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Search Results

Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 133Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 134Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Women in Prison Women in Prison
Call Number: PM 210Format: Cass A & BCollection: Prisons - Women
Intervew of Women in Prison, Dublin, CA 1995. Political prisoners Dylcia Pagan, Linda Evans, Ida Robinson, and Marilyn Buck are asked to speak about themselves and why they are in prison. The women also discuss the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), the lack of wages and benefits for the poor and oppressed, and the wrongs of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Ida Robinson speaks about families of ethnic minorities, and Marilyn Buck speaks about how political prisoners aren’t violent, they are just casualties during the conflict. The women discuss the state of the poor white woman, how is marginalized because no one is fighting for her and she has no representation.
The objectives of the Black Panther Party in the Vietnam War The objectives of the Black Panther Party in the Vietnam War
Date: 11/12/1969Call Number: KP 093Format: Cass A & BCollection: Black Panther Party general
Side A: Angela Davis, Raymond Masai Hewitt, Terrence Hallinan, and Charles Gary speak about the objectives of the Black Panther Party. They discuss the freeing of political prisoners, how the US constitution is not relevant for black people, and they call blacks to be more violent in order to make themselves known and to attain peace. Charles Gary relates Bobby Seale’s message for the people: that it is important for them to rally around the moratorium of the Vietnam war and the war in the ghettos. Side B begins with liberation music and songs. Charles Gary continues speaking on the peace movement. Angela Davis speaks about raising the level of awareness and consciousness. She speaks about using the same tactics as used in the Vietnam war in minority areas. Terrence Hallinan speaks about making demonstrations relevant to black people. He calls people to action against the struggle in Vietnam and at home.
The Ohio 7 On Trial The Ohio 7 On Trial
The Ohio 7 On Trial is a series of interviews from prison with the political prisoners accused of membership in the United Freedom Front (UFF). The UFF was an armed clandestine guerilla organization active in the late 1970s and early 1980s against US imperialism and intervention in Central America, and South African apartheid. It includes interviews with Ray Luc Levasseur, Pat Gros-Levasseur, Barbara Curzi-Laaman, Jaan Lehman, Carol Manning, Thomas Manning, ans Richard Williams. Poor quality dub.
Interview with Susan Rosenberg about conditions in the women’s political prison, Lexington. Interview with Susan Rosenberg about conditions in the women’s political prison, Lexington.
Call Number: PM 438AFormat: Cass AProducers: Sally O’Brian, Terry BissonCollection: Political Prisoners- General Info
Interview with Susan Rosenberg, an American revoluntionary anti-imperialist female political prisoner, about Lexington prison. . Susan Rosenberg describes the focus of Lexington as “the psychological element of incarceration to disintigrate the personality”. She speaks about the terribly harsh and restrictive conditions of Lexington, as well as the psychological impact of the prison. Rosenberg speaks about how every prisoner is there for political reasons, as the control unit is not based on disciplinary measures, but on classificationof who and what the prisoners are associated with. Susan Rosenberg’s attorney, Michael Schubert, speaks about the isolation and solitary confinement the Lesington prisoners experience, and how such isolation is aimed at keeping the prisoners isolated from politics.
Interview with Susan Rosenberg on KMUD Interview with Susan Rosenberg on KMUD
Call Number: PM 225Format: CassetteProgram: KMUDCollection: Political Prisoners- General Info
Susan Rosenberg speaks over the phone from a Washington DC jail. As political activists, Rosenberg and others were charged with conspiracy to influence foreign domestic policy by illegal violent means. With a right to have a necessity to resist, Rosenberg and others actively fought against US war crimes of injustice. While being charged for four DC bombings (Capital Bombings), multiple organizations claimed responsibility. Rosenberg was initially caught with explosives and was linked to the conspiracy. A usual sentence for explosives is 3 ½ years, however her situation is politically charged and she first received a 58-year sentence. With no evidence of her doing the bombings, she was charged by political association. With no direct evidence, Susan explains that involvement can mean responsibility and potential conviction. Along with her explanation of past problems with the government, Rosenberg talks about her recent struggle with confinement in the Lexington Control Unit and her movement to shut it down. She speaks of the injustices of sending political prisoners to solitary confinement (Lexington Control Unit). Rosenberg also explains her experiences with being retried a second time with no new evidence. The second indictment was for bombing, while the first was conspiracy. These actions were illegal due to laws of double jeopardy. Eventually, a federal judge dismissed the case. As the struggle continues, Susan Rosenberg describes that she is gaining more opportunities to fight her case and political prisoners will have more rights as well.
Political Prisoners in the US Political Prisoners in the US
Call Number: PM 256Format: CassetteProducers: Prison Radio ProjectProgram: You Can’t Jail the Spirit #8Collection: Political Prisoners- General Info
Political prisoners Ed Mead and Linda Evans, former political prisoner Pat Levasseur and Marilyn Kalmen, attorney and a member of Out of Control: Lesbian Community in Support of Political Prisoners. A discussion of their anti-imperialist actions; defying the government by using armed guerrilla tactics. Government repression of anti-imperialist action (labeled "terrorism") through lengthy jail sentences, harsh prison conditions, corruption of the prison industrial complex, and organizing support for political prisoners.
Women in Prison Women in Prison
Intervew of Women in Prison, Dublin, CA 1995. Political prisoners Dylcia Pagan, Linda Evans, Ida Robinson, and Marilyn Buck are asked to speak about themselves and why they are in prison. The women also discuss the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), the lack of wages and benefits for the poor and oppressed, and the wrongs of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Ida Robinson speaks about families of ethnic minorities, and Marilyn Buck speaks about how political prisoners aren’t violent, they are just casualties during the conflict. The women discuss the state of the poor white woman, how is marginalized because no one is fighting for her and she has no representation.
International Women's Day Demo at FCI Dublin - Part 1 International Women's Day Demo at FCI Dublin - Part 1
Date: 3/8/1988Call Number: V 419Format: UmaticCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
International Women's Day demonstration outside the FCI Dublin prison in support of political prisoners and prisoners of war across the country. Includes footage of a march and speakers.