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Search Results

Dr. Ivan Van Sertima on historical achievements and contributions made by Africans to the world Dr. Ivan Van Sertima on historical achievements and contributions made by Africans to the world
Call Number: AFR 039Format: Cass A & BProgram: WBAI African Liberation Day Special ProgramCollection: Africa- General Resources
An event celebrating the historical enlightenment and civilization of Africans throughout history. Dr. Ivan Van Sertima speaks on the extraordinary achievements of the Egyptians and the natives of Africa. He mentions that Africans still have cultural and ethnic heritage, and all Africans can’t simply be defined by the features of one small tribe because it perpetuates the myth of inferiority and irrelevance. He talks about African contributions to the world.
Science and technology chievements of Africans throughout history Science and technology chievements of Africans throughout history
Call Number: AFR 046Format: Cass A & BProgram: African Presence in World CulturesCollection: Africa- General Resources
Ivan Van Sertima of Legacies, Inc. lectures on the sciences of Africa, particularly Egypt, and the influence of African sciences on Europeans. He studies the African American contributions to science and the world. Issac Gillam, black director of NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), calls people to change their conscience, but also realizes that one cannot do that without examining the past. He also speaks of the achievements of black people throughout history in science and technology. He explains the advancements of the Africans long before the Europeans, and asks why scientist turn to Europe for answers and discount the Africans as primitive.
Afrocentricity Afrocentricity
Call Number: AFR 055AFormat: Cass ACollection: Africa- General Resources
A panel of speakers discuss Afrocentricity. One speaker talks about the horrible colonization and supposed Christianization of Africa by the Romans. Another speaker, Professor Barnouw, answers questions about Africa and barbarism, as well as the Egyptian influence in Africa, such as the belief in black and white gods. Following his talk, there is live African drumming and music. Following the music, Elombe Brath speaks about the African music and other different styles of African music.
Colonialism’s influence on African religion Colonialism’s influence on African religion
Call Number: AFR 065Format: Cass A & BCollection: Africa- General Resources
Recorded off mic. Begins abruptly with a speech by a man about old African religions and folk tales. He speaks about traditional African religions, animism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. “Where the African went wrong in the history of the world was when he adopted foreign gods or foreign interpretation of his gods”. One of the ways Africa was oppressed and colonized was through religious colonization. He talks about how elements of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam can be found in Africa’s own religions, but says that African religions should not be interpreted by outsiders. He describes the history of foreign influence on African religion and slave trade. Next, a woman speaks about Baptists, her own faith, and she speaks about literature originating out of Egypt. Lastly, continuing to Side B, another man speaks about Mozambique.
Planning for Egypt's Future Planning for Egypt's Future
Call Number: CE 375Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Interviews with Egyptian Minister of Agriculture and Undersecretary of State for National Planning.
Jews in Ancient Egypt Jews in Ancient Egypt
Call Number: CE 413Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
Brief discussion of Jews in ancient Egypt.
CBS News Broadcast - Conflict in the Middle East CBS News Broadcast - Conflict in the Middle East
Call Number: KP 514Format: 1/4 7 1/2 ipsCollection: General materials
Recording of a general news broadcast containing information on the conflict between Israeli and Palestinian armies (including accounts of the Liberty Ship bombing, and the condition of Palestinian lands). Additionally, information on the Egyptian military's role in the conflict and brief updates on Syrian defense.
Interview with Doris Kwong Levinson Interview with Doris Kwong Levinson
Call Number: CE 662Format: 1/4 1 7/8 ipsProducers: Colin EdwardsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
North American woman discusses her experiences in Egypt and Tunisia, especially her impressions about the situation of women.
News Reports from June 9 or 10th 1967 News Reports from June 9 or 10th 1967
Call Number: CE 617Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
The reel begins in the Middle East with reports about the Israeli strike against the USS Liberty focusing on the attack, US casualties, the Israeli and US position on the attack. Reports from the Six Days War continue including Egypt’s military losses, Jordan’s casualties, and reports that Israel used napalm on field hospitals in Jordan. Reports from the city of Bethlehem which has been captured by the Israeli army. Reports shift to the United States where Texas Rangers violently suppress a UFW strike in Texas. Reports move back to the Middle East where Egypt’s President Gamal Abdel Nasser resigns but retains his position amongst popular support. Report on prostitution in San Francisco and other local stories. Brief report from Vietnam, more from the Middle Easts.
UN Security Council: USSR asks to convene Security Council UN Security Council: USSR asks to convene Security Council
Call Number: CE 620Format: 1/4 3 3/4 ipsCollection: Colin Edwards Collection
USSR asks UN to convene the Security Council to discuss the withdrawal of Israeli troops from UAE, Jordan and Syria. USSR claims US imperialism feeds and militarily supports Israeli aggression and USSR will aid Arab states if Israel doesn’t withdrawal. CBS news clips on issues inserted. American delegate Alfred Goldberg will not support USSR resolution. Events take place between June 7 and 9, 1967.