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Search Results

Sa'iqa, Syria, and the PLO in 1976 Sa'iqa, Syria, and the PLO in 1976
Date: 10/13/1976Call Number: CE 256Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Sa'iqa and the Conflict of LoyaltiesCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
How the Palestinians in the Syrian-backed Palestinian Ba'athist guerilla group called Sa'iqa reacted to Syria taking the side of the Lebanese rightists against the PLO and its Lebanese allies. Relations were poor between Yassar Arafat and Syrian president Al-Assad. Includes reactions of Syrian-based units of the Palestine Liberation Army with Said Hamammi.
Woman Correspondent reports on Al Fateh - Part 1 Woman Correspondent reports on Al Fateh - Part 1
Date: 1/1/1969Call Number: CE 257Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Lee Stradal, the first journalist to interview representative of Al Fateh - about their politics, ambitions for a secular and democratic Palestinian state, and relations to other national liberation movements. Includes a Vietnamese guerilla visiting Al Fateh, the Battle of Karameh, and her time spent at the Hussein Refugee camp in Amman, Jordan. Includes lead-in by Colin Edwards on the history of Al Fateh's military operations and distinctions between other Arab guerilla groups.
Woman Correspondent reports on Al Fateh - Part 2 Woman Correspondent reports on Al Fateh - Part 2
Date: 1/1/1969Call Number: CE 258Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Lee Stradal, the first journalist to interview representative of Al Fateh - about their politics, ambitions for a secular and democratic Palestinian state, and relations to other national liberation movements. Includes a Vietnamese guerilla visiting Al Fateh, the Battle of Karameh, and her time spent at the Hussein Refugee camp in Amman, Jordan. Includes lead-in by Colin Edwards on the history of Al Fateh's military operations and distinctions between other Arab guerilla groups.
UN - Emergency Session - Six-Day War UN - Emergency Session - Six-Day War
Date: 6/17/1967Call Number: CE 259Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
The fifth emergency special session of the UN General Assembly called by the USSR in response to Israeli military aggression and the acquisition of land from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.
Arab Student Sit-in - SF Arab Information Center Arab Student Sit-in - SF Arab Information Center
Date: 3/8/1968Call Number: CE 260Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Protesting rumors that Egypt and Jordan plan to enter negotiations with Israel after their defeat in the Six-Day War. Arab students demand that negotiations with Israel not take place. Mass mobilization of Palestinians to fight Israel in a new popular front in response to the Six-Day War, and to free all Palestinian political prisoners. Includes actuality of protest. Introduction by Colin Edwards.
Assassination of Said Hammami Assassination of Said Hammami
Date: 1/15/1978Call Number: CE 261Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFACollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Furaha Hayati interviews Colin Edwards about the January 4 assassination of the representative of the PLO to the United Kingdom. Denounces the mass media for blaming the assassination on Palestinian liberation organizations and instead says that Israel killed Hammami to destroy relations between George Habash of the PFLP and Yassar Arafat of Al Fateh. Includes a list of all Palestinian resistance members killed by Israel.
John Bonar Reports on Arab Guerrillas - Part 1 John Bonar Reports on Arab Guerrillas - Part 1
Date: 3/4/1971Call Number: CE 264Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
About experiences with Palestinian guerrillas, military operations, and clashes between different Palestinian liberation groups and Arab governments. Includes details about Black September and Bonar's experience on a successful mission with al Fateh troops in the Israeli-occupied Golan heights. Colin Edwards explains different Palestinian liberation organizations and lists those killed by Israel's program to assassinate Palestinian leaders.
John Bonar Reports on Arab Guerrillas - Part 2 John Bonar Reports on Arab Guerrillas - Part 2
Date: 3/4/1971Call Number: CE 265Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
About experiences with Palestinian guerrillas, military operations, and clashes between different Palestinian liberation groups and Arab governments. Includes details about Black September and Bonar's experience on a successful mission with al Fateh troops in the Israeli-occupied Golan heights. Colin Edwards explains different Palestinian liberation organizations and lists those killed by Israel's program to assassinate Palestinian leaders.
Dr Fayez Sayegh - Arab Intellectuals Dr Fayez Sayegh - Arab Intellectuals
Date: 3/12/1968Call Number: CE 268Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Professor and Senior Consultant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kuwait discusses the role of Arab intellectuals from the late 1800's to the present. About Arab students and artists, Arab influence around the world, the rejection of Western culture to rediscover and recreate Arab culture. Also the conflict between settler-colonial Israel and Palestine and how the foundations of Zionism call for the expulsion of Arabs.
Doctor in War-Torn Jordan Doctor in War-Torn Jordan
Date: 1/1/1969Call Number: CE 269Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
US Doctor, John Roper, describes the Baptist Missionary hospital's capacity to treat patients, refugees from the Six-Day War, programs to train nurses and youth about health. A woman colleague criticizes the US for sending oatmeal as aid to Palestinian refugees without explaining how to cook it.