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Search Results

The New York 3 The New York 3
Date: 1/1/1989Call Number: V 102Format: VHSCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Explains the case of the New York 3, jalil Muntaqim, Nuh Washington and Herman Bell in the context of the history of the Black Panther Party, the Black Liberation Army, FBIs Cointelpro program designed to destroy the Black liberation movement. Aside from the prisoners’ voices are interviews with Safiya Bukhari, of the Jericho Amnesty Movement and a former Black Panther and Black Liberation Army member (as well as a former political prisoner and prisoner of war) and attorney Brian Glick, talking about Cointelpro and the FBI.
El Salvador In Focus El Salvador In Focus
Date: 10/5/1989Call Number: LA 103Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberProgram: Radio El FarbeCollection: El Salvador
Salvadorian defense minister rejects Talia accord. No Negotiations between the Christiani Government and the FLMN. National UNTS union of workers demands negotiations based on human rights violations.
El Salvador in Focus El Salvador in Focus
Date: 10/1/1989Call Number: LA 111Format: CassetteProgram: El Salvador in FocusCollection: El Salvador
Arena Government escalates repression targeting civilians as well as the FMLN. Aerial bombings and ground troop attacks on villages increase in frequency and severity. The FMLN lift their voluntary cease fire in response to the government and military violence. On September 18 the National trade Union of Salvadoran Workers (FINASTRAS) held a protest march in San Salvador demanding the release of union organizers in government custody. Police attacked the protesters with tear gas and beatings. Those arrested reported being tortured. Eight women reported being raped by the police in jail. Meanwhile, In Washington D.C. The U.S. Senate votes overwhelmingly to increase military aid to El Salvador.
El Salvador in Focus El Salvador in Focus
Date: 10/6/1989Call Number: LA 118AFormat: Cass AProgram: El Salvador in FocusCollection: El Salvador
Wounded FMLN combatants are evacuated to Cuba, an action seen as a diplomatic victory for FMLN and defeat for the Christiai Government. In response, the government increases repression of civilians across the country, targeting workers, peasants, and religious organizations. The FMLN ends a 10-day cease fire and launches their largest offensive to date on September 25. On October 2 Christiani addresses the United Nations General Assembly. His words contradict many of the actions his government has been taking against poor people in El Salvador.
The Student Movement in China The Student Movement in China
Date: 6/12/1989Call Number: JG/ 126BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: Just PeaceCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
A Chinese PhD student at Emory University talks about the student movement in China, its misrepresentations in the mainstream press and its struggle against the repression and corruption in China.
Conference for a Deomcratic Future Conference for a Deomcratic Future
Date: 12/1989Volume Number: DecemberFormat: ReportCollection: South Africa
This booklet is intended to serve as a report-back to those organizations which were party to the Conference for a Democratic Future (CDF). The CDF was a historic gathering of the forces for change represented by 4600 delegates from over 2100 organizations.