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Search Results

Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1990Volume Number: Vol. 14-2 FallFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
AIDS: Action = Life; Native Americans: This Land is Their Land; Central American Symposium: Where Do We Go From Here?; Report from the West Bank: With Stones and Honor: Palestinian Women in the Intifada; Interview with Boris Kagarlistky: An Extremely Socialist Way of Being Capitalist The Soviet New Left Critiques Perestroika; Interview with Sergo Mikoyan: Latin America: a Soviet View; Deutsch Marks or Karl Marx? The West German Left faces Reunification; Alan Berkman: Fighting for his Life; Write Through the Walls
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1986Volume Number: Vol. 10-1 Spring-SummerFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Editorial: Azania: a Constant State of Emergency p. 1 - When Democracy Turns to Torture: Human Rights Violations Against POWS and Political Prisoners in the US p. 3 - personal testimonies: Sekou Odinga p. 7 - Alejandrina Torres p. 9 - Standing Deer p. 11 - Alan Berkman p. 12 - Carol Manning p. 13 -Statement from Ramsey Clark and William Kunstler p. 14 - El Salvador Vencera! Statements from the FMLN p. 15 - After Marcos, interview with the National Democratic Front of the Philippines p. 22 - Puerto Rico: Los Yanquis Quieren Fuego: Statement from the Hartford 13 p. 31 - The Lessons of August 30, Julio Rosado, Eastern Regional Coordinator, Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional, MLN-PR p. 32 - Free Mutulu Shakur, New Afrikan People's Organization p. 34 - Write to the Prisoners p. 35
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1984Volume Number: Vol. 8-1 SummerFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Editorial: Resist the Warmakers! P. 1 - Before the Scales, Tomorrow, poem, Otto Rene Castillo p. 11 - "Candlelight in the Streets, Darkness at Home," Comite de Defensa Popular, Mexico p. 12 - International Womens Day 1984, Women Confront the War Machine p. 18 - Olympics 1984: Counter-insurgency Goes for the Gold p. 20 - From the Clandestine Movement: Red Guerrilla Resistance Bombs Washington Navy Yard p. 27 - United Freedom Front Bombs IBM in New York p. 29 - Write to the Prisoners p. 32 - Correspondence: letter from Germany on repression of political prisoners p. 33 - Don't Talk to the FBI p. 36 - Political Internment USA (inside back cover) -
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1992Volume Number: Vol. 16-2 FallFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Editorial: Who Decides? Sally Thomas p. 1 - 500 Years: Recovering the Past, Revisioning the Future, Editors, p. 2 - To Regain Our Sovereignty, interview with Leonard Peltier p. 2 - Unraveling the Myths, Jose Lopez p. 8 - Sister Activist: Liberating the Church, Sister Mary Kay Hunyady p. 13 - From Columbus to Rodney King: the Los Angeles Rebellion and Beyond Akinyele Umoja p. 19 - Through Artists\' Eyes p. 24 - Fear of the Shivers of Freedom, Ingrid Strobl p. 30 - La Patria es Una!, Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional Mexicano p. 35 - Back to Backlash, Margaret Power and Melinda Power p. 38 - Can\'t Jail the Spirit:Uprising at Lexington Federal Women\'s Prison, Laura Whitehorn p. 41; Dhoruba Bin Wahad Threatened with Reimprisonment p. 42 -From Death Row: this is Mumia Abu-Jamal p. 43 - Write Through the Walls p. 48
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1989Volume Number: Vol. 13-1 SpringFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Editorrial: El Salvador p. 1 - Editorial - Political Prisoners in the US: Breaking the Silence p. 3 - Post-feminist Mystique by Judith Mirkinson p. 5 - We're PISD, We're Gonna Seize Control, Ferd Eggan PISD Caucus of ACT NOW p. 10 - Battlezone L.A, Makungu Akinyele, New Afrikan People's Organization p. 15 - Namibia and Angola: Free at Last? Felix Shafer p. 19 - Women of the Philippine Revolution, interview with Makibaka p. 22 - Mexico: Cardenas, the Left and the PRI, interview with Gabino Gomez, Comite de Defensa Popular p. 33 - Occupied Mexico: Land Struggle in Tierra Amarilla p. 37 - Write Through the Walls p. 43
Breakthrough Breakthrough
Publisher: Prarie Fire Organizing CommitteeYear: 1990Volume Number: Vol. 14-1 WinterFormat: PeriodicalCollection: Breakthrough
Panama: Drugs, Propaganda & Interventions p. 1 - Crisis in Socialism: the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie p. 3 - New Faces of Racism, Felix Shafer p. 5 - Fighting AIDS is More Than a Fashion Statement, Arawn Eibhlyn p. 10 - More Dyketactics for Difficult Times, Sally Thomas p. 18 - Puerto Rico: Plebiscite or Farce? Jose Lopez, Movimiento de Liberacion Nacional Puertorriquena p. 22 - El Salvador Offensive: "Our Expectations Were Surpassed" interview with Luis Flores, U.S. Representative of the FMLN p. 28 - Spike Did the Right Thing, Kamal Hassan, New Afrikan People's Organization p. 32 - Sex, Truth and Herstory: A History of Their Own by Bonnie S. Anderson and Judith P. Zissenr, reviewed by Judith Mirkinson p. 35 - Can't Kill the Spirit: Victory in Ohio 7 Trial p. 41 - Write Through the Walls p. 43