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Search Results

Her Wits About Her: interviews with women who defended themselves against rape and assault Her Wits About Her: interviews with women who defended themselves against rape and assault
Date: 11/1/1987Call Number: JG/ 082Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberProgram: Her Wits About HerCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
The program consists of a series of interviews and testimonies from women who defended themselves from rapists and assault. The stories are often quite emotionally difficult to listen to, but the stories are ultimately hopeful and inspiring.
Her Wits About Her Rebroadcast Her Wits About Her Rebroadcast
Date: 8/3/1995Call Number: JG/ 094Format: CassetteProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Rebroadcast of 'Her Wits About Her' from several years prior.
AIDS Definition Protest in Atlanta AIDS Definition Protest in Atlanta
Date: 12/3/1990Call Number: JG/ 111AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberProgram: Pacifica NewsCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
The final segment in a world news radio show - Women protested outside of the CDC to change the definition of AIDS as the now outdated one excluded many women from technically being able to receive aid such as social security.
Judy Gerber's Report on El Salvador Judy Gerber's Report on El Salvador
Date: 3/29/1992Call Number: JG/ 112Format: Cass A & BProducers: Judy GerberProgram: slide show presentationCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
Audio recording of a slide show presentation. Gerber describes the country two months after the Feb. 1st cease-fire, particularly in terms of women's conditions and rights. Issues of health care, land ownership, sexual and domestic abuse, single female heads of households, illiteracy, and women-as-property are addressed amid discussion of El Salvador's path to reconstruction.
Operation Rescue Operation Rescue
Date: 1/1/1992Call Number: JG/ 113Format: Cass A & BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
This radio show discusses Operation Rescue and other antiabortion movements that utilize sometimes violent intimidation and harassment of abortion clinic workers and women coming into the clinics. It analyzes the shifting the argument focus from preserving the rights and well being of the woman to a moral issue of murdering a fetus. Includes interviews with religious activists who previously had abortions and concludes that the movement is really a way for white males to regain control over women.
El Salvador and La Intersectorial El Salvador and La Intersectorial
Call Number: JG/ 122Format: Cass A & BProducers: Judy GerberCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
An interview with members of El Intersectorial, a coalition of 13 social justice organizations including farmers, students, professors and women in El Salvador working towards peace through intersectional organizing.
A Defiant Heart: International Women's Day 1996 A Defiant Heart: International Women's Day 1996
Date: 3/1/1996Call Number: JG/ 157AFormat: Cass AProducers: Judy GerberProgram: A Defiant HeartCollection: Programs produced by Judy Gerber and Laurie Simms
A Defiant Heart’s International Women’s Day Show (March 1, 1996). Judy Gerber and Judy Siff read poetry dedicated to Mumia Abu Jamal and Assata Shakur written by various political prisoners including Kathy Boudin, Laura Whitehorn, Marylin Buck, and Tim Blunk.
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1988Volume Number: Vol. 12-1 SummerFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Editorial: The Uprising p. 1 - What Happens to a Dream Deferred? Felix Shafer P. 3 - No Justice, No Peace: the Black Liberation Movement 1968-1988 Interview with Chokwe Lumumba, Chairman, New Afrikan People's Organization p. 8 -Interiew with Kwame Ture, All-African People's Revolutionary Party p. 9 - Free the Sharpeville Six p. 17 - Lesbian Mothers: Rozzie and Harriet Raise a Family, Judy Gerber with Leslie Mullen p. 26 - Revising the 60s, review of Todd Gitlin's The Sixties: Years of Hope, Days of Rag, Robert Roth and Nancy Kurshan p. 33 - Behind the U.S. Economic Decline, Julio Rosado, Movimiento de Liberacin Nacional Puertorriqueno p. 38 - Can't Kill the Spirit: Political Prisoners and POWs Update p. 46 - Write Through the Walls p. 50
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1992Volume Number: Vol. 16-2 FallFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Editorial: Who Decides? Sally Thomas p. 1 - 500 Years: Recovering the Past, Revisioning the Future, Editors, p. 2 - To Regain Our Sovereignty, interview with Leonard Peltier p. 2 - Unraveling the Myths, Jose Lopez p. 8 - Sister Activist: Liberating the Church, Sister Mary Kay Hunyady p. 13 - From Columbus to Rodney King: the Los Angeles Rebellion and Beyond Akinyele Umoja p. 19 - Through Artists\' Eyes p. 24 - Fear of the Shivers of Freedom, Ingrid Strobl p. 30 - La Patria es Una!, Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional Mexicano p. 35 - Back to Backlash, Margaret Power and Melinda Power p. 38 - Can\'t Jail the Spirit:Uprising at Lexington Federal Women\'s Prison, Laura Whitehorn p. 41; Dhoruba Bin Wahad Threatened with Reimprisonment p. 42 -From Death Row: this is Mumia Abu-Jamal p. 43 - Write Through the Walls p. 48