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Search Results

Gaza Strip Gaza Strip
Date: 1/1/2001Call Number: V 113Format: DVDProducers: James LongleyCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Gaza Strip Directed by James Longley Produced in Palestine/US, 2002 Running Time: 74m Distributor: Arab Film Distribution Website: A refreshingly unfettered look at the Israeli-Palestinian situation in the occupied territory, Longley's documentary is a unique experience, a film which gives a voice to a population largely ignored by the mainstream media. Shot almost entirely in a cinema vérité style and presented without narration, the film focuses on ordinary Palestinians rather than politicians and pundits. GAZA STRIP is an extraordinary and painful journey into the lives of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip struggling with the day-to-day trials of the Israeli occupation. In January of 2001, Longley traveled to the occupied territory. His plan was to stay for two weeks to collect preliminary material for a documentary film on the Palestinian Intifada. It was during his stay that Ariel Sharon was elected as Israeli Prime Minister. As violence erupted around him, Longley threw away his return ticket and filmed for the next three months, acquiring nearly 75 hours of footage. GAZA STRIP follows a range of people and events following the election, including the first major armed incursion into "Area A" by IDF forces during this intifada. More observation than political argument, GAZA STRIP offers a rare look inside the stark realities of life under Israeli military occupation.
Jenin, Jenin Jenin, Jenin
Date: 1/1/2002Call Number: V 114Producers: Mohamed BakriCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
'Where is God,' an elderly man desperately wonders when surveying the debris in the Palestinian refugee camp Jenin. The film, directed and co-produced by Palestinian actor and director Mohammed Bakri, includes testimony from Jenin residents after the Israeli army's Defensive Wall operation, during which the city and camp were the scenes of fierce fighting. The operation ended with Jenin flattened and scores of Palestinians dead. Palestinians as well as numerous human rights groups accused Israel of committing war crimes in the April 2002 attack on the refugee camp. "Jenin Jenin" shows the extent to which the prolonged oppression and terror has affected the state of mind of the Palestinian inhabitants of Jenin. Bitterness and grief are the prevailing feelings among the majority of the population. Many have lost loved ones or are still searching for victims and furniture among the debris. A little girl, who does not seem to be much older than twelve, tells her story but knows no fear. The ongoing violence in her day-to-day life only nourishes her feelings of hatred and the urge to take revenge. She tells what she would do to Prime Minister Sharon if he visited the camp and she shouts that the Palestinians will never give up the struggle. They will keep on producing children, who can continue the fight against injustice. The sad question forces itself on the spectator. What will become of a country, a people when its children are confronted with war and violence from a very early age? Banned in Israel, "Jenin Jenin" is dedicated to Iyad Samudi, the producer of the film, who returned home to Yamun after the shooting of the film was completed. On June 23, as Israeli forces besieged Yamun, Samudi was shot and killed as he was leaving a military-closed area with three friends.
Children of Fire Children of Fire
Date: 1/1/1990Call Number: V 119Format: VHSProducers: Mai MasriCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
When filmmaker Mai Masri returned to her hometown of Nablus after a 14 year absence, she discovered a new generation of Palestinians fighting for their freedom: the children of the Intifada. A 50 minute documentary, made in 1990 of the lives of the Palestianian kids, who shout and throw stones at Israeli soliders, play war games together, and create childish paintings that are filled with the violent images that surround them - of their young friends and relatives who have lost their lives in the fight for their homeland. "Dramatic, bravely filmed stuff...if you closed your eyes you could have been witnessing the Nazi occupation of the Warsaw Ghetto." [Daily Express] In Arabic with English subtitles.
People and the Land People and the Land
Date: 1/1/1997Call Number: V 120Format: VHSProducers: Tom Hayes, Raid BahhurCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Ahlan w'Sahlan (Our People and Our Lands)is a Palestinian expression of greeting offering everything between earth and sky for the comfort of a guest. It also sums up the dual responsibilities placed on an occupying power by the Geneva Accords; administration of the occupied territory and responsibility for the well-being of the people on it. People and the Land airdrops viewers into the universe of an occupied people, unreeling images of a new form of apartheid based on ethnicity. Challenging U.S. foreign policy and the conventions of the documentary form itself, People and the Land examines the concrete realities of Israel's conduct in the West Bank and Gaza, the level of U.S. support for that conduct through foreign aid, and the human cost of that aid in Palestine and the U.S.
Lee O’Brien: Lebanon/West Bank Lee O’Brien: Lebanon/West Bank
Call Number: KP 179AFormat: Cass ACollection: Palestine
Interview with Lee O’Brien on her experiences in Lebanon and the West Bank. O’Brien has observed many changes during the past year and a half and she explains the current situation. Since the signing of the Israeli-Egyptian treaty, O’Brien describes war and suffering being forced onto Southern Lebanon and the West Bank. After signing the treaty, O’Brein explains Israel’s policies toward Southern Lebanon and its change since 1978. Previously, limited retaliatory raids and occasional massive invasions were used. After the treaty, preemptive strikes to crush Palestinian resistance and Lebanese citizenship have been facilitated by Major Hadad a renegade fascist Lebanese official. As the autonomy talks approached on May 26, Israel is using massive amounts of force to weaken anti-Zionist resistance. Due to murders, bombings, indiscriminate shelling, and house raids, the Autonomy talks are also affecting the West Bank as well. Similar to Lebanon, the west bank is receiving an intense amount of violence.
From Anschluss to Kibbutz From Anschluss to Kibbutz
Date: 1/1/1974Call Number: CE 008Format: CassetteProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: From Anschluss to KibbutzCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Mike Rubin, whose parents fled the Nazis to come to the US, who then served in US Army in WW 2, then with Palmach commandos of the Jewish agency in 1948 and 1949 in Palestine, then worked on kibbutz, in oil fields, and merchant marine in Israel, explains his disillusionment with and reasons for leaving Israel in 1967 when he returned to the US.
A Jewish Child in Csarist Russia: Menuhin Reminisces A Jewish Child in Csarist Russia: Menuhin Reminisces
Date: 1/1/1973Call Number: CE 015Format: CassetteProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: A Jewish Child in Csarist Russia: Menuhin ReminiscesCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Moshe Menuhin talks about anti-Jewish pogroms in his Russian childhood, also discusses Herzl's founding of the Zionist movement and efforts to gain Russian support for it.
Jews in the Soviet Union: Menuhin Jews in the Soviet Union: Menuhin
Date: 1/1/1970Call Number: CE 016Format: CassetteProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Jews in the Soviet Union: MenuhinCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Moshe Menuhin discusses anti-Semitism in the USSR, Stalin's role, treatment of Jews in USSR since then, Zionist efforts to promote emigration to Israel, and US-USSR relations.
Interview with Mohammed Yusef Sadiq Interview with Mohammed Yusef Sadiq
Date: 10/1/1971Call Number: CE 021Format: CassetteProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Interview with Mohammed Yusef SadiqCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Mohammed Yusef Sadiq, Palestinian-Israeli playwright imprisoned for 2 years. Childhood, poor family. Analyzes impact of Zionism on school system. At University, wrote a play with Jewish friend on oppression in different parts of world. They performed it one time; he was arrested the next day (allegedly for crossing the border in Jordan, which was untrue). Held for two years. Detailed account.
Child of the Pogroms: Menuhin Tape #1 Child of the Pogroms: Menuhin Tape #1
Date: 1/1/1973Call Number: CE 226Format: CassetteProducers: Colin EdwardsProgram: Moshe Menuhin ReminscesCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Personal reminiscences by Moshe Menuhin of the anti-Jewish pogroms in Csarist Russia in the late 1800s and remarks on Dr. Theodor Herzl's founding of the Zionist movement and his bid for Csarist support.