Etta & James) [26 min.] SubMedia: Join the Resistance, Fall in Love [17 min.] Why I Love Shoplifting From Big Corporations [5 min.]
La Huelga de los Locos
La Huelga de los Locos
Date: 1/1/2002Call Number: V 287Format: VHSProducers: Mariana ArrutiCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
En el año 1956, un año después del golpe de Estado que derroca al General Perón, la Federación de Obreros en Construcciones Navales, de tradición anarquista, inicia reclamos por las 6 horas de trabajo debido a las tareas insalubres, invocando el derecho a la cultura y al tiempo libre. Las patronales comienzan a cerrar sus puertas originando un Lock Out patronal. Los obreros Navales transforman el Lock Out en un huelga, resistiendo durante 14 meses - conocida como la huelga más larga del siglo - en defensa de sus puestos de trabajo. El conflicto gremial se pierde. La patronal reconoce un sindicato paralelo que no representa los intereses de los trabajadores. La industria naval comienza a declinar y los puertos argentinos prácticamente no construyen ni reparan buques. Los obreros de la Construcción Naval, sin embargo, recuerdan esta huelga como un hecho histórico y personal, y se siguen reuniendo para conmemorarla, como un hito en la historia de Argentina, que recupera la dignidad y la libertad.
Los Presos de Bragado Los Presos de Bragado
Date: 1/1/1995Call Number: V 288Format: VHSProducers: Mariana ArrutiCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
The struggle for justice by three Argentinian anarchists: Vuotto, Mainini and Diago, a case which shook Argentinian society throughout the 1930s and subsequently.
Crass - British Punk Crass - British Punk
Call Number: PM 301Format: Cass A & BCollection: Political Prisoner Periodicals
A series of songs performed by Crass, a British anarcho-punk band, express their dislike for authority. Themes of antiracism, anti- religion, antigovernment, and against oppression.
Ashanti Alston - Reflections Ashanti Alston - Reflections
Date: 2/14/2006Call Number: CD 622Format: CDCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Discussing Anarchism, Zapatismo and the Black Panthers.
Sarajevo Diaries Sarajevo Diaries
Date: 7/21/1993Call Number: V 606Format: VHSProducers: Global Vision, WNET-ThirteenProgram: Rights & Wrongs: Human Rights TelevisionCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Diaries of various people's experience during the siege of Sarajevo, Bosnia during the Bosnian War. Diaries range from a solider in the Armed Forces of Bosnia, to a young boy that lost his hand. Extensive footage from documentary filmmaker, Ademir Kenovic, who filmed Sarajevo while under fire. The Skinheads of Prague, a fascist, racist group of young white men. Includes interviews with members and a street fight between the Skinheads and Anarchists. Members speak about and idolize the old US Confederate South. Footage of toxic ash being dumped on the beaches of Haiti. One of the things that compelled the Beach Boys music group to distribute video cameras to bring about awareness. Interview with the band. Music video, "Help Bosnia Now," filmed in the ruins of the 1984 Winter Olympics closing ceremony.
Better Read Than Dead: Compilation of Artists Better Read Than Dead: Compilation of Artists
Date: 1/1/1996Call Number: Vin 073Format: VinylProducers: AK Press Audio, EpitaphCollection: Chuy Varela Collection
Produce by AK Press, a cooperative distributing and publishing literature organization, this album is a collection of anarchist and socialist themed songs by various artists. The album includes the 1996 AK distribution catalog.