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Search Results

Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (1 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 133Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2) Women Prisoners Dublin (2 of 2)
Date: 12/26/1995Call Number: PM 134Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: KPFAProgram: Freedom is a Constant Struggle (Freedom Is A Constant Struggle)Collection: Prisons - Women
Interview with Marilyn Buck, Dylcia Pagan, Ida Robinson, and Linda Evans, by Kiilu Nyasha, at the National Federal Prison of Dublin, California. Discussion about life in prison, being a political prisoner, being a mother in prison, current prison conditions, racism, white supremacy, anti-imperialism, and U. S. foreign and economic policy. Worker’s rights are discussed and how they affect prisoners who work for multi international corporations. Puerto Rico and its struggle to gain independence is discussed by Dylcia Pagan at length. The loss of the extended family for support of prisoners and their children is also spoken about at length.
Women in Prison Women in Prison
Call Number: PM 210Format: Cass A & BCollection: Prisons - Women
Intervew of Women in Prison, Dublin, CA 1995. Political prisoners Dylcia Pagan, Linda Evans, Ida Robinson, and Marilyn Buck are asked to speak about themselves and why they are in prison. The women also discuss the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), the lack of wages and benefits for the poor and oppressed, and the wrongs of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Ida Robinson speaks about families of ethnic minorities, and Marilyn Buck speaks about how political prisoners aren’t violent, they are just casualties during the conflict. The women discuss the state of the poor white woman, how is marginalized because no one is fighting for her and she has no representation.
Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans
Call Number: JG/ 062Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
An interview with Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans, two North American political prisoners currently serving long sentences at the Federal Prison in Pleasanton as a result of their political activities. Linda and Laura have been anti-imperialist activities for twenty years, most recently in the anti-Klan, Black solidarity and lesbian and women's movements. Part of a series on U.S. political prisoners, produced by Judy Gerber. Note: Since the broadcast of this program, both Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans have been freed.
Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans Political Prisoners in the United States: Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans
Call Number: JG/ 063Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
SAME AS JG/LS 062: An interview with Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans, two North American political prisoners currently serving long sentences at the Federal Prison in Pleasanton as a result of their political activities. Linda and Laura have been anti-imperialist activities for twenty years, most recently in the anti-Klan, Black solidarity and lesbian and women's movements. Part of a series on U.S. political prisoners, produced by Judy Gerber. Note: Since the broadcast of this program, both Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans have been freed.
BBC on Weathermen BBC on Weathermen
Call Number: CD 175Format: DVDProducers: BBCCollection: Compact discs and videos representing digitized copies of analog tapes
A BBC documentary on the Weathermen. Actually fairly balanced given the American media frensy during this era. Good interviews with Linda Evans, Bernardine Dohrn, Jennifer Dohrn & Jonah Raskin. This is a DVD!
Female Political Prisoners - series of interviews Female Political Prisoners - series of interviews
Call Number: JG/ 070Format: CassetteProducers: Judy Gerber, Lisa RudmanProgram: KPFACollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
This is a collection of different interviews and recordings of female political prisoners from around the world. Lisa Rudman collages them together to show the injustice towards political prisoners and to highlight some of the many tactics used by the US government and prison system to get information out of political prisoners. Rudman defines political prisoners and interviews Laura Whitehorn and Linda Evans and speaks about their cases and the circumstances leading to their imprisonment. The other political prisoners interviewed on the tape are: Dora Garcia, active in the national liberation struggles in the US colony of Puerto Rico; Mercedes Algado, a refugee active in the FSLM and FDR in El Salvador; Elizabeth Sebego, active in the Pan African Congress; Assata Shakur, active with the Black Panthers and now a refugee in Cuba; a Filipina imprisoned for her work with the church.
International Women’s Day 1991 International Women’s Day 1991
Call Number: JG/ 077BFormat: Cass BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
In celebration of International Women's Day, 1991. Readings from Angela Bronstein's 'Triple Struggle: Latin American Peasant Women': an account of Rosa Dominga, a Bolivian peasant women's organizer, on hardships faced by her fellow women and their struggle for a national women's congress. "Hay una Mujer," a song by Ronnie Gilbert and Holly Near. Reading of a poem by a female Puerto Rican Revolutionary and of a poem, "Expectation," by Assada Shakur, imprisoned black revolutionary. Report of protests at prisons to commemorate International Women's Day. Speech by Linda Evans, female political prisoner, antiwar protester. Evans declares herself an anti-imperialist prisoner, supports women's and lesbian liberation, cries out against the Middle East war and against the unjust U.S. criminal justice system.
Sparks Fly: Women political prisoners Sparks Fly: Women political prisoners
Date: 11/1/1996Call Number: V 392Format: VHSCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Audio messages from women political prisoners on the occasion of the 7th annual Sparks Fly event organized to commemorate the day of international solidarity with women political prisoners.
Women in Prison Women in Prison
Intervew of Women in Prison, Dublin, CA 1995. Political prisoners Dylcia Pagan, Linda Evans, Ida Robinson, and Marilyn Buck are asked to speak about themselves and why they are in prison. The women also discuss the GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs), NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), the lack of wages and benefits for the poor and oppressed, and the wrongs of the IMF (International Monetary Fund). Ida Robinson speaks about families of ethnic minorities, and Marilyn Buck speaks about how political prisoners aren’t violent, they are just casualties during the conflict. The women discuss the state of the poor white woman, how is marginalized because no one is fighting for her and she has no representation.