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Search Results

March 17th Press Conference and Exclusive Interview with Michael Klein
March 17th Press Conference and Exclusive Interview with Michael Klein
Date: 3/17/1965Call Number: CE 721Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Chancellor Meyerson and Professor Ross give a press conference following the March 17th 1965 Academic Senate Meeting. This is followed by a KPFA exclusive interview with Berkeley student Michael Klein who explains the recent free speech incidents involving the student publication the Spider.
Faculty Rally on Obscenity Case March 24th 1965
Faculty Rally on Obscenity Case March 24th 1965
Date: 3/24/1965Call Number: CE 722Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
This recording is taken from a faculty rally following the banning of the UC student publication, the Spider. Mario Savio is the first speaker and he talks about what’s at stake concerning this issue. The following speakers are all faculty members and talk about a wide range of topics including the responsibility of faculty in protecting students’ rights, the need for student gains to be codified, the need to not lose perspective of larger issues including the civil rights struggle in Selma, various perspectives on the filthy speech movement, and that student actions demonstrate that students care about the university community.
FSM Later Material: Summer 1965
FSM Later Material: Summer 1965
Call Number: CE 723Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
This tape contains three segments from the Summer following the Sproul Hall arrests. The first segment is an interview with Professor Thomas Parkinson, a faculty member in the history department. He talks about the academic capabilities of the FSM students he knows, faculty opinions on the student bill of rights and student penalties stemming from the sit-in. Also speaks on the Meyer Report. The second segment on the tape is a speech by FSM rep during FSM-sponsored student elections to the ASUC Senate. Second segment may be from April 4th as it references a rally to take place later that day. The third segment is from the sentencing of some of the students. Colin interviews Stephanie Coonz, Mario Savio and Albert Litewka give statement to the judge and a press interview with Mrs. Savio (could be Suzanne Goldberg who was married to Mario for a time).
4/23/65 Rally: Coalition Politics and the Student Bill of Rights. Interviews with Mario Savio and Charles Flynn 4/23/65 Rally: Coalition Politics and the Student Bill of Rights. Interviews with Mario Savio and Charles Flynn
Date: 4/23/1965Call Number: CE 725Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Rally speakers include student organizers Brad Cleaveland and Fred Bauer discussing a proposed student bill of rights, the relative merits of coalition building and direct action, and the desire to represent all students. Detailed discussion of the fate of the Tussman Proposal, an experimental curriculum plan. A student speaks on behalf of the University Reform Movement, a coalition organization. Event announcements including details of CORE’s restaurant pickets in Oakland. The Freedom Singers perform “We Shall Overcome” and there is a chant for “Freedom Now.” Interview with Mario Savio who discusses his perspective on the Filthy Speech Movement and the lack of­­ due process in student discipline, as well as the media’s representation of him. Interview with Charles Flynn of anti-FSM University Students for Law and Order, who discusses his changing views and working with FSM students to propose a disciplinary court with student jury.
4/26/65 Rally Part 1; Interview with Art Goldberg
4/26/65 Rally Part 1; Interview with Art Goldberg
Date: 4/26/1965Call Number: CE 726Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
A black student organizer speaks about racial discrimination and abuse from campus staff and police during a conference organized for Berkeley High students on the UC campus, and a rally that is taking place to demand accountability. History professors Reggie Zelnik and Kenneth Stampp discuss the Meyer report released by the Regents and the lack of due process for disciplinary action. SLATE candidates for student government Sandor Fuchs and Luis Hernandez speak briefly and encourage voting. Mario Savio speaks at length on various topics. Brad Cleaveland and Marvin Garson announce an upcoming debate regarding tactics. Art Goldberg is interviewed about his expulsion and plans to challenge it through the court system.
4/26/65 Rally Part 2: Formation of the Free Student Union
4/26/65 Rally Part 2: Formation of the Free Student Union
Date: 4/26/1965Call Number: CE 727Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Campus rally held in support of the formation of the Free Student Union, a successor to the Free Speech Movement. Many brief speeches and announcements by a number of student organizers and some discussion of the purpose and nature of a student union and student strikes. Some discussion of Mario Savio's resignation from the FSM.
4/28/1965 Press Conference: Formation of the Free Student Union
4/28/1965 Press Conference: Formation of the Free Student Union
Date: 4/28/1965Call Number: CE 728Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Post-rally press conference announcing the formation of the Free Student Union. Major organizers discuss the union’s intent to unite the student body around issues of the “form and nature of education,” specifically discussing advocating for a holistic education as opposed to job training, as well as advocating for due process in FSM-related disciplinary matters.
Civic Park rally: 7/29/65 (part 1 of 2)
Civic Park rally: 7/29/65 (part 1 of 2)
Date: 7/29/1965Call Number: CE 730Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Second rally held on 7/29/65, at Civic Park in Berkeley near the courthouse, in support of students facing trial. David Goines goes to jail at the beginning of the rally, and the crowd sings “Goodbye David.” Speakers discuss specific legal strategy, fundraising needs and earlier mistakes. There are also several speakers from the Vietnam Day Committee discussing the war and how the committee plans to learn from the FSM. Lou Smith of CORE speaks on themes of commitment and the connections between the FSM and civil rights. Allen Ginsberg chants and rings a bell. Bettina Aptheker calls attention to an FBI agent in the crowd who has been following her and declares that “we’re the fighting generation.” Mario Savio discusses his experiences in Santa Rita and the impacts of incarceration.
Civic Park rally: 7/29/65 (part 2 of 2)
Civic Park rally: 7/29/65 (part 2 of 2)
Date: 7/29/1965Call Number: CE 731Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
Continuation of Mario Savio discussing legal issues at 7/29 Civic Park rally. Susan Stein discussing the arrest (“kidnapping”) of David Goines and stating that “bail is just a nice word for ransom.”
FSM Interviews with Stein, Nagler and Pimsleur Part 1
FSM Interviews with Stein, Nagler and Pimsleur Part 1
Call Number: CE 712Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Free Speech Movement
This recording contains three interviews; two with students and one with a reporter from the SF Chronicle. Topics of discussion include the involvement of the academic senate in the Free Speech protests, the involvement of fraternity boys and footballs players to disrupt the demonstrations, and police brutality.