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Search Results

Serge Mukendi of the Congolese National Liberation Front speaks on the struggle of the Congolese people Serge Mukendi of the Congolese National Liberation Front speaks on the struggle of the Congolese people
Call Number: AFR 025Format: Cass A & BCollection: Zaire-DRC
On the 25th Anniversary of Patrice Lumumba’s death, Serge Mukendi of the Congolese National Liberation Front, speaks the struggle of the Congolese people. He speaks on the merger of the Lumumba Congolese National Movement and the Congolese National Liberation Front into a higher level of development in the Congo and the unity of resistance movements. He reminds the interviewer of the utter discontent and worsening postcolonial economic, social, and political conditions of the people. He calls people to remember what Lumumba fought and died for, and to be united in resistance against state militancy.
Conference on liberation struggles in Zimbabwe and the Congo. Conference on liberation struggles in Zimbabwe and the Congo.
Call Number: AFR 034Format: Cass A & BCollection: African liberation movements
Conference on liberation struggles in Africa, particularly Zimbabwe and the Congo. Judy Clark of the ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) Women’s League speaks on the ongoing struggle for liberation and reconstruction in Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa, and Congo. The ZANU Women’s League raises support for women fighting for liberation and equality. Serge Mukendi of the FLNC (Congolese National Liberation Front) speaks on the history of the struggle for independence in the Congo, and calls the people to fight for liberation against white colonialist structures. Judy Clark again speaks on the legacy and power of Patrice Lumumba in the continuing struggle for liberation in the Congo. Alajo Adegbalola, Minister of Defense for the Provisional government of the RNA (Republic of New Africa), speaks on the importance of the unity of the RNA in fighting for liberation in Africa. He also speaks on the history of black person’s struggle in America and the Civil Rights Movement.
Conference on liberation and reconstruction struggles in Southern Africa Conference on liberation and reconstruction struggles in Southern Africa
Call Number: AFR 035Format: Cass A & BCollection: African liberation movements
Continuation of AFR 034 See enclosed note in AFR 035 Conference on liberation and reconstruction struggles in Africa, particularly in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Namibia. A representative of SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization) speaks about the international community being in solidarity with Southern African countries, and asks for support for SWAPO’s continued struggle for liberation in Namibia. A member of the Zimbabwe admission to the United Nations speaks about the bonds formed between liberation fighters in Africa and internationally. He speaks about the leaders of ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union), the ANC (African National Congress), and the PAC (Pan African Congress). He speaks on the history of the struggles for independence and human rights in Southern Africa, and the contued struggle for liberation. Sylvia Baraldini of the May 19th Communist Organization speaks on the National Campaign in solidarity with the ZANU Women’s League. She talks about the lessons of the struggle for liberation in Zimbabwe and looks at the process of reconstruction. A permanent representative of the PAC of Azania to the United Nations speaks about South Africa. He comments on South African president P.W. Botha’s refusal to erode Apartheid through economic means. He talks about a socialist solution incorporating equal distribution of wealth and power, and calls people to work together to fight oppression.
Press Conference on the victory of the struggle for Zimbabwe independece, Robert Mugabe, speaker. Press Conference on the victory of the struggle for Zimbabwe independece, Robert Mugabe, speaker.
Call Number: AFR 037AFormat: Cass ACollection: Zimbabwe
Recorded off mic. Press Conference on the victory of the struggle for Zimbabwe independence. ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) president and Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe, speaks about the unity of the people of Zimbabwe and the liberation organizations. He also speaks on the Lancaster House Agreement and foreign policy towards other countries, including South Africa. He promises to redistribute the land in Zimbabwe to those who need it.
Event celebrating 40 years of African independence. Event celebrating 40 years of African independence.
Call Number: AFR 042AFormat: Cass AProducers: WBAIProgram: WBAI Special Program: Southern Africa - Africa at 40Collection: African liberation movements
1997 “Africa at 40” event celebrating 40 years of African independence. Mozambique President Chisano speaks about the African goals of unity of purpose, perseverance, awareness of identity, and becoming masters of own destiny. He acknowledges the continued oppression and marginalization, but talks about how African organizations are developing towards justice through new solutions. A member of the Pan Africanist Movement speaks about Kwame Nkrumah, leader of Ghana, and his vision of a united Africa.
Event celebrating 40 years of African Independence Event celebrating 40 years of African Independence
Call Number: AFR 043Format: Cass A & BProducers: WBAIProgram: WBAI Special Program: Southern Africa - Africa at 40Collection: African liberation movements
Continuation of the “Africa at 40” Program. An event celebrating 40 years of African independence. President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe and President Sam Nujoma of Namibia speak about Ghana’s 1957 independence from white imperialist colonialism and the formation of the OAU (Organization of African Unity), spurring the drive for unity among all African nations. President Joachim Chisano of Mozambique talks about how the fight for independence was tough, but is not over because while classical colonialism is over, African nations have not realized true independence. Africa lacks economic and social freedom, but they can be accomplished through countries uniting in their struggles.
Kwame Ture on the history of black student revolutionary organizations Kwame Ture on the history of black student revolutionary organizations
Date: 3/22/1994Call Number: AFR 051Format: Cass A & BProgram: Student Organizing from 1960 to 1994Collection: Kwame Ture
Kwame Ture speaks about the history of black student revolutionary protest organizations such as SNCC (Student Non-violent Coordinating Committee) and the BPP (Black Panther Party). He talks about the oppression of the capitalist system in disorganizing black organizations. He explains how Africans are used to having a hard life and constantly struggling for freedom. Struggle makes you stronger, and brings progress. Ture calls people to push black consciousness and to talk about both the oppressed and the oppressor, so as to avoid blaming the oppressed in the end. He also talks about how it is the capitalist system’s job to instill ideas of inferiority in African Americans, but he calls people to fight inferiority, and to increase their consciousness of African contributions to America. Ture talks about how Africa was the first continent to unite different countries under the OAU (Organization of African Unity). Lastly, he speaks about African’s high level of unity in action, but not in thought, because of the prevalence of ignorance of the value of organizing.
Kwame Ture on the knowledge of ones African culture as liberation. Kwame Ture on the knowledge of ones African culture as liberation.
Date: 3/22/1994Call Number: AFR 052Format: Cass A & BProgram: Student Organizing from 1960 to 1994Collection: Kwame Ture
Continuation of AFR 051 Kwame Ture speaks about racism as a question of power, and knowledge of culture as the liberation. He talks about how African culture is tolerant on many issues, but European culture is not. He states that you must first have an understanding of your own culture to have unity of thought. If you do not know your own culture, you take the culture of oppression.
Discussion on the effects of global white supremacy on Africans Discussion on the effects of global white supremacy on Africans
Date: 10/23/1991Call Number: AFR 053Format: Cass A & BProducers: UAM: United African MovementProgram: Global White Supremacy, Part 1Collection: Africa- General Resources
Recorded off mic. Discussion on the effects of global white supremacy on Africans historically, legally, and psychologically. The audio begins with Imhotep Gary Byrd leading the audience in a song. John Henrik Clarke speaks how black people are the chosen people of God, and how historically, the Jews have benefited from the slave trade. He also talks about Louis Farrakhan, minister of the nation of Islam, and his contributions to the black man. He also gives a historical perspective on global white supremacy, saying that blacks do not understand white supremacy because they don’t understand white people. He asserts that whites feel superior because they aren’t rich in culture and family life like blacks are, and they want that without paying for it. Clarke calls people to read more and to become educated. He speaks about Egypt not being white because it is deep within Africa, so they cannot claim superiority over other Africans. He also speaks about the bastardization of Africans, physically through skin color, and mentally through the desire to be white. He claims there is no reason for white colonization except the whites desire for resources and to take over another people. He says that the only way to overcome global white supremacy would be for all Africans to unite. Audio tape includes a rap song about race relations between minorities (blacks) and whites. No Justice, No Peace.
anti-imperialist jazz music and the Congolese National Liberation Front anti-imperialist jazz music and the Congolese National Liberation Front
Call Number: AFR 073Format: Cass A & BCollection: Zaire-DRC
Recorded off mic. Jazz music with vocals about anti-imperialism, neo colonialism, and the struggles of Africans under oppression. Side B continues with music, but much poorer recording. Also, a representative of FLNC (Congolese National Liberation Front) speaks about the struggle in the Congo, and the history of the struggle in relation to the present. He celebrates the 16th Anniversary of the creation of FLNC, and praises its accomplishments. Lastly, he speaks about the struggles for change in Congo, and the struggle for a good economy and unity.