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Search Results

Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 10/6/1973Call Number: NI 001Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
This is the first "Nothing Is More Precious Than" (Freedom and Independence) program. Begins with a report from the Union of Vietnamese, commentary on political prisoners. States that under the Thieu regime, huge numbers of people in concentration camps and prisons—more prisons have been built than schools and churches combined. The Union demands that all political prisoners be released, all US aid cut off, and implementation of the agreement take place. Update on Chile, actions against the fascist coup, reports on bomb explosions at ITT and ATT. Weather Underground communiqué read in full. News roundup of events and protests throughout Latin America, October 8th, the Day of the Heroic Guerrilla--international week of solidarity with Chile.
Nothing Is More Precious Than Nothing Is More Precious Than
Date: 10/27/1973Call Number: NI 004Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude MarksProgram: Nothing Is More Precious ThanCollection: “Nothing is More Precious Than…” a news magazine including music and poetry
Wide ranging program--including report from Pine Ridge and many other inserts (separately described).
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 2/10/1973Call Number: RD 030Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Claude Marks, Lincoln BergmanProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Roundup of news, much international, Native American, prisons, repression
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 5/19/1973Call Number: RD 043Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude MarksProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Real Dragon celebrating birthday of Ho Chi Minh and Malcolm X
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 6/2/1973Call Number: RD 045Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude Marks, Mary MackeyProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
Program reports on events following General Alexander Haig running the White House as Chief of Staff. First impeach Nixon rally in Berkeley. Bombing of Cambodia continues. Defoliant 245T (dioxin) in Vietnam, pesticides, Latin America news roundup, Ho Chi Minh on children’s day.
Real Dragon Real Dragon
Date: 8/25/1973Call Number: RD 060 R1Format: Reel 1Producers: Lincoln Bergman, Claude MarksProgram: Real DragonCollection: “The Real Dragon” a news magazine including music and poetry
This is the LAST Real Dragon program and has an explanation of the change to the next iteration of the program--Nothing Is More Precious Than...
Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 2-Assassination Inside the CIA, On Company Business, Part 2-Assassination
Date: 1/1/1987Call Number: V 085Format: VHSProducers: Howard Dratch, Allan FrancovichCollection: Videos in many formats – both camera originals as well as reference materials
Testimony of former agents, archival footage, first-hand accounts of victims of CIA-backed torture, and other interviews reveal CIA’s mode of operation as well as its goals in Latin America. Goes into depth on subversion of labor movements. Also intervention in Brazil in particular as well as Ecuador, Uruguay, and Venezuela. Mentions Chile and others targets of CIA.
African Liberation music and poetry African Liberation music and poetry
Call Number: AFR 005AFormat: Cass ACollection: Africa- General Resources
Liberation music in African and African Jazz styles, all the songs have a political message. Issues raised are about Africans living under oppressive white rule, struggle for land and political power, and how oppressed people in countries like South Africa, Namibia, El Salvador, and Guatemala are being called to rise up against oppression and racism.
Samouri Marksman on African and Caribbean People Samouri Marksman on African and Caribbean People
Date: 1/16/1985Call Number: AFR 012Format: Cass A & BProgram: African Activists in AmericaCollection: Africa- General Resources
Michael Warren, chairman of African Activists in America, speaks about Maurice Bishop, and introduces Samouri Marksman. Marksman speaks about struggles of African people around the world; how Europeans control Latin American economies, cultures, and societies, and the struggle for Latin American independence; the struggle to alter the slave relationship with Europeans in the Caribbean and Africa; criticizes the IMF (International Monetary Fund) ; and American politics in South Africa and the struggle against Apartheid.
Panel Discussion on the crisis of racism PART 2 Panel Discussion on the crisis of racism PART 2
Date: 5/1/1962Call Number: KP 095Format: Cass A & BProducers: Public Affairs Department of WBAI, and Pacifica RadioProgram: “The Crisis of Racism”Collection: Black Liberation
A Continuation of KP 094, A panel discussion on "The Crisis of Racism", with Malcolm X, James Farmer, and William Worthy. Moderated by Murray Kempton. Conclusion and Question and Answer period - Malcolm X answers questions from the audience about racism in America. James Farmer, the National Director of CORE (Congress of Racial Equality), speaks about the 500 years of racial oppression in America. Malcolm X speaks about being ready to die for liberation, and about how the American colonists were also labeled revolutionaries. Finally there's a speech by James Farmer about CORE and the responsibilities of the blacks today to do something and take action against white racism.