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Search Results

PAC Chairman  Nyati Pokela  interview (Pan Africanist Congress of South Africa) PAC Chairman Nyati Pokela interview (Pan Africanist Congress of South Africa)
Date: 11/13/1982Call Number: AFR 009AFormat: Cass AProgram: Songs of FreedomCollection: South Africa
Judy Jensen of the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU interviews the Chairman of South Africa’s PAC (Pan Africanist Congress). Nyati Pokela speaks about the history and purpose of the PAC and explains what Bantustans are and why they were created. He explains why the PAC and the ANC (African National Congress) deem it necessary to engage in armed struggle against the Apartheid government, and how the PAC’s leaders lead by example by taking risks for the cause. Pokelu details the role of women in the struggle and the conditions of the black population of South Africa, and explains the unequal development of different African countries toward independence. He talks about the similarities between the struggles in South Africa and the US, and calls for solidarity with the PAC and Africa’s cause.
Jane Spielman and Sylvia Baraldini on Zimbabwe liberation Jane Spielman and Sylvia Baraldini on Zimbabwe liberation
Call Number: AFR 013Format: Cass A & BCollection: May 19th Communist Organization
Jane Spielman of the May 19th Communist Organization welcomes the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU and the Women’s Organization against Genocide to New York. Discusses the recently liberated Zimbabwe, and how the OAU (Organization of African Unity) and ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) fought for independence and support for reconstruction. Sylvia Baraldini, National director of the May 19th Communist Organization, celebrates the victory of Zimbabwe liberation and free elections. She discusses the rebuilding of Zimbabwe as a socialist society.
Diane Lacey interviews Judy Jensen of Material Aid Campaign for ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) Diane Lacey interviews Judy Jensen of Material Aid Campaign for ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union)
Call Number: AFR 017BFormat: Cass BProducers: WWRL New YorkProgram: Black Dialogue ProgramCollection: Zimbabwe
Jensen speaks about changing American’s attitudes toward Southern Africa, and the Material Aid Campaign’s “Dollars for Bullets” Campaign. The Campaign supports the liberation struggle in Zimbabwe and also SWAPO’s (Southern African People’s Organization) call for United Nations sanctions against South Africa.
Naomi Nhiwatiwa of the World Health Organization, speaks in solidarity with ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) on women’s contributions to the fight for liberation in Zimbabwe. Naomi Nhiwatiwa of the World Health Organization, speaks in solidarity with ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) on women’s contributions to the fight for liberation in Zimbabwe.
Date: 6/17/1979Call Number: AFR 028Format: Cass A & BCollection: Zimbabwe
Naomi Nhiwatiwa, senior advisor to the United Nations for the World Health Organization’s Africa Region, speaks about women’s contribution to the fight for liberation in Zimbabwe. She notes that equality exists between men and women within ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union), but usually not outside of the organization. She thanks the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU, praising them for their efforts to make the world a better place and for eradicating the symbol of white as oppressors in the black person’s mind.
Conference on Zimbabwe after independence. Conference on Zimbabwe after independence.
Date: 2/27/1982Call Number: AFR 032Format: Cass A & BCollection: May 19th Communist Organization
Conference on Zimbabwe after independence, featuring speakers Judy Jensen of Material Aid Campaign for ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union), Comrade Johnny of Zimbabwean Missions, Marcy Shulman of May 19th Communist Organization, Sister Assata Shakur and Serge Mukendi of FLNC (Congolese National Liberation Front), and Ahmed Obafemi, the East Coast Region Vice President of the RNA (Republic of New Africa). Jensen speaks first on the Material Aid Campaign’s goals of building solidarity with Namibia’s struggle against South African and American imperialism through the “Dollars for Bullets” campaign in solidarity with PLAN (People’s Liberation Army of Namibia). She points to Zimbabwe’s victory as bringing support to Namibia’s struggle through resources and moral support. Later she speaks on efforts to aid in Zimbabwe’s reconstruction. Comrade Johnny speaks about how the armed struggle was essential for victory, and how revolution never dies. After liberation, Zimbabwe must still continue the long process of freeing people from the white imperialist structures. He tells of the history of the Zimbabwe struggle, and how a development plan must be set up in reconstruction. Marcy Shulman speaks about women’s role in fighting for liberation. Assata Shakur and Serge Mukendi the oppressive situation the people of the Congo find themselves after the assassination of Patrice Lumumba. Mukendi calls for an armed peoples war for national liberation and socialism, and calls for solidarity with SWAPO (South West African People’s Organization). Ahmed Obafemi begins his speech, continued on AFR 033. Tape 1, 2/27 DFB
Imperialist oppression in Southern African countries Imperialist oppression in Southern African countries
Date: 1/15/1982Call Number: AFR 066Format: Cass A & BCollection: African liberation movements
Judy Jensen of the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU makes a speech about Southern Africa. She speaks about ZANU’s defeat of white settler colonialism in Zimbabwe and also women’s contributions to the struggle. She discusses the different fronts in the war for the liberation of Southern Africa, and the struggle against the US’s attack on their independence. She talks about struggles in Namibia, South Africa’s control over Southern African countries, and calls for solidarity with Southern African countries. Lastly, she draws comparisons and similarities between the oppression of blacks in America and Africa. Next, Serge Mukendi, US Representative of the Workers and Peasants Movement of the Congo (MOP), speaks about weaknesses in natural and human resources in Africa because they are not in the hands of the Africans. He speaks about the struggles in Congo and tells the audience that it is our duty to strengthen the fight for liberation in Congo through support and solidarity. On Side B, Eve Rosahn, political activist, Students Against Government Misconduct, speaks about political activists for black liberation who have been tortured and beaten for their actions. Next, a member of the Anti-Springbok 5 chants “Up With Azania, Down With South Africa!”, and speaks about her experiences as an ASB-5, and tells the audience about the Springbok 5 and what they represent. The Springboks are an elite white supremacist South African rugby team traveling the US, representing the spread of white imperialism. Lastly, PAC (Pan African Congress) representative Jackie Mazibuko, speaks about white alliances between Ian Smith of Zimbabwe, the South African government, and the US in their oppression of black Africans. She also speaks about the land issues in Africa, and that all land originally, and still should, belong to black Africans, and that people must have the ideology of revolution to struggle against oppression.
Pan African Congress Chairman Pokela on the PAC and conditions in South Africa. Pan African Congress Chairman Pokela on the PAC and conditions in South Africa.
Date: 11/8/1982Call Number: AFR 069Format: Cass A & BCollection: South Africa
Judy Jensen of the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) interviews PAC (Pan African Congress) chairman Pokela about the PAC campaigns in South African townships and cities. He speaks about how the PAC insists on conducting an armed struggle and guerilla warfare, and also that Gatsha Buthelezi is an independent and not the voice of PAC, although he is a member. Pokela speaks about the Soweto Uprisings. He talks about how one must go back into the history of Soweto to understand the significance of the uprisings, and how Africans can achieve their own independence, and their own rights. He talks about how the Soweto Uprising campaign is similar to PAC campaign, and then speaks about workers’ rights and job conditions. Side B is a continuation of Side A PAC Chairman Pokela speaks about unification between the PAC and Black Consciousness Movements, thereby uniting the people internally. He speaks about the need for all Africans to be united, and speaks about how other African countries such as Algeria, Angola, and Mozambique have been good examples for black South Africans. He speaks about the possible involvement of women in the PAC. Lastly, he says that Nationalism, Pan Africanism, and Socialism are central to the PAC.
Conditions in Zimbabwe and political consciousness America Conditions in Zimbabwe and political consciousness America
Call Number: AFR 077Collection: Zimbabwe
Judy Jensen,of the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU (Zimbabwe African National Union) is interviewed about raising support in America for revolutionary struggles in Africa. A passionate anti-imperialist, she speaks about the wrongs being done to Africans, particularly those in Southern Africa. She aims to educate Americans on the revolutionary struggles in Africa, and to teach them about anti-Apartheid goals. She details the measures and protests the Material Aid Campaign for ZANU will use to achieve their objectives. She speaks about war in Central America, and about American political consciousness, saying that people are slowly realizing the American government’s aggressive and imperialist nature. Side B contains an interview between two women. They discuss the problems facing Zimbabwe, such as land issues and dwindling resources. Next, the provincial secretary for the ZANU Women’s League, Eastern Province, is interviewed about the organization’s work for the Zimbabwean elections and their work in the provinces. Lastly, several women speak about problems getting material and supplies in Zimbabwe, expressing their thoughts on the newly independent Zimbabwe, and their hope for more equality between men and women.