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Search Results

Herman Bell Interview Herman Bell Interview
Date: 6/13/1974Call Number: PM 081Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude MarksCollection: Herman Bell
Interview done by Claude Marks Marks with Black Liberation Army member Herman Bell. Bell discusses the need for organizing within the black community and the means of strengthening itself through resistance and struggle. The SLA and Black Liberation Army are discussed extensively.
Herman Bell Out-takes Herman Bell Out-takes
Date: 9/16/1974Call Number: PM 078Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude MarksCollection: Herman Bell
Herman Bell talks about Gerald Ford’s appointment and the double standard for justice in the US. Discusses the dehumanization and demasculinization of prisoners and alienation from work. Compares the experiences of native people during colonization to redevelopment of communities in cities at present. Discusses the process of moving people toward consciousness and the US Health Department’s pattern of genocide throughout history.
The Nixon Interviews With David Frost, Volume 2 The Nixon Interviews With David Frost, Volume 2
Date: 1/1/1977Call Number: V 089Format: VHSProducers: David Paradine Productions, John Birt, David FrostCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Nixon interviewed about his presidency and events/people he was involved with during it: Mao Tse Tung; US relations with China; US involvement with Israel; US relations with Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh; Brezhnev; the Cold War; Henry Kissinger; Kent State; US in Cambodia.
Free To Be Human Free To Be Human
Call Number: KP 158Format: CassetteCollection: General materials
This program contains a reading of Felix Greene’s philosophical essay on how China’s new society illuminates Western societies and how they hinder human development. He says the core of the new democracy in China is not within the formal structures of society, but the attitudes of respect and trust between people, which the Cultural Revolution emphasized. He compels the listener to recall Mao’s quote, “understand class struggle”, as a personal obligation to become a better member of society. He contrasts this to Western ‘individual freedom’ and competition, which hinder peoples’ confidence to change the system around them, and develop relationships of equality.
Herman Bell Out-takes Herman Bell Out-takes
Date: 9/16/1974Call Number: CD 543Format: CDProducers: Claude MarksCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
Herman Bell talks about Gerald Ford’s appointment and the double standard for justice in the US. Discusses the dehumanization and demasculinization of prisoners and alienation from work. Compares the experiences of native people during colonization to redevelopment of communities in cities at present. Discusses the process of moving people toward consciousness and the US Health Department’s pattern of genocide throughout history. 9/16/1974 Herman Bell talks about his conviction on three felony charges stemming from a Bank of America robbery in San Francisco. The New York Five case is discussed. Discusses means of struggle - sword/pen, reflects on history and future goals. 9/28/1974 Herman Bell talks about Marcus Foster’s assasination and CIA affiliation and the replication of South African aparteid in San Francisco. Discusses his arrest in New Orleans, the practices of intimidation and torture used by police in New Orleans, and the shooting of Twymon Myers in New York. 6/13/1974
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1977Volume Number: No. 6 AugustFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: Soweto: Era of Mass Struggles Begin; Soweto and the South African Economy; Southern African Liberation Movements Must Take a Stand Against Soviet Social Imperialism; The National Question in Azania: The Native Versus the National Question; The Falsified History of African Dispossession of Their Land and Country in Azania; Why the Soviet Union is an Imperialist Country; Aspects of Social Imperialism in Africa; Who are the Katangese Gendarmes; Labour Laws in Angola; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1978Volume Number: No. 9 JuneFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: Africanist Congress of Azania; the Marxist-Leninist Opposition in the Revisionist South African Communist Party; Azanian Class Struggle and South African Colonialism; Imperialism and Mineral Resources in Southern Africa; The Rot in the ANC of South Africa; Revisionism and the Cultural Revolution; Excerpts from a History of Swaziland; Steve Biko on Social-Imperialism; On the Theory of the Three Worlds; Interview with UNITA Commander; and more.
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1979Volume Number: No. 11 MarchFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
This issue is dedicated to the heroic people of Kampuchea now fighting the Soviet inspired Vietnamese colonization of their country! Kampuchea will be free again. In this issue: Sobukwe\'s Theoretical Contributions; Imperialism and the South African State; the South African brand of colonialism; A reply to Dr. Dadoo on alleged \"black chauvinism\"; Six examples of the imperialist nature of Soviet revisionism; The development of materialistic dialectics by the proletarian leaders; more
IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis IKWEZI: A Black Liberation Journal of South African and Southern African Political Analysis
Year: 1980Volume Number: No. 14 MarchFormat: PeriodicalCollection: IKWEZI
In this Issue: State and Revolution in Zimbabwe; ANC-CP and Internal Settlement in Azania; Problem of the Azanian Revolution; The Eighties: Decades of World War III and Revolutions; Racist Marxism-Leninism: How the French Communist Party tried to Sabotage the Algerian Revolution; Samir Amin on National Liberation. Socialism, Imperialism and the West Centered View of World History; Iran, Afghanistan, Kampuchea; Mao Zedong on Building Communist Parties in Africa; more