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Keyword Searches
You’ll notice that under the heading KEYWORDS, there are a number of words, phrases or names that describe content. Sometimes these are also called “tags.” Clicking on these words is essentially the same as conducting a basic search.

Search Results

IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1979Volume Number: No. 12 JuneFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
Special International Issue. In this Issue: Is China Turning Revisionist- Reply to Bettelheim; Background to Vietnamese Attempts to Colonise Kampuchea; USA: Declining Superpower; China-Vietnam; Critique of Albanian Critique; Soviet Theory of Non-Capitalist Road; Soviet Exploitation of Third World; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1979Volume Number: No. 13 OctoberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
Issue Dedicated to Zeph Mothuping and the Bethal 18. In this Issue: Problems of Fusion of Marxism-Leninism with the National Liberation Movement in Africa; Neo-Marxism and the Bogus Theory of \"Racial Capitalism\"; Sobukwe and his Ideas; South African Expansionism; China\'s Foreign Policy; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1980Volume Number: No. 14 MarchFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: State and Revolution in Zimbabwe; ANC-CP and Internal Settlement in Azania; Problem of the Azanian Revolution; The Eighties: Decades of World War III and Revolutions; Racist Marxism-Leninism: How the French Communist Party tried to Sabotage the Algerian Revolution; Samir Amin on National Liberation. Socialism, Imperialism and the West Centered View of World History; Iran, Afghanistan, Kampuchea; Mao Zedong on Building Communist Parties in Africa; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1980Volume Number: No. 15 OctoberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: Political Mobilisation is Equally as Important as Armed Struggle; Peoples Movement in Azania in Upsurge; The Freedom Charter; Lenin: Apropos the Freedom Charter; A Brief History of Azania; The Role of Missionaries in the Conquest of South Africa; Kampuchea Atrocities Refuted at UN; Independent Zimbabwe; Brief History of Mazambiquan Revolution; Soviet Union Plunders Namibian Resources; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1982Volume Number: No. 20 JulyFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: Palestine will never die!; Zionism, White Supremacy and the Palestinian Revolution; Black Workers in Azania Strike; Growing Links between South America and South Africa: Imperialism- Economic Dependence and Imperialism; Cancun: Politics of Imperialism; French Colonialism in Reunion; The Indians in South America and their Struggle in Nicaragua; The Malvinas Belongs to Argentina; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1982Volume Number: No. 21 OctoberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: In Dependent Kenya: A Class Analysis of Colonial and Neo-Colonial Domination
Off Our Backs: A Women's Newsjournal Off Our Backs: A Women's Newsjournal
Publisher: Off Our Backs CollectiveYear: 1991Volume Number: Vol. 21-3 MarchFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Feminist and Lesbian Politics: Monographs-Periodicals-Articles
Cover Story: International Women's Day Match 8; Inside this Issue: "Reflections from a Promised Land"; "London Women's Conference on the Gulf Crisis"; "Sino-American Conference on Women's Issues"; "Rape: New Laws and Services in Mexico"; "An American in West Germany or: Did Lesbians Wear Pink Triangles?"; "On the Socialist Origins of International Women's Day"; more
NACLA Report On The Americas NACLA Report On The Americas
Publisher: The North American Congress On Latin AmericaYear: 1997Volume Number: Vol. 31-3 November-DecemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: NACLA
Still Paying: Ten Years After Debt Crisis. Plus Venezuela: The Politics of Privatization; Hawaii: Stirrings in the Colony; Anniversary Essay on Socialism
The Highest Example of Heroism The Highest Example of Heroism
Authors: Beatriz Allende Bussi and Fidel CastroPublisher: Cuban Book InstituteDate: 10/13/1973Volume Number: 13-OctFormat: MonographCollection: Chile
Speeches by Beatriz Allende (daughter of Salvador Allende) and Fidel Castro at the Rally held to mark the thirteenth anniversary of the Committes for the Defense of the Revolution on September of 1973.
New Chile New Chile
Author: The NACLA Chile ProjectPublisher: North American Congress on Latin AmericaYear: 1972Format: BookCollection: Chile
A reader aimed at acquainting the non-specialist with some of the most important issues surrounding the victory of the Unidad Popular in the 1970 Chilean presidential elections.