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Search Results

Anti-racist protest in Boston Anti-racist protest in Boston
Call Number: KP 012BFormat: Cass BProducers: Dave LampellCollection: General materials
Dave Lampell’s program gives live coverage from an antiracist protest in Boston. Speakers include Amiri Baraka and Dick Gregory. Amiri Baraka’s speech discusses State violence, imperialism, capitalism, racism and war. Great quotes for vinyl project. Racism in the Boston area is also discussed. Also live coverage from protest taking over streets and police brutality.
Interview with George Jackson’s lawyer and former fellow inmate/comrade Interview with George Jackson’s lawyer and former fellow inmate/comrade
Call Number: PM 104Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: George Jackson
Track 1: Interview with John Thorne, George Jackson’s lawyer, about his relationship with George. Describes George as a selfless leader, always bringing in lawyers to discuss the cases of fellow inmates. Talks about George’s solidarity with other movements, his dedication to struggle for freedom, his ultimate discipline and preparedness for attack. Discusses some of the letters between George and Angela Davis about fascism within the United States. Track 2: Interview of Popeye Jackson, former fellow prisoner of George’s in San Quentin and Soledad prisons, discussing the impossibility of the State’s case for assassinating George Jackson. Discusses the repressive conditions of the adjustment center and the many revolutionaries abused within solitary confinement. Reads a letter from Fleeta Drumgo about his treatment in the case of his death.
Ralph David Abernathy: Nixon Administration and the Vietnam War Ralph David Abernathy: Nixon Administration and the Vietnam War
Date: 1/1/1969Call Number: CD 054Format: CDCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
A speech given to huge outdoor rally in SF Bay Area in 1969 condemning imperialism and the war in Vietnam. GREAT materials!
Teurai Kangai and Ahmed Obafemi on history of the RNA (Republic of New Africa), and ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union). Teurai Kangai and Ahmed Obafemi on history of the RNA (Republic of New Africa), and ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union).
Call Number: AFR 010BFormat: Cass BCollection: Zimbabwe
Tirai Kangai speaks on the RNA (Republic of New Africa), the liberation of Zimbabwe, pan-africanism, and talks about the history of the struggle for independence in Zimbabwe by ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union). He also speaks about how ZANU is engaging in armed struggle against British and US imperialism.
Paul Robeson readings Paul Robeson readings
Call Number: PR 055Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln BergmanCollection: Paul Robeson recordings
Readings from Paul Robeson, by Lincoln Bergman, about his years living in England (1929-39) Same as CD 288, Track 3
What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy : The War Against the Third World What I've Learned About U.S. Foreign Policy : The War Against the Third World
Date: 4/1/2004Call Number: CD 303Format: DVDProducers: Frank DorrelCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Frank Dorrel has put together an excellent 2 - hour video, the basic message being that the Central Intelligence Agency, the military-industrial complex, the Pentagon, the multinational corporations, the media and the Government of the United States are responsible for the deaths of millions of people in the third world, not to mention the poverty and oppression of millions more. We support, arm and train dictators and militaries that do these evil actions to their own people. All of this is to insure that we control the natural resources of these countries and their marketplace, use the people for cheap labor and keep the business of war (which is our biggest business) ongoing. The CIA has done business with international drug dealers, allowing heroin and cocaine to enter the U.S., using the profits to fund more covert operations. The mainstream media, or corporate media (as some refer to it), will not tell these truths because it is owned by the very corporations who benefit from all of this. When it comes to foreign policy, the mainstream media gets its stories straight from the Pentagon and the CIA. We have been taught all our lives that the United States fights for freedom and democracy, that we are the good guys. And since so many people in America are doing well, do have freedom, opportunity and wealth or are just trying to get by, there is very little motivation to look into the things being said on this tape.
As’ad AbuKhalil: The Battle for Saudi Arabia As’ad AbuKhalil: The Battle for Saudi Arabia
Date: 8/19/2004Call Number: CD 306Format: CDProducers: Alternative RadioProgram: ABAS3Collection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Saudi Arabia is a most unusual country. Its oil reserves are the largest in the world. It is run like a privately owned business operated by the Saud family. Hundreds of princes and their hanger ons preside over a nation without a constitution. Patriarchy, misogyny, oppression, censorship, religious intolerance characterize this feudal regime. Since Saudi Arabia functions as a virtual petrol pump for the big oil companies, the U.S. turns a blind eye to what Amnesty International calls "gross human rights violations." Fundamentalists in the kingdom funded Islamic militant networks, jihadis and the Taliban in Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. Many of these jihadis have now turned their guns on the princes in Riyadh and their allies in Washington.
Haydee Beltran Interview by Pilar Haydee Beltran Interview by Pilar
Call Number: PM 264AFormat: Cass AProducers: HaydeeCollection: Puerto Rico
Political prisoner Haydee Beltran is interviewed about her roles and values as a woman in the Puerto Rican Independence struggle. Equality, freedom, and dignity are her main concepts when involving men and women in the struggle. Imperialistic powers that take advantage of Puerto Rico need to be fought by both men and women. When the government caught their organization, both men and women were captured. This shows that both sexes were equally involved in the resistance. Pilar also explains their position in referring themselves as a POW. With a long history of the US and PR at war, the US always attempts to remove anti-capitalist/imperialist opposition. As a result, organizations are forced to become clandestine movements. The tape ends with Pilar explaining their recent hunger strike for Alfredo Mendez.
Haydee Beltran Interviews Haydee Beltran Interviews
Call Number: PM 265AFormat: Cass ACollection: Puerto Rico
Statement made by Haydee Beltran, one of the women political prisoners involved in the Puerto Rican Independence struggle. As result of the long history of Yankee invasion, up to 95% are unemployed, 45% of the work force are in dangerous/polluting industrial jobs, 60% of PR land is owned by US corporations with single goal of taking all natural resources, 80% of production is controlled by US capital, 13% of land is owned by US armed forces, and there is little economic hope. Forced migration into America is due to these conditions. The choice to fight against the US is due to the desecration and violence towards Puerto Rico. Due to US imperialism, elections are a sham because of US political influence. The process of democracy is ruined and ordinary citizens have gave up on voting. The statement ends in the explanation of PR trying to petition independence in the UN charter, however US halts the process every time.
Born of the People: Ho Chi Minh & Malcolm X Born of the People: Ho Chi Minh & Malcolm X
Date: 5/19/1975Call Number: V 217Format: UmaticProducers: Nothing is More Precious ThanProgram: Open Studio - KQEDCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Tribute to Malcolm X and Ho Chi Minh who share a birthday - May 19th. Utilizes historical Soviet film footage of Ho Chi Minh and the Vietnamese National Liberation Front and film and stills of malcolm X.