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Search Results

PFOC Presentation on Eritrea PFOC Presentation on Eritrea
Date: 6/13/1993Call Number: KP 225AFormat: Cass AProducers: Kevin, Les (?)Collection: African liberation movements
Slide show given by two men who have returning from work in the education department in post-war Eritrea. They discuss Eritrea's political history, Italy's colonization until WWII, the influence of the US and the USSR, and modern post-independence (1993) reform. Presenters discuss the complexities of the country's transition to independence through healthcare, education, and Eritrea's referendum to women and their struggle for independence within the patriarchal society.
Eritrea Conference Eritrea Conference
Call Number: KP 387Format: Cass A & BCollection: African liberation movements
A solidarity conference on the Eritrean revolution.
Eritrea Report Eritrea Report
Date: 6/2/1979Call Number: FI 115Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Barbara Lubinski, Heber DreherProgram: Freedom Is A Constant StruggleCollection: Freedom is a Constant Struggle
Rally in San Francisco on the Weber case on affirmative action; report on Eritrean struggle with Dan Connell, journalist who has covered the liberation movement.
Amanuel Tecle on Eritrean Independence Amanuel Tecle on Eritrean Independence
Date: 7/12/1991Call Number: JG/ 130AFormat: Cass ACollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Discussion on colonial history of Eritrea and the EPLF's (Eritrean Peoples Liberation Front) creation, motives, actions, and victories.
Dan Connell on Eritrea Dan Connell on Eritrea
Date: 3/25/1992Call Number: JG/ 141AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Describes Eritrea’s 30-year fight for independence from Ethiopia and the political and social changes that the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front has made. Discusses how US and UN aid is used to oppose and destabilize Eritrean independence.
Amanuel Tecle on the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front Amanuel Tecle on the Eritrean People’s Liberation Front
Date: 7/12/1991Call Number: JG/ 142Format: Cass A & BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Discusses the success of the independence movement, the changes in Eritrean infrastructure, agriculture, education, and social relationships, and hopes for self-sufficiency, democracy, and equality. Provides a concise history of colonialism in Eritrea, from Italian to Ethiopian occupation, and the 30-year war for independence ending in 1991.
Three Africa Liiberation Interviews Three Africa Liiberation Interviews
Call Number: CE 669Format: Cass A & BProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Three Africa Liberation InterviewsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Interviews with representatives of three African liberation organizations, the ELF (Eritrea), ANC (South Africa), and SWAPO (Namibia).
National Democratic Programme of the Eritean People\'s Liberation Front National Democratic Programme of the Eritean People\'s Liberation Front
Publisher: Eritrean People\'s Liberation FrontDate: 1/31/1977Volume Number: 31-JanFormat: MonographCollection: Eritrea
Selected Articles from Vanguard Selected Articles from Vanguard
Publisher: Eritrean People\'s Liberation FrontYear: 1978Volume Number: No. 2Format: MonographCollection: Eritrea
Official Monthly Organ of the Eritrean People\'s Liberation Front
Selected Articles from Vanguard Selected Articles from Vanguard
Publisher: Eritrean People\'s Liberation FrontYear: 1977Format: MonographCollection: Eritrea
Official Monthly Organ of the Eritrean People\'s Liberation Front