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Search Results

IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1977Volume Number: No. 6 AugustFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: Soweto: Era of Mass Struggles Begin; Soweto and the South African Economy; Southern African Liberation Movements Must Take a Stand Against Soviet Social Imperialism; The National Question in Azania: The Native Versus the National Question; The Falsified History of African Dispossession of Their Land and Country in Azania; Why the Soviet Union is an Imperialist Country; Aspects of Social Imperialism in Africa; Who are the Katangese Gendarmes; Labour Laws in Angola; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1977Volume Number: No. 7 DecemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
This issue dedicated to Steve Biko, symbol of the Militant Resistance of Azanian Youth and masses led by BPC. In this Issue: Steve Biko Speaks; PAC Argues Colonial Nature of South Africa at UN; Settler Colonialism in South Africa and Israel; Letter of Comintern to SACP; Bias of Anti-Apartheid Movement; Trotskyite Distortions of the National Question in Azania; Social Imperialism Interference in Namibia; The National Question and Political Development of African States; Culture and Colonialism in Black Africa; Education in South Africa; more
Azania News Azania News
Publisher: Panafricanist Congress of AzaniaYear: 1977Volume Number: Vol. 12 No. 7-9 July-SeptemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: South Africa
Inside this Issue: The Editor Speaks; 18th PAC Anniversary; Threat to Present Social Order; Racist Survival Strategy; Tid-Bits from RSA; Heroes Week; Basis for Relations of Struggle
Immediate Tasks of the Party Immediate Tasks of the Party
Year: 1977Format: ArticleCollection: Zimbabwe
Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa) Pan Africanist Congress of Azania (South Africa)
Publisher: Pan Africanist Congress of AzaniaYear: 1977Format: MonographCollection: South Africa
Two official documents and an interview with Theo Bidi of the PAC
Campuses United Against Apartheid Fact Sheet Campuses United Against Apartheid Fact Sheet
Author: C.U.A.A. Berkeley ChapterPublisher: Campuses United Against Apartheid (C.U.A.A.)Date: 9/15/1977Volume Number: 15-SepFormat: PamphletCollection: South Africa
UC Investments Out Now!
Towards an Understanding of the Role of Whites in the South African Struggle Towards an Understanding of the Role of Whites in the South African Struggle
Publisher: Southern African Liberation Support CommitteeDate: 10/1977Volume Number: OctoberFormat: MonographCollection: South Africa
This booklet is an attempt to explain the reasons behind the breakaway and formation of SALSCOM, to state our political beliefs openly, to outline our program priorities for the future. Contents: OKHELA and Beyond- A recent History of White Resistance; the National Liberation Movement; Key Political Issues Facing White South Africans; Towards a Program of Action.
Masters and Serfs: Farm Labour in South Africa Masters and Serfs: Farm Labour in South Africa
Author: Rosalynde AinsliePublisher: International Defence and Aid Fund for Southern AfricaDate: 1/1977Volume Number: JanuaryFormat: MonographCollection: South Africa
An investiagtion into what is happening in rural South Africa and its far reaching and tragic consequences.
The Legal Status of Mercenaries: A Concept in International Humanitarian Law The Legal Status of Mercenaries: A Concept in International Humanitarian Law
Author: Lennox HindsPublisher: Philippine Law JournalYear: 1977Volume Number: Vol. 52- 4 SeptemberFormat: ArticleCollection: South Africa
Reproduction. Paper originally presented to the Eighth Conference on the Law of the World, August 21-27, 1977 in Manila, Philippines.
Chilean Resistance Courier Chilean Resistance Courier
Publisher: MIRYear: 1977Volume Number: No. 7Format: PeriodicalCollection: Chile
Contents of the periodical include an editorial on the junta and its conflict with other bourgeois elements, the break of the Christian Democractic Party, the dictatorships' three pronged economic plan, lessons from the union's reactivation in 1976, the increase of organization and permanent action, a declaration by the Political Bureau on the Revolutionary Coordinating Junta, solidarity with Cuba, Nicaragua, Brazil, El Salvador, Puerto Rico, Italy, and Vietnam, an analysis of Freism, and a declaration from the Interior Secretariat of the MIR, and the protocol of Agreement between the MIR and the Radical Party.