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Search Results

Speech by Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe to African Americans Speech by Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe to African Americans
Date: 8/23/1980Call Number: AFR 006BFormat: Cass BCollection: Zimbabwe
Zimbabwe president Robert Mugabe gives a speech to African Americans living in Harlem, at a rally on Harlem Day, August 23, 1980. On the occasion of Zimbabwe’s admission to the United Nations, Mugabe thanks people for their support of Zimbabwe’s struggle for national independence and against colonial racist white rule. He celebrates the victory of the black man in Zimbabwe and the continued struggle for non-racialism and equality. He ends his speech with the hope that the victory of Zimbabwe will inspire the oppressed Africans in South Africa and Namibia.
Nangula Hamutenya and Aaron Mushimba of SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization) Women’s Council Nangula Hamutenya and Aaron Mushimba of SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization) Women’s Council
Date: 9/15/1981Call Number: AFR 024Format: Cass A & BCollection: SWAPO- Namibia
Nangula Hamutenya, Department officer and Regional secretary for information and political orientation for SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization) Women’s Council, speaks about the creation of the women’s council as one of SWAPO’s wings to reflect all of Zambia. She stresses that the SWAPO women’s council is against inequality, and for the active participation of women in the struggle for liberation. She talks about the council’s goals to organize the women of Namibia and to take care of the refugee women and children. She calls on women all over the world to fight with other women for their rights. Aaron Mushimba, chief representative for SWAPO at the Lusaka, Zambia office, talks about the attacks by the South African government on liberation struggles in Namibia, Zambia, and Angola. He emphasizes that SWAPO freedom fighters receive ideological and military training in helping the Namibian struggle, and also mentions that women freedom fighters are equal in all respects, except some of the tougher military training.
Conference on liberation struggles in Zimbabwe and the Congo. Conference on liberation struggles in Zimbabwe and the Congo.
Call Number: AFR 034Format: Cass A & BCollection: African liberation movements
Conference on liberation struggles in Africa, particularly Zimbabwe and the Congo. Judy Clark of the ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) Women’s League speaks on the ongoing struggle for liberation and reconstruction in Zimbabwe, Namibia, South Africa, and Congo. The ZANU Women’s League raises support for women fighting for liberation and equality. Serge Mukendi of the FLNC (Congolese National Liberation Front) speaks on the history of the struggle for independence in the Congo, and calls the people to fight for liberation against white colonialist structures. Judy Clark again speaks on the legacy and power of Patrice Lumumba in the continuing struggle for liberation in the Congo. Alajo Adegbalola, Minister of Defense for the Provisional government of the RNA (Republic of New Africa), speaks on the importance of the unity of the RNA in fighting for liberation in Africa. He also speaks on the history of black person’s struggle in America and the Civil Rights Movement.
Conference on liberation and reconstruction struggles in Southern Africa Conference on liberation and reconstruction struggles in Southern Africa
Call Number: AFR 035Format: Cass A & BCollection: African liberation movements
Continuation of AFR 034 See enclosed note in AFR 035 Conference on liberation and reconstruction struggles in Africa, particularly in Zimbabwe, South Africa, and Namibia. A representative of SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization) speaks about the international community being in solidarity with Southern African countries, and asks for support for SWAPO’s continued struggle for liberation in Namibia. A member of the Zimbabwe admission to the United Nations speaks about the bonds formed between liberation fighters in Africa and internationally. He speaks about the leaders of ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union), the ANC (African National Congress), and the PAC (Pan African Congress). He speaks on the history of the struggles for independence and human rights in Southern Africa, and the contued struggle for liberation. Sylvia Baraldini of the May 19th Communist Organization speaks on the National Campaign in solidarity with the ZANU Women’s League. She talks about the lessons of the struggle for liberation in Zimbabwe and looks at the process of reconstruction. A permanent representative of the PAC of Azania to the United Nations speaks about South Africa. He comments on South African president P.W. Botha’s refusal to erode Apartheid through economic means. He talks about a socialist solution incorporating equal distribution of wealth and power, and calls people to work together to fight oppression.