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Search Results

Kwame Ture on the history of black student revolutionary organizations Kwame Ture on the history of black student revolutionary organizations
Date: 3/22/1994Call Number: AFR 051Format: Cass A & BProgram: Student Organizing from 1960 to 1994Collection: Kwame Ture
Kwame Ture speaks about the history of black student revolutionary protest organizations such as SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee) and the BPP (Black Panther Party). He talks about the oppression of the capitalist system in disorganizing black organizations. He explains how Africans are used to having a hard life and constantly struggling for freedom. Struggle makes you stronger, and brings progress. Ture calls people to push black consciousness and to talk about both the oppressed and the oppressor, so as to avoid blaming the oppressed in the end. He also talks about how it is the capitalist system’s job to instill ideas of inferiority in African Americans, but he calls people to fight inferiority, and to increase their consciousness of African contributions to America. Ture talks about how Africa was the first continent to unite different countries under the OAU (Organization of African Unity). Lastly, he speaks about African’s high level of unity in action, but not in thought, because of the prevalence of ignorance of the value of organizing.
Behind the Burning Cross, Racism USA Behind the Burning Cross, Racism USA
Date: 1/1/1991Call Number: V 130Format: VHSProducers: John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, George LippmanCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
This brief history of the most notorious hate groups in the U.S. not only provides some interesting background on the Ku Klux Klan and its origins as a tool for rolling back the African-Americans' gains of the reconstruction period but also portrays its widespread activities today and its links with Nazi and nativist skinheads. Examines the violence being used by these hate groups in the 1990's to further racism, anti-semitism, gay-bashing, nativism and pushing back the womens movement. Footage of interviews with David Duke and Tom Metzger reveals their efforts to repackage hate within the bosom of so-called "All American Values." Examines the phenomenon of "white" rock'n roll and the right-wing media establishment to mobilize whites against blacks, gays, foreigners and Jews. Quickly examines the relationships between the FBI and the Klan. Also shows that many skinheads condemn the fascist skinhead movement.
Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison
Call Number: PM 228Format: CassetteCollection: Assata Shakur
Same as PM 227. This program is an edited version of her address to the people after she escaped. She begins the recording by stating that she loves everyone and encourages everyone to continue to struggle for our liberation. Assata talks about how Black people are constantly under attack by the poor school system, infiltration of drugs, welfare system, police state, etc. She talks about the necessity for a Black Nation and how Black women must play a key role in the struggle for liberation. She says that they are the most closely related to the struggle because of their position in White American society. Assata talks about the direction of the US government and how it is continually becoming more racist and fascist; how the government sees Black peoples as expendable and just "a thorn in their side."
Panel Discussion on the crisis of racism PART 2 Panel Discussion on the crisis of racism PART 2
Date: 5/1/1962Call Number: KP 095Format: Cass A & BProducers: Public Affairs Department of WBAI, and Pacifica RadioProgram: “The Crisis of Racism”Collection: Black Liberation
A Continuation of KP 094, A panel discussion on "The Crisis of Racism", with Malcolm X, James Farmer, and William Worthy. Moderated by Murray Kempton. Conclusion and Question and Answer period - Malcolm X answers questions from the audience about racism in America. James Farmer, the National Director of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), speaks about the 500 years of racial oppression in America. Malcolm X speaks about being ready to die for liberation, and about how the American colonists were also labeled revolutionaries. Finally there's a speech by James Farmer about CORE and the responsibilities of the blacks today to do something and take action against white racism.
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1982Volume Number: No. 20 JulyFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: Palestine will never die!; Zionism, White Supremacy and the Palestinian Revolution; Black Workers in Azania Strike; Growing Links between South America and South Africa: Imperialism- Economic Dependence and Imperialism; Cancun: Politics of Imperialism; French Colonialism in Reunion; The Indians in South America and their Struggle in Nicaragua; The Malvinas Belongs to Argentina; more
Malcolm X Malcolm X
Format: FlyerCollection: Malcolm X
Flyer for film showing sponsored by John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, focusing on fight against white supremacy and for national liberation of Black people in U.S.