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Search Results

A Visit to the Soviet Union Part 2: Far From Moscow A Visit to the Soviet Union Part 2: Far From Moscow
Call Number: V 725Format: VHSProducers: Estuary PressCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Far From Moscow shows the conditions of women and children in Soviet areas outside Moscow, in the towns of Sochi on the Black Sea, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and Irkutsk, Siberia. The film focuses on work, housing, education, child care and medical facilities for women and children in a socialist society.
Original: Re-education Camps in Vietnam. Interview with Prisoner of War Pierre Schoendoerffer. Original: Re-education Camps in Vietnam. Interview with Prisoner of War Pierre Schoendoerffer.
Call Number: CE 598Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Complete raw footage from interview with cameraman Pierre Schoendoerffer who was captured by the Viet Minh on March 18, 1954 in Dien Bien Phu, Vietnam. He was held prisoner in an “indoctrination” or “re-education” camp for four months where he underwent daily lectures meant to teach French prisoners how the war negatively affects both Vietnam and France. No one was killed in the camp but treatment to the soldiers depended on their reception to the “indoctrination.”
Gerda Fulder, Sidney Rogers: Sproul Hall Sit-in
Gerda Fulder, Sidney Rogers: Sproul Hall Sit-in
Date: 12/1/1964Call Number: CE 673Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Interview with Gerda Fulder, a Berkeley resident and mother of two daughters attending UC Berkeley. She attended several FSM rallies in late 1964 and describes being impressed by the discipline and moral seriousness of the students. She was present at Sproul Hall on the evening of December 2 and describes her experiences. She and her daughters ultimately made the decision, with some uncertainty, not to stay and risk arrest. Interview with Sidney Roger at his home in Berkeley. He covered the events for the ILWU’s Dispatcher newspaper as well as being a UC Berkeley alumnus, former instructor, and parent of students. He describes experiences at the December 2-3 sit-in in detail, including the different police forces present and their actions, the diversity of sit-in participants and perspectives, the “remarkable behavior” and activities organized by students in Sproul Hall, and the ad hoc faculty meeting.
Dr. Roger Stanier, Brian Mulloney, December 3 Rally
Dr. Roger Stanier, Brian Mulloney, December 3 Rally
Date: 12/3/1964Call Number: CE 674Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Interviews with biology professor Roger Stanier and graduate student organizer Brian Mulloney. Stanier reads from and discusses a faculty telegram to Governor Brown condemning the presence of the California Highway Patrol on campus and demanding the prompt release of arrested students and amnesty for students threatened with suspension or dismissal. Brian Mulloney, a member of the Graduate Coordinating Council and FSM Steering Committee, discusses the history of restrictions on student political activity particularly in relation to civil rights group Campus CORE. He discusses the graduate student walkout and philosophy and mathematics professors striking, as well as a planned solidarity action by Sacramento State students. Following the interviews (around 30:00) is several minutes of recording from a campus rally protesting the previous night’s arrests. Students sing “Can’t Turn Me Round” and “We Shall Overcome”
Clark Kerr, John Ligett, Howard Jetter, Hal Draper
Clark Kerr, John Ligett, Howard Jetter, Hal Draper
Date: 12/3/1964Call Number: CE 675Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
President Clark Kerr’s press statement following the Sproul Hall sit-in, denouncing the FSM as “anarchy” (partial recording). UC Berkeley Sociology professor John Leggett discusses the FSM in relationship to the civil rights movement, and reads from a letter written by national CORE leader James Farmer. Leggett also discusses right wing presence in Northern California, specifically Oakland Tribune owner William Knowland. Howard Jetter, president, 7th Congressional Democratic Club, San Francisco science teacher and member of the American Federation of Teachers, discusses what he expects to be the devastating effects of campus events on Governor Pat Brown’s career. He also reflects on acting as a legal observer for student protests and witnessing police violence. Hal Draper, university librarian and socialist activist, disagrees with Jetter about Pat Brown, asking “what alterative do they have?” He also discusses right wing presence on campus.
Press Conference: ASUC President Charles Powell
Press Conference: ASUC President Charles Powell
Date: 12/4/1964Call Number: CE 676Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
A press conference given by ASUC president Charles Powell, in which he denounces the FSM as a minority movement that has caused “needless suffering” and divided the campus, and that the only political activity he endorses is through the legislature and court system.
FSM Victory Party and Mario Savio Birthday Party; Charles Artman interview
FSM Victory Party and Mario Savio Birthday Party; Charles Artman interview
Date: 12/8/1964Call Number: CE 677Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Recording of an FSM victory party that doubled as Mario Savio’s 22nd birthday party. The beginning of the tape contains party attendees singing several satirical songs composed for the occasion, as well as “Happy Birthday,” with some explanatory commentary by Edwards. The latter half is an interview conducted at the party with Charles Artman (also known as Charlie Brown), a former Cal student who was arrested at Sproul Hall. He describes his experiences with the sit-in and how he became involved. He describes how he and others had fasted for the preceding five days, waiting for the demands of the FSM to be met, and his intent to fast again if the regents of the university do not honor decisions made by the academic senate. He was drawn by what he calls the movement's "orderliness" and its "Gandhian direction."
Victory Rally: 12/9/64

Victory Rally: 12/9/64
Date: 12/9/1964Call Number: CE 678Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
A victory rally on the UC Berkeley campus following the Academic Senate vote to support freedom of political expression on campus. Speakers include Mario Savio (who is greeted with a serenade of “Happy Birthday”), Jack Weinberg, philosophy professor John Searle, Bettina Aptheker, Ron Anastasi (reading a message from Joan Baez as well as an op-ed by Ralph Gleason), and Art Goldberg. Lots of gratitude expressed, thanking movement supporters including Harvard students and Bay Area labor unions, and lots of self-effacing humor. Aptheker’s speech, which touches on experiences in Santa Rita and gratitude for faculty support, is especially well-crafted. Goldberg discusses the role of humor in the movement. There is also talk of organizing for the upcoming Regents meeting at UCLA, and soliciting donations for legal defense. Notes on the tape box indicate that parts of this recording were used for the program “Mario Savio: A Study in Charisma.”
Professor Arthur Ross: Regents Meeting Press Conference
Professor Arthur Ross: Regents Meeting Press Conference
Date: 12/18/1964Call Number: CE 679Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Press conference given by Professor Arthur Ross, chairman of the Emergency Executive Committee of the Berkeley Division Academic Senate, following the UC Regents meeting at UCLA on December 18, 1964. The committee had been formed one week prior to respond to the “crisis concerning political action” on the Berkeley campus. Ross, responding to statements given by the regents, states that his committee feels substantial progress has been made and that the university will not restrict political speech or advocacy on campus, and no further disciplinary action will be taken against students.
Student rally at Regents Meeting
Student rally at Regents Meeting
Date: 12/18/1964Call Number: CE 680Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: KPFKCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Jack Weinberg, UC Berkeley FSM organizer, and Jim Berland, a student organizer at UCLA (as well as an unidentified speaker) speak at a student rally at the December 1964 Regents Meeting at UCLA. Topics discussed include frustration with bureaucracy and a sense that administrators are “stalling,” the effects of the movement in building political awareness and a warmer community on campus at Berkeley and UCLA, power dynamics and the lack of formal hierarchy in the movement, and censorship of research in relation to corporate connections of university administrators. There is a short section at the end which is unintelligible due to being very sped up.