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Search Results

Puerto Rican Plebscite Seminar -Tape 1 of 3 Puerto Rican Plebscite Seminar -Tape 1 of 3
Date: 6/30/1989Call Number: LA 060Format: Cass A & BProgram: recorded conferenceCollection: Puerto Rico
Tape 1 of 3. In Spanish. Off-mic reording of a day-long seminar at the University of Puerto Rico on the Puerto Rican Plebiscite and Independence. Carlos Gallisa starts in the middle of a sentence, talks for 15 min. Jose Lopez talks for 15 minutes. 15 Minutes blank. Juan Mari Bras starts in middle of a sentence, talks for 20 minutes. Carlos Quisos talks for 20 min, then cuts off to blank for 5min.
Puerto Rican Plebiscite Puerto Rican Plebiscite
Date: 8/28/1989Call Number: LA 055Format: Cass A & BProducers: Gloria AlonzoProgram: public talkCollection: Puerto Rico
Jose Lopez gives public talk on the Plebiscite and Puerto Rican status as a Free Associated State. Welcome by Gloria Alonzo. Lisa Roth talks about Huey P. Newton’s funeral and his legacy. Lopez talks about Pedro Albizu Campus’ legal trial and it’s legacy. He talks about the plebicscite as a form of consulting the people you conquer. Talks about Puerto Rican Prisoners of War and Political Prisoners. question & answer.
Puerto Rican Plebscite Seminar -Tape 2 of 3 Puerto Rican Plebscite Seminar -Tape 2 of 3
Date: 6/30/1989Call Number: LA 061Format: Cass A & BProgram: recorded conferenceCollection: Puerto Rico
Tape 2 of 3. In Spanish. Off-mic reording of a day-long seminar at the University of Puerto Rico on the Puerto Rican Plebiscite and Independence. Carlos Quisos continues to talk. Then a number of other men speak. One woman speaks on side B -- Milsa Medina.
Puerto Rican Plebscite Seminar -Tape 3 of 3 Puerto Rican Plebscite Seminar -Tape 3 of 3
Date: 6/30/1989Call Number: LA 062AFormat: Cass AProgram: recorded conferenceCollection: Puerto Rico
Tape 3 of 3. In Spanish. Off-mic recording of a day-long seminar at the University of Puerto Rico on the Puerto Rican Plebiscite and Independence.
Interview with Adolfo Matos Interview with Adolfo Matos
Date: 1/7/2003Call Number: V 140Format: SVHSProducers: nyla rosen, hana tauber, jose ignacio fuste, marcos garofaloCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Unedited interview used to get clips for a project on the Puerto Rican former political prisoners. In Spanish. Artist, independence figher, and former political prisoner Adolfo Matos talks about the connections between Puerto Rican Independence and the release of the political prisoners, his history and current projects, his use of art as liberatory, formal and informal/social prisons, his poetry book, and reads a poem (min 47), etc. NOTE: For easier viewing, check out V 143 which has extracted, edited interviews of him and other PR Independentistas.
Interview with Jan Susler Interview with Jan Susler
Date: 1/7/2003Call Number: V 141Format: SVHSProducers: nyla rosen, hana tauber, jose ignacio fuste, marcos garofaloCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Unedited interview used to get clips for a project on the Puerto Rican former political prisoners. In English. Jan Susler, one of the lawers for the Puerto Rican Political prisoners talks about the connections between Puerto Rican Independence and the release of the political prisoners, the struggle for independence, her political history, the campaign to shut down the Lexington Control Unit and fear (min 25), how Luis Rosa and the other prisoners changed her (min 47), visibility (min 1), North Americans supporting Puerto Rico’s liberation struggle, etc. Continued on V 142. NOTE: For easier viewing, check out V 143 which has extracted, edited, and subtitled interviews of her and some of the former prisoners.
Interview with Jan Susler Interview with Jan Susler
Date: 1/7/2003Call Number: V 142Format: SVHSProducers: nyla rosen, hana tauber, jose ignacio fuste, marcos garofaloCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
(Continued from V 141.) Unedited interview used to get clips for a project on the Puerto Rican former political prisoners. In English. Jan Susler, one of the lawers for the Puerto Rican Political prisoners talks about the connections between Puerto Rican Independence and the release of the political prisoners, connections between post Sept. 11 repression and that faced by Puerto Ricans, crisis, visibility, etc. NOTE: For easier viewing, check out V 143 which has extracted, edited, and subtitled interviews of her and some of the former prisoners.
Programa Navideno Puertoriqueno/ Puerto Rican Christmas Program Programa Navideno Puertoriqueno/ Puerto Rican Christmas Program
Date: 12/24/1987Call Number: LA 065Format: Cass A & BProducers: AvotjaProgram: KPFACollection: Puerto Rico
Music for Christmas from Puerto Rico, Un asalto navideno by Joe Kijalo and his group Cachala with Cheo Feliciano, Cortijho, Cachao, etc; los Pleneros de lo quinto olivo; Parranda jibara. Then side B with Angel canales, Johnny Bravo, La Lupe y Tito Puente, Elias Lopez, Lucecita Venitez, Felix Olmo, etc.
Interview with Victor Hernandez Cruz, Miguel Gomez Pinero, Miguel Algarin Interview with Victor Hernandez Cruz, Miguel Gomez Pinero, Miguel Algarin
Call Number: LA 066Format: Cass A & BProducers: Nina SerranoProgram: tape recorded interviewCollection: Puerto Rico
Nina Serrano interviews . Miguel Pinero talks about his play, Short Eyes -- a “street-poetry play” created and about prison life, shown at Riverside and Lincoln Center in New York. The poetry is a “total experience” for the actors (former prisoners) .
Interview with Victor Hernandez Cruz, Miguel Gomez Pinero, Miguel Algarin Interview with Victor Hernandez Cruz, Miguel Gomez Pinero, Miguel Algarin
Call Number: LA 067BFormat: Cass BProducers: Nina SerranoProgram: tape recorded interviewCollection: Puerto Rico
Nina Serrano interviews . Miguel Pinero talks about his play, Short Eyes -- a “street-poetry play” created and about prison life, shown at Riverside and Lincoln Center in New York. The poetry is a “total experience” for the actors (former prisoners) . (Same as LA 066)