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Search Results

Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 133Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 134Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans
Call Number: JG/ 062Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
An interview with Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans, two North American political prisoners currently serving long sentences at the Federal Prison in Pleasanton as a result of their political activities. Linda and Laura have been anti-imperialist activities for twenty years, most recently in the anti-Klan, Black solidarity and lesbian and women's movements. Part of a series on U.S. political prisoners, produced by Judy Gerber. Note: Since the broadcast of this program, both Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans have been freed.
Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans
Call Number: JG/ 063Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
SAME AS JG/LS 062: An interview with Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans, two North American political prisoners currently serving long sentences at the Federal Prison in Pleasanton as a result of their political activities. Linda and Laura have been anti-imperialist activities for twenty years, most recently in the anti-Klan, Black solidarity and lesbian and women's movements. Part of a series on U.S. political prisoners, produced by Judy Gerber. Note: Since the broadcast of this program, both Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans have been freed.
Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison
Call Number: PM 227Format: CassetteCollection: Assata Shakur
This program is an edited version of her address to the people after she escaped. She begins the recording by stating that she loves everyone and encourages everyone to continue to struggle for our liberation. Assata talks about how Black people are constantly under attack by the poor school system, infiltration of drugs, welfare system, police state, etc. She talks about the necessity for a Black Nation and how Black women must play a key role in the struggle for liberation. She says that they are the most closely related to the struggle because of their position in White American society. Assata talks about the direction of the US government and how it is continually becoming more racist and fascist; how the government sees Black peoples as expendable and just "a thorn in their side."
Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison
Call Number: PM 228Format: CassetteCollection: Assata Shakur
Same as PM 227. This program is an edited version of her address to the people after she escaped. She begins the recording by stating that she loves everyone and encourages everyone to continue to struggle for our liberation. Assata talks about how Black people are constantly under attack by the poor school system, infiltration of drugs, welfare system, police state, etc. She talks about the necessity for a Black Nation and how Black women must play a key role in the struggle for liberation. She says that they are the most closely related to the struggle because of their position in White American society. Assata talks about the direction of the US government and how it is continually becoming more racist and fascist; how the government sees Black peoples as expendable and just "a thorn in their side."
Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison Assata Shakur: clips from her 1980 address to the people after her escape from prison
Call Number: CD 291Format: CDCollection: Assata Shakur
Same as PM227 This program is an edited version of her address to the people after she escaped. She begins the recording by stating that she loves everyone and encourages everyone to continue to struggle for our liberation. Assata talks about how Black people are constantly under attack by the poor school system, infiltration of drugs, welfare system, police state, etc. She talks about the necessity for a Black Nation and how Black women must play a key role in the struggle for liberation. She says that they are the most closely related to the struggle because of their position in White American society. Assata talks about the direction of the US government and how it is continually becoming more racist and fascist; how the government sees Black peoples as expendable and just "a thorn in their side." .
Mission Cultural Center Reception- Lolita Lebron Mission Cultural Center Reception- Lolita Lebron
Call Number: PM 235Format: Cass A & BCollection: Puerto Rico
A reception with Puerto Rican freedom fighter Lolita Lebron. A special focus on prisoners of war and the original United States invasion of Puerto Rico in 1898. Lebron offers a solidarity statement among nations and peoples and calls on all to do their part in liberating subjected countries. A question and answer session with the audience continues on side 2 with discussion of clandestine armed forces, the necessity of unity, United States infiltration, invasion, subjugation and torture. Lebron discusses, in-depth, her experiences of being tortured by the medical officials in prison, by being purposely infected with disease. Lebron talks about how she was drugged, abused and denied water, resulting in a kidney infection among many other severe medical problems . Lebron speaks on the attack of US capital in 1954 and on US infiltration in Puerto Rican organizations and the disloyalty to the independista movement. Conditions in Vieques are mentioned by Lebron and she mentions Angel Rodriguez Cristobal who died in the struggle in Tallahassee, Florida
Four Puerto Rican Political Prisoners Four Puerto Rican Political Prisoners
Call Number: PM 238AFormat: Cass ACollection: Puerto Rico
Puerto Rican Political Prisoners Alicia and Ida Luz Rodriguez explain the 1898 US military invasion of Puerto Rico, stripped the island of its independence, continue to maintain Puerto Rico as a colony. As Puerto Rican Revolutionary women, they stress the importance of family, describe the violent US military presence with 11 military bases on the island. They defend the use of arms as essential in protecting life when threatened with colonial violence. They explain how these conditions create the need for a clandestine struggle. They explain how the fight is against multinational corporations, not the people of the US. They expose the torturous realities of prison life for them as Puerto Rican women imprisoned for their political beliefs. They discuss torture units, known as "control units" where they were held.
International Women's Day Demo at FCI Dublin - Part 1 International Women's Day Demo at FCI Dublin - Part 1
Date: 3/8/1988Call Number: V 419Format: UmaticCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
International Women's Day demonstration outside the FCI Dublin prison in support of political prisoners and prisoners of war across the country. Includes footage of a march and speakers.