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Search Results

Mayor of Hebron Lecture on Palestine Mayor of Hebron Lecture on Palestine
Date: 6/10/1980Call Number: KP 197Format: CassetteCollection: Palestine
The Mayor of Hebron, Palestine, speaks in the US to explain the situation in which his city was shut down by the Israeli army for 27 days. Under this lock down, families were confined to their homes, denied access to their day to day needs, telephones were disconnected, and anyone attempting to enter Hebron from Jerusalem were denied entry. The lock down was part of an occupation that saw people pushed off their land, as well as the rise of 92 settlements.
Alfred Lilienthal Alfred Lilienthal
Call Number: CE 212Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Consultant to the American delegation to the founding conference of the UN and former State Department member speaking about his time in Palestine around 1945 and the coexistence of Jews and Arabs. Also about the US coercing nations to support the creation of the State of Israel in the UN. Truman's immediate recognition of Israel as a state against the advice of his cabinet.
Alfred Lilienthal - Part 1 Alfred Lilienthal - Part 1
Call Number: CE 213Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Consultant to the American delegation to the founding conference of the UN and former State Department member speaking about his time in Palestine around 1945 and the coexistence of Jews and Arabs. Also about the US coercing nations to support the creation of the State of Israel in the UN. Truman's immediate recognition of Israel as a state against the advice of his cabinet.
Alfred Lilienthal - Part 2 Alfred Lilienthal - Part 2
Call Number: CE 214Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Consultant to the American delegation to the founding conference of the UN and former State Department member speaking about his time in Palestine around 1945 and the coexistence of Jews and Arabs. Also about the US coercing nations to support the creation of the State of Israel in the UN. Truman's immediate recognition of Israel as a state against the advice of his cabinet.
UN - Emergency Session - Six-Day War UN - Emergency Session - Six-Day War
Date: 6/17/1967Call Number: CE 259Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
The fifth emergency special session of the UN General Assembly called by the USSR in response to Israeli military aggression and the acquisition of land from Egypt, Syria, and Jordan.
Jordan on Palestinian Refugees Jordan on Palestinian Refugees
Date: 3/5/1971Call Number: CE 325Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Peter Saleh, Jordan's Director General of Information, discusses their support for UN resolution 242 calling for Israel to return land seized during the Six Day War and granting Palestinian refugees the right to return. States the need for democracy in Israel and an end to its official religious chauvinism. About massive concentrations of Arab prisoners in Israel and their being subjected to Israeli torture. Describes Israel's expelling of Arabs from Jerusalem and Hebron and creating Jewish settlements.
Interview with George Tuma Interview with George Tuma
Call Number: CE 345AFormat: 3 3/4 ips Side AProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Syrian Ambassador to the UN, George Tomeh, affirms that the Palestinian right to resist occupation is supported by International Law. Argues that resistance is necessary in the context of “bankrupt diplomacy” and harsh realities for young Palestinians. He discusses the fallacy of Zionist doctrine and the illegal ways the state of Israel was established. He also discusses the work of many American and British scholars and journalists to expose Israeli aggression against Palestinians, despite the US media control by Zionists, and details Israeli illegal occupation of Jerusalem and its impact on Palestinians.
Interview with Phyllis Kotite Interview with Phyllis Kotite
Call Number: CE 346Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Phyllis Kotite discusses UN Resolution 242 calling for Israel to end its illegal occupation of Palestinian and Arab lands since 1967. Israeli non-compliance is criticized and Arab (particularly Egyptian President Nasser) support for the Resolution. She criticizes the role of the US media for its uncritical support of Israel and the US position. How US policy in the Arab world, and its relationship with Israel, creates animosity towards the US and closer ties to the USSR. The relationship of the USSR to Arab states and its position towards Palestinian guerrillas.
Syrian Ambassador to the UN George Tuma Talks Syrian Ambassador to the UN George Tuma Talks
Date: 10/1/1969Call Number: CE 351AFormat: 3 3/4 ips Side AProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Syrian Ambassador to the UN, George Tuma, discusses American ignorance of the Middle East. Criticizes Zionist propaganda for falsely claiming it liberated the Occupied Territories and wanting peace. Discusses the forced removal of Palestinians from their homeland which the International community supports. Discusses the righteousness of the Palestinian case in International Law.
A Camp Called Baqa'a(r) A Camp Called Baqa'a(r)
Date: 1/1/1969Call Number: CE 358Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Series of interviews on very difficult conditions at The Baqa'a(r) refugee camp (Arabic: البقعة‎), first created in 1968, home at time of this report to 35,000 Palestinians in the camp, (with 20,000 nearby) and which has grown to as many as 120,000 in the camp, making it the largest in Jordan.