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You’ll notice that under the heading KEYWORDS, there are a number of words, phrases or names that describe content. Sometimes these are also called “tags.” Clicking on these words is essentially the same as conducting a basic search.

Search Results

Cuba: An African Odyssey Cuba: An African Odyssey
This film documents Che Guevara's efforts in the Congo to the battle of Cuito Cuanavale in Angola and tells the story of Cuba's assistance and influence on newly independent African nations.
Imperialist Strategy in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa Imperialist Strategy in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa
Author: Samora MichelPublisher: May 19th Communist OrganizationDate: 9/15/1978Volume Number: 15-SepFormat: MonographCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
Statement by Samora Machel concerning imperialism in Southern Africa.
Anniversary of the Death of Josina Machel Anniversary of the Death of Josina Machel
Publisher: Orignally printed by FRELIMO; reprinted and distributed by Toronto Committee for the Liberation of Portugal\\\'s African Colonies (TCLPAC)Date: 4/8/1971Volume Number: 8-AprFormat: MonographCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
Eulogy to the late Josina Machel.
Rising to the Challenge: Dealing with the Emergency in Mozambique Rising to the Challenge: Dealing with the Emergency in Mozambique
Publisher: National Executive Commission for the Emergency (CENE) and Department for the Prevention and Combat of Natural Disasters (DPCCW)Date: 4/1988Volume Number: AprilFormat: MonographCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
The concepts and policies set out in this booklet constitute an analysis of Mozambique\'s emergency situation and the strategy required to address it. In essence, Mozambique needs to support to resist South African destabilization. Contents include: The Nature of Emergency; Government Operational Strategy; The Emergency and Economic Recovery; Emergency Planning; Project Design; Financing the Emergency Programme.
Samora Machel Speaks/ Mozambique Speaks Samora Machel Speaks/ Mozambique Speaks
Publisher: Black Liberation PressYear: 1977Format: MonographCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
Mozambican Woman in the Revolution Mozambican Woman in the Revolution
Publisher: Mozambique, Angola, and Guine Information CenterDate: 3/1977Volume Number: MarchFormat: MonographCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
The selections in this monograph discuss the oppression of women, and their role on the anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggle.
The Death of Samora Moises Machel: A Funeral Eulogy The Death of Samora Moises Machel: A Funeral Eulogy
Author: Marcelino dos SantosPublisher: The Africa Fund (associated with The American Committee on Africa)Date: 10/28/1986Volume Number: 28-OctFormat: MonographCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
A packet of materials eulogizing Samora Machel, revolutionary leader and first president of Mozambique
Emergency Mozambique Emergency Mozambique
Publisher: National Executive Commission for the Emergency (CENE)Year: 1988Volume Number: No. 1 OctoberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
Cover Story: Children- The Victims of Destabilization.
Casting New Molds: First Steps toward Worker Control in a Mozambique Steel Factory Casting New Molds: First Steps toward Worker Control in a Mozambique Steel Factory
Authors: A conversation with Peter Sketchley and Frances Moore LappePublisher: Institute for Food and Development PolicyYear: 1980Format: MonographCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
This monograph details real life struggles of workers in Mozambique just after virtually all the Portuguese technical and managerial personnel left the country. Peter Sketchley writes about his two and a half years at CIFEL, a steel factory in Mozambique\'s capital city.
People\'s Power in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea Bissau People\'s Power in Mozambique, Angola and Guinea Bissau
Publisher: Mozambique, Angola & Guine Information CentreYear: 1977Volume Number: No. 9 July-SeptemberFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Angola, Guinea-Bissau and Mozambique
Towards A New Angola