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South Africa

This collection contains a variety of materials which focus on the anti-apartheid movement both within and outside of South Africa. Themes and voices in this collection range from: the Pan African Congress, The Black Consciousness Movement, the US student movement, external interventions against apartheid, the labor movement within South Africa, and the Springbok 5.

Sources produced by Black South Africans and anti-apartheid groups within South Africa sought to spread the word about the realities of apartheid and actions that were taking place on the ground in South Africa. The materials created by groups outside of the region focus on external interventions in support of apartheid (mercenaries, Shell Oil, etc) and how people could oppose Apartheid despite ones distance from South Africa.

Materials included in this collection are: South African newspaper clippings, newsletters, speeches, statements and political programs from South African anti-apartheid groups, South African labor union political reports, flyers for anti-apartheid protests from United States student groups, and monographs focusing on multinational corporations and their support of apartheid.

Highlighted Periodicals:

Workteam: The Worker’s Co-op Magazine is a magazine for production co-operatives throughout Southern Africa. All articles deal in some way with the daily work and learning of the workers’ co-operative movement. We will keep questioning the direction of the movement and its methods of organization in light of experience. Periodical was published in Gaborone, Botswana. Two issues, 1989-1990.

ANC News Briefing: Press cuttings and news clippings from news sources in South Africa as well as based internationally. Nine issues, 1986-1990.

Learn and Teach: Learn and Teach Publications was published in Johannesburg, South Africa. Two issues, both from 1990.

ERASER (Alternative Youth Magazine): ERASE sees its objective as getting people to identify, confront and challenge the divisive ideologies of Racism and Sexism through running workshops, producing alternative media and by developing and availing resources to those interested in the project’s work. ERASE is not affiliated to any political organization and will service any structure which is fighting Racism and Sexism. Three issues, 1991-1992.

SPEAK: A periodical by and for women, SPEAK was published in Johannesburg, South Africa. Eighteen issues, 1989-1993.

Work in Progress: An independent analytical journal has provided incisive political and economic commentary and information on Southern African developments and opposition to Apartheid. Three issues, all from 1990.

Upfront: An independent publication aimed at providing informative and analytical articles reflecting the exciting and changing times in South Africa. One issue, from 1989.

Azanian Labour Journal: Azanian Labour Journal was created to keep you informed of events and currents in the labour movement including those which other publications shy away from. Four issues, 1990-1992. 

Azanian News: The official organ of the Pan-African Congress. Three issues, 1977-1983.

Mayibuye: Journal of the African National Congress (ANC). Mayibuye, a Zulu term meaning “bringing back what was lost” was the journal of the ANC from 1990-1998. 10 issues, 1990-1993.  

SeChaba: Official organ of the African National Congress. SeChaba was the ANC official periodical during the time the organization was banned in South Africa (1967-1990). SeChaba was published in London, England. Four issues, 1972-1987.


Saths Cooper on South African issues and Steve Biko. Saths Cooper on South African issues and Steve Biko.
Date: 9/24/1987Call Number: AFR 061Format: Cass A & BCollection: South Africa
Saths Cooper, president of South Africa’s Professional Board for Psychology, speaks about Steve Biko, leader of the Black Consciousness movement. He speaks about Apartheid and colonization’s influences on South Africans. He claims that the west usually ignores the exploitation and wrongs of colonization on South Africa, and instead concentrates only on anti-Apartheid movements. The struggle is both at the national and social levels. The struggle means repossession of land and social transformation. Whites own most of the land in South Africa, but constitute only 15% of the population. Cooper also talks about how the youth have taken the lead in the revolution because they have vested interest in their futures, so they fight against resignation to the law. He says, “The youth have become the collective consciousness of a people denied on a political, social, and economic level.” He speaks about racial and economic hierarchies in South Africa, and about Steve Biko’s influence and student organization influence. He lastly speaks about how AZAPO (Azanian People’s Organization) follows Black Consciousness ideologies, while other organizations in South Africa follow AZAPO’s ideology, and he claims that Biko had to be killed when he did (1977) because people were unified under UDF (United Democratic Front - a South African umbrella organization of banned black organizations) and they realized they had a common enemy, so they needed to strike together. Therefore, the government killed Biko because of his strong influence and threat to the psychological impact of Apartheid. Cooper’s talk is followed by a question and answer session, and continues to Side B.
The state of South Africa and relations with the United States. The state of South Africa and relations with the United States.
Call Number: AFR 087AFormat: Cass ACollection: South Africa
Interviews about the state of South Africa. Elizabeth Sebeko is interviewed about the South African Freedom Charter, the ANC (African National Congress), the PAC (Pan African Congress), land issues, race issues, and discrimination and overt oppression in South Africa. She speaks about how the Freedom Charter is designed and should be for the native black people of South Africa, not the colonizers. Next, Harold Fuluin, South African Minister of Cooperation and Development & “black affairs”, responds to a question about the government’s reforms increasing violence in the country. He responds, saying that the ones inciting the violence are the militant leftist groups in South Africa, who are only looking for complete revolution. He states that in the government’s reforms, the term “one man, one vote” does not apply to black enfranchisement because of such population diversity in the country. In response to the interviewer’s claim that the South African white government is only moving toward reform in response to black violence, Mr. Fuluin answers by repudiating the claim, instead saying that the reform process bagan around 1982, “long before there was any sign of organized violence in the country” (which, of course, is not true). Next, a news program discusses Washington D.C.’s perceived pressure on Pretoria, South Africa, to step up reforms in the country. Mr. Maines of Washington speaks about President Ronald Reagan’s administration getting much opposition to its foreign policy on South Africa. He says that Prime Minister P. W. Botha does not seem to respond to the pressure. He also says that Reagan is in a quandry because his support comes from the Right and their ties with South Africa, but he is facing major pressure from all over the US to impose sanctions on South Africa. Lastly, poor recording of a woman and man speaking about the Congo and the Belgians.
Towards an Understanding of the Role of Whites in the South African Struggle Towards an Understanding of the Role of Whites in the South African Struggle
Publisher: Southern African Liberation Support CommitteeDate: 10/1977Volume Number: OctoberFormat: MonographCollection: South Africa
This booklet is an attempt to explain the reasons behind the breakaway and formation of SALSCOM, to state our political beliefs openly, to outline our program priorities for the future. Contents: OKHELA and Beyond- A recent History of White Resistance; the National Liberation Movement; Key Political Issues Facing White South Africans; Towards a Program of Action.